I am embarking on the daunting journey of learning to program on my own two feet and have created a turn-based battle simulator (think Pokémon). The idea came from here.
It's very crude and could probably use a lot of refinement, so I'm willing to listen to any criticism and advice on improvements.
# Turn Based Battle Simulator
# Player and computer take turns to attack each other with different moves
# until one is defeated.
import random
def main():
"""Main function that will welcome the player to the game."""
print("\tWelcome to Battle Sim! This is a turn based combat simulator where")
print("\tthere can only be one winner.")
print("\nHow to play.\n\nPlayers take turn to choose a move. Moves can either deal moderate damage")
print("with a low range, deal high damage but over a wide")
print("range, or they can heal. (Note: Moves can miss, including Heal!)")
print("\nEach player starts with 100 health, and the first")
print("player to reduce their opponent to 0 is the winner.")
print("\nThat's it! Good luck")
play_again = True
# Set up the play again loop
while play_again:
winner = None
player_health = 100
computer_health = 100
# determine whose turn it is
turn = random.randint(1,2) # heads or tails
if turn == 1:
player_turn = True
computer_turn = False
print("\nPlayer will go first.")
player_turn = False
computer_turn = True
print("\nComputer will go first.")
print("\nPlayer health: ", player_health, "Computer health: ", computer_health)
# set up the main game loop
while (player_health != 0 or computer_health != 0):
heal_up = False # determine if heal has been used by the player. Resets false each loop.
miss = False # determine if the chosen move will miss.
# create a dictionary of the possible moves and randomly select the damage it does when selected
moves = {"Punch": random.randint(18, 25),
"Mega Punch": random.randint(10, 35),
"Heal": random.randint(20, 25)}
if player_turn:
print("\nPlease select a move:\n1. Punch (Deal damage between 18-25)\n2. Mega Punch (Deal damage between 10-35)\n3. Heal (Restore between 20-25 health)\n")
player_move = input("> ").lower()
move_miss = random.randint(1,5) # 20% of missing
if move_miss == 1:
miss = True
miss = False
if miss:
player_move = 0 # player misses and deals no damage
print("You missed!")
if player_move in ("1", "punch"):
player_move = moves["Punch"]
print("\nYou used Punch. It dealt ", player_move, " damage.")
elif player_move in ("2", "mega punch"):
player_move = moves["Mega Punch"]
print("\nYou used Mega Punch. It dealt ", player_move, " damage.")
elif player_move in ("3", "heal"):
heal_up = True # heal activated
player_move = moves["Heal"]
print("\nYou used Heal. It healed for ", player_move, " health.")
print("\nThat is not a valid move. Please try again.")
else: # computer turn
move_miss = random.randint(1,5)
if move_miss == 1:
miss = True
miss = False
if miss:
computer_move = 0 # the computer misses and deals no damage
print("The computer missed!")
if computer_health > 30:
if player_health > 75:
computer_move = moves["Punch"]
print("\nThe computer used Punch. It dealt ", computer_move, " damage.")
elif player_health > 35 and player_health <= 75: # computer decides whether to go big or play it safe
imoves = ["Punch", "Mega Punch"]
imoves = random.choice(imoves)
computer_move = moves[imoves]
print("\nThe computer used ", imoves, ". It dealt ", computer_move, " damage.")
elif player_health <= 35:
computer_move = moves["Mega Punch"] # FINISH HIM!
print("\nThe computer used Mega Punch. It dealt ", computer_move, " damage.")
else: # if the computer has less than 30 health, there is a 50% chance they will heal
heal_or_fight = random.randint(1,2)
if heal_or_fight == 1:
heal_up = True
computer_move = moves["Heal"]
print("\nThe computer used Heal. It healed for ", computer_move, " health.")
if player_health > 75:
computer_move = moves["Punch"]
print("\nThe computer used Punch. It dealt ", computer_move, " damage.")
elif player_health > 35 and player_health <= 75:
imoves = ["Punch", "Mega Punch"]
imoves = random.choice(imoves)
computer_move = moves[imoves]
print("\nThe computer used ", imoves, ". It dealt ", computer_move, " damage.")
elif player_health <= 35:
computer_move = moves["Mega Punch"] # FINISH HIM!
print("\nThe computer used Mega Punch. It dealt ", computer_move, " damage.")
if heal_up:
if player_turn:
player_health += player_move
if player_health > 100:
player_health = 100 # cap max health at 100. No over healing!
computer_health += computer_move
if computer_health > 100:
computer_health = 100
if player_turn:
computer_health -= player_move
if computer_health < 0:
computer_health = 0 # cap minimum health at 0
winner = "Player"
player_health -= computer_move
if player_health < 0:
player_health = 0
winner = "Computer"
print("\nPlayer health: ", player_health, "Computer health: ", computer_health)
# switch turns
player_turn = not player_turn
computer_turn = not computer_turn
# once main game while loop breaks, determine winner and congratulate
if winner == "Player":
print("\nPlayer health: ", player_health, "Computer health: ", computer_health)
print("\nCongratulations! You have won. You're an animal!!")
print("\nPlayer health: ", player_health, "Computer health: ", computer_health)
print("\nSorry, but your opponent wiped the floor with you. Better luck next time.")
print("\nWould you like to play again?")
answer = input("> ").lower()
if answer not in ("yes", "y"):
play_again = False