
I have written the following code for my personal website, in Jade and Stylus. Can anyone review this code? Are there any tips that you can give me on how to make it better?



doctype html
    title Darcey Mckelvey
    link(rel="stylesheet" href="/css/main.css")
            a(href="#about") About
            a(href="#skills") Skills
            a(href="#projects") Projects
          h1 Darcey Mckelvey
        h1 About Me
        p Hello, I'm a Designer, Front-end Developer and of course a Tea Enthusiast. It is my mission to program simple and elegant, responsive websites while under the influence of tea.
      h1 My Skills
            li HTML5/CSS3
            li Javascript/jQuery
            li Nodejs/Express
            li Jade
            li Stylus
            li Responsive Design
            li Concept Sketches
            li UI
            li Mobile Ready
            li Crose Browser
            li QBASIC
            li Git
            li Terminal
            li Linux(Ubuntu)
            li Atom
            li Sublime Text
      h1 My Projects / Work
        h2 Darcey Mckelvey(Current):
          p The site you are on at this very moment has been programmed and designed by me.
          p It's hosted on a Digital Ocean. Site is programmed in NodeJS, HTML templated in Jade, and CSS preprocessed in Stylus.
      p &copy Copyright 2015



    box-sizing border-box

    font-size 16px
    font-family sans-serif

        background #f7f7f7
        height 50vh
        border-bottom 1px solid #333

    display flex
    align-items center
    justify-content flex-end
    padding 1em
    background rgba(0,0,0,0.5)
    border-bottom 1.5px solid #333
    position fixed
    top 0
    left 0
    width 100%
    z-index 5

        list-style none
        display inline
        padding 1em

            text-decoration none
            color #111
            transition 1s
            padding-right 1em

            color #333

    content " "
    height 3.0625em

    height calc(50vh - 3.0625em)
    display flex
    align-items center
    justify-content center
    flex-direction column

        font-size 2em
        font-weight 400

    height 50vh
    background #e1e1e1
    display flex
    align-items center
    justify-content center
    flex-direction column
    border-bottom 1px solid #333

        font-size 1.5em
        font-weight 300

        font-size 1em
        font-weight 100
        max-width 50em
        text-align center
        margin-top 1em
        line-height 150%

    height 100vh
    display flex
    align-items center
    justify-content center
    flex-direction column

#skills h1
    font-size 2em
    padding 1em
    font-weight 100
    display flex
    align-items center
    justify-content center

    display flex
    align-items baseline
    justify-content center
    font-weight 300
    font-size 1.20em

    margin 1em

        list-style square
        width 10em

    min-height 100vh
    padding-top 5em
    background #e1e1e1

        text-align center
        font-size 2em
        padding 1em
        font-weight 100

        height calc(1280px/6)
        width calc(720px/2)
        margin 1em

    display flex
    align-items center
    justify-content center
    flex-direction column

        font-weight 100
        text-align left
        width 100%
        padding-left 25vw

    max-width 45em

        line-height 150%
        font-weight 100
        margin-bottom .5em

    height 25vh
    background #111
    display flex
    align-items center
    justify-content center
    color #f7f7f7

        font-size .75em

        width 50%

  • 4
    \$\begingroup\$ Is it really necessary to post Jade/Stylus when you're not actually using any features of either languages? Couldn't you have just posted the compiled HTML/CSS? To use the html/css tags seems a bit misleading, especially since I have to find a way to compile these things myself before I can suggest improvements. \$\endgroup\$
    – cimmanon
    Commented May 9, 2015 at 19:31
  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ I think that it's definitely necessary to post the code in the format it is being authored. How could you get a code review of your stylus if we couldn't see it... \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jun 16, 2017 at 15:52

1 Answer 1


It's weird that I love stylus but can't stand to look at Jade/Pug... I think it's harder to reason about - and stuffing Handlebar expression into standard HTML is so much more accessible to a range of developers.

First suggestion: don't use PUG unless you have teeny-tiny templates/components (you can take this and throw it into http://html2jade.org/).

Codepen example


give these sections a shared class - 
so you can style them all with base rules
- in this case: .container
<header class='container site-header'>
<div class='inner-w'>

    <nav class='site-navigation'>
        <ul class='item-list'> <!-- what is in an "item"-list? ..."items" -->
            <li class='item'>
                <a href='#about'>
                    <span>About</span><!-- you may need this span for finer styles -->
            <!-- etc. you can copy the li / but in many templating situations, you would iterate over some data and just have the one template-->
    <div class="space"></div> you can style space without adding elements

    <h1 class='site-title'>Site title: person name etc.</h1>


<section class='container about' id='about'>
<div class='inner-w'>

    <h1 class='section-title'>About</h1>

    <p>About info</p>


<section class='container skills' id='skills'>
<div class='inner-w'>

    <h1 class='section-title'>Skills</h1>

    <ul class='type-list'>
        <li class='type'>
            <h2 class='name'>Skillset name</h2>

            <ol class='skill-list'> <!-- these might be 'ordered' -->
                <li class='skill'>Skill one</li>
                <li class='skill'>Skill two</li>
                <li class='skill'>Skill three</li>
        <li class='type'>
            <h2 class='name'>Skillset name</h2>

            <ul class='skill-list'>
                <li class='skill'>Skill one</li>
                <li class='skill'>Skill two</li>
                <li class='skill'>Skill three</li>
        <!-- more types etc. -->


<section class='container projects' id='projects'>
<div class='inner-w'>

    <h1 class='section-title'>Projects</h1>

    <ul class='project-list'>
        <li class='project'>
            <h2 class='title'>Project title</h2>

            <figure class='poster'>
                <img src='https://placehold.it/1600x900' alt='Project poster' />

        <!-- more projects etc. -->


<footer class='container site-footer'>
<div class='inner-w'>

    <p class='legal'>Legal stuff</p>



// $variables
// $color
$black = #000
$white = #fff
$color = lightgreen
$highlight = lightblue

// $space
$pad = 10px // global spacing unit / whatever works for you size wise
$thin = 1px // for borders... thick etc

// $breakpoints
$break-point-1 = '(min-width: 500px)' // arbitrary
$break-point-2 = '(min-width: 900px)'

// $type - well crafted type patterns are easy to drop into mini-themes
    font-size: 12px
    line-height: 1.3
    font-weight: normal
    font-family: 'helvetica'

    font-size: 16px
    line-height: 1.3
    font-weight: normal
    font-family: 'helvetica'

    font-size: 19px
    line-height: 1.3
    font-weight: normal
    font-family: 'helvetica'
    @media $break-point-1
        font-size: 20px

    font-size: 22px
    line-height: 1.3
    font-weight: bold
    font-family: 'helvetica'
    @media $break-point-1
        font-size: 24px
    @media $break-point-2
        font-size: 26px

// https://www.paulirish.com/2012/box-sizing-border-box-ftw/
/* apply a natural box layout model to all elements, but allowing components to change */
  box-sizing: border-box
*, *:before, *:after
  box-sizing: inherit
// NOTE: full 'reset' applied in the settings cog above...

// $user reset
a // reset links
    text-decoration: none
    color: inherit

    margin: 0 // use 'max-width' on image parents to control size
    img // let images inside figures respond to their parent size
        display: block
        width: 100%
        height: auto

ul, ol // strip lists of default (already done in reset I think)
    list-style: none
    margin: 0
    padding: 0

// $structure
    // border: 1px solid red
        // border: 1px solid blue
        max-width: 690px // whatever's clever
        margin: 0 auto // center it
        padding: $pad

// $decorations
    color: $black

.site-header // takes on the .container rules... specific ones here
    background: $color

        padding-top: $pad*5
        padding-bottom: $pad*3
        margin-top: $pad*2

.skills // you can think of each section as a mini website
    background: $highlight
        padding-top: $pad*3
        padding-bottom: $pad*4
        margin-top: $pad*2
        @media $break-point-1
            display: flex
            flex-direction: row
                padding-right: $pad*3
            margin-top: $pad*2
            opacity: .5
            // next as least deeply as is reasonable... there is only one skill-list in skills... so you don't need to nest it under .type-list, for example
        margin-top: $pad
                content: '- ' // cheap list styles...

    background: $color
        padding: $pad*5 $pad $pad*8
        margin-top: $pad*2
                max-width: 600px // for example
                padding: $pad 0

    background: $black
    color: $white
  • \$\begingroup\$ Why do you say "don't use PUG unless you have teeny-tiny templates/components"? \$\endgroup\$
    – Sean
    Commented Mar 5, 2022 at 19:17
  • \$\begingroup\$ I'm not sure why I said that. Probably because it's hard to read. However - when broken up into components, it's not so bad. I company worked for recently rebuilt their website with pub templates. I asked them why. They just said "because?" - and yeah. They introduced a whole build step - for really no reason. It depends what you are doing. I find that most front-end stuff that's actually complex is more difficult to write with pug. That's just me - from 5 years ago! : ) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 5, 2022 at 19:34

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