This is a Python 3 solution to the problem stated in Sales Tax Problem, rejected for not being up to their standards. It also seems like the same thing as the problem stated in Sales tax calculator, rejected for being not OOP. I'm not bothering with the requirement to round sales tax to the nearest 5 cents, and I'm taking the liberty of assuming the data is text-based and tabular.
I took a Python class in college, but I have no experience writing code in Python. I'm a statistician and data analyst, and my main programming language is R. That is, I won't be interviewing for a software engineering job any time soon (or hopefully ever), but I would like to write code that is robust to user abuse/sloppiness/error, is readable and makes it easy for collaborators to work on, and is extensible in case features need to be added.
One of my big concerns is testing and data validation. I have no experience writing unit tests, and I didn't write any for this project. However catching errors is of paramount importance in the work I do, so I would like to ensure that I'm doing it right.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
from decimal import *
import sys
class ReceiptItem:
def __init__(self, attributes): = attributes[0]
assert isinstance(, str)
self.imported = attributes[1]
assert isinstance(self.imported, bool)
self.taxable = attributes[2]
assert isinstance(self.taxable, bool)
self.price = attributes[3]
assert isinstance(self.price, Decimal)
self.tax_rate = 0
if self.imported:
self.tax_rate = 5
if self.taxable:
self.tax_rate = 10 = self.tax_rate * self.price / 100
self.price_with_tax = self.price +
class Receipt:
def __init__(self, items):
for item in items:
assert isinstance(item, ReceiptItem)
self.items = items
self.subtotal = sum([item.price for item in self.items]) = sum([item.price_with_tax for item in self.items]) = - self.subtotal
assert == sum([ for item in self.items])
def prettify(self):
result = "\n".join(["%s: %0.2f" % (, item.price_with_tax) for item in self.items])
result = "\n".join([result, "",
"Subtotal: %0.2f" % self.subtotal,
"Tax: %0.2f" %,
"Total: %0.2f" %])
return result
def validate_receipt(item_list):
for i in range(0, len(item_list)):
item = item_list[i]
if len(item) != 4:
raise ValueError("Record %i does not have four fields" % i)
for j in (1, 2):
item[j] = int(item[j])
if item[j] not in [0, 1]:
raise ValueError("Field %i is not 0 or 1" % j)
item[j] = bool(item[j])
j = 3
item[j] = Decimal(item[j])
except InvalidOperation:
raise ValueError("Could not convert string to Decimal: %s" % item[j])
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError("Field {0} in record {1} is invalid: {2}".format(j, i, err)) from err
item_list[i] = ReceiptItem(item) # why can't I do item = ReceiptItem(item) and then have the change propagate to item_list[i]? did I make a copy somehow?
return Receipt(item_list)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Calculate sales tax.")
parser.add_argument("file", type=argparse.FileType("r"), nargs="?", metavar="file", help="A data file. If none provided, reads from stdin instead. Should have four columns: name (string), imported (1 or 0), taxable if not imported (1 or 0, ignored if imported=1), price (nonnegative float, will be rounded to 2 digits). Leading and trailing whitespace will be stripped. Blank lines are silently skipped.")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--separator", default=",", dest="sep", metavar="sep", help="Field separator. Default is a comma.")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.file:
receipt =
receipt =
receipt = [item.split(args.sep) for item in receipt if len(item) > 0]
receipt = validate_receipt(receipt)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Test to make sure it works:
Save the code as, then:
tail -n +2 <<EOF | python3 name,imported,taxable,price Coors,0,1,3.99 Poland Spring,0,0,1.99 Orangina,1,0,2.49 EOF