I've included my review comments in the revised code below as program comments,
unmistakable because there weren't any comments in the OP.
Hmm. That's not a good sign. Though, I can't say that I've helped that much. Backward-looking reviewer comments make a poor substitute for useful forward-looking developer comments.
public class LcmAlgorithm {
/* Making "main" the only public member clearly limits this as a
stand-alone "toy", and that's OK -- it is what it is.
Yet, you might want to get in the habit of deciding up front which
functions are purposely permanently private and which you'd
consider exposing as public in a "real world" implementation.
This makes your intent clearer to a reviewer (or your future self).
On the other hand, arguably, you should only expose something as public
when/if you have to
(because you have an actual external caller -- at least a unit test).
With that in mind, a good short-term compromise might be to comment
your intent on the private declaration with e.g. '// candidate for public'.
public static void main(String[] args) {
long[] input = { 28, 50, 14 };
// Use the Object, Luke.
LcmAlgorithm lcmAlgorithm = new LcmAlgorithm(input);
// Was named "inputs" but its role is more important than its origin.
// Note: some people prefer plurals for collection names.
// Whatever you choose, be consistent
// -- not "input" here and "inputs" there.
private final long[] increment;
// Was "compute" -- don't verb your data names
// ("sum" sits on the verb/noun fence).
private long[] sum;
private LcmAlgorithm(long[] input) { // candidate for public
assert input.length > 0;
// Initializing 'increment' here
// (vs. with an argument to lcm) allows declaration as final
increment = input.clone();
// Initializing both 'increment' and initial 'sum' here
// saves re-computes if lcm is called more than once.
sum = input.clone();
// The name LcmAlgorithm.lcm seems a little redundant
// -- some alternatives are "compute", stressing the action
// (perhaps too much?) or "result".
// "result" may be especially apropos since if you call the
// function a second time on the same object, you get the
// result again with very little computation.
private long lcm() { // candidate for public
while (!allSumsEqual()) {
int minIx = minSumIndex();
sum[minIx] += increment[minIx];
return sum[0];
// The next two methods have been slightly simplified, including
// being made instance methods to get implicit
// access to the array member, and better leveraging
// the asserted first element.
private boolean allSumsEqual() {
final long firstSum = sum[0];
for (int i = 1; i < sum.length; i++) {
if (firstSum != sum[i])
return false;
return true;
private int minSumIndex() {
long min = sum[0];
int minIx = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < sum.length; i++) {
if (sum[i] < min) {
min = sum[i];
minIx = i;
return minIx;