I am new in JS, I am writing some extra filters on the Interface. So extra filter needs to add or update the parameter in the URL.
Option 1. No parameter in existing URL:
url = https://custom.net/
We want to add new parameter in the URL where key issector
and value is IndependentConsultingDoctors
Output will be: https://custom.net/?sector=IndependentConsultingDoctors
Option 2. Update value in parameter of existing URL
URL = https://custom.net/?filter=title§or=1234&sortby=1&page=1
We want to update parameter in the URL where key issector
and value is IndependentConsultingDoctors
Output will be: URL = https://custom.net/?filter=title&sortby=1&page=1§or=IndependentConsultingDoctors
Option 3. Delete and add parameter:
URL = https://custom.net/?filter=title&reportype=1234&sortby=1&page=1
We want to add new parameter in the URL where key issector
and value is IndependentConsultingDoctors
and delete reportype
and inspectiontype
Output will be: URL = https://custom.net/?filter=title&sortby=1&page=1§or=IndependentConsultingDoctors
The following is my code:
//var pathname = window.location.href;
var pathname = "https://abc.com/?filter_by=title&filter_condition=§or=1234&reportype=3455&sortby=1&page=1&itemperpage=10&input_list=¤t_selected_option=2&masterfilter=%26itemperpage%3D10%26filter_by%3DAll%26filter_condition%3D%26sortby%3D1%26from_date%3D%26to_date%3D&from_date=&to_date="
// Key and Value which need to add in paramaetrs
var key = "sector"
var value = "Acutes";
// Delete key from the parameters
var delete_key = ["reportype", "inspectiontype"];
// Split URL BASE and Get Parameters
split_href = pathname.split("?");
//No parameter present
if (split_href.length==1) {
window.location.href = split_href[0]+'?'+key+'='+value;
// Create dictionary of parameter
var para_dict = {};
var para_list = split_href[1].split("&");
for (ii in para_list){
var tmp = para_list[ii].split("=");
para_dict[tmp[0]] = tmp[1];
// Add target kay and Value
para_dict[key] = value;
// Delete key from the dinctionary
for (ii in delete_key){
delete para_dict[delete_key[ii]];
//Create New Parameter string
var new_para = "?";
for (ii in para_dict){
new_para = new_para+ii+"="+para_dict[ii]+"&";
Can you review my code and give me a more optimized solution?