I made a simple set of functions that returns a greeting based on the current time, the user's timezone offset, and the user's level. For context I wrote this as a part of a larger chat bot application. I am not sure if there is a better way to handle the if
blocks in both functions.
Please let me know of places of improvement.
"""A module for creating greeting strings based on a user's timezone
offset and user's level."""
import time
def get_part_of_day(user_tz_offset, time_now):
"""Return part of day depending on time_now and the user's timzone
offset value.
user_tz_offset - integer of user's time zone offset in hours
time_now - UTC time in seconds
From - To => part of day
00:00 - 04:59 => midnight
05:00 - 06:59 => dawn
07:00 - 10:59 => morning
11:00 - 12:59 => noon
13:00 - 16:59 => afternoon
17:00 - 18:59 => dusk
19:00 - 20:59 => evening
21:00 - 23:59 => night
user_time = time_now + (user_tz_offset*60*60)
# gmtime[3] is tm_hour
user_hour = time.gmtime(user_time)[3]
if 0 <= user_hour < 5:
return 'midnight'
elif 5 <= user_hour < 7:
return 'dawn'
elif 7 <= user_hour < 11:
return 'morning'
elif 11 <= user_hour < 13:
return 'noon'
elif 13 <= user_hour < 17:
return 'afternoon'
elif 17 <= user_hour < 19:
return 'dusk'
elif 19 <= user_hour < 21:
return 'evening'
return 'night'
def choose_greeting(username, level, part_of_day):
"""Return greeting string based on user's level and part of day.
username - username string
level - integer of user's level
part_of_day - string from function `get_part_of_day`
greetings = {
'dawn': 'Good early morning',
'morning': 'Good morning',
'afternoon': 'Good afternoon',
'dusk': 'Good afternoon',
'evening': 'Good evening',
# Use generic 'Hi' when specific greeting is not implemented
greeting = greetings.get(part_of_day, 'Hi')
if level == 0:
comma = ','
full_stop = '.'
elif level == 1:
comma = ','
full_stop = '!'
comma = ''
full_stop = '!!'
return '%s%s %s%s' % (greeting, comma, username, full_stop)
I also wrote tests. This is my first unittest that I wrote. I'm not sure if I'm covering too little, too much, missed corner cases, etc. Am I doing these correctly?
import unittest
from greetings import get_part_of_day, choose_greeting
class TestGreeting(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_part_of_day_0offset_local_time0(self):
# 2015-04-01 0:00:00 midnight
test_time = 1427846400
user_tz_offset = 0
part_of_day = get_part_of_day(user_tz_offset, test_time)
self.assertEqual(part_of_day, 'midnight')
def test_part_of_day_0offset_local_time13(self):
# 2015-04-01 13:05:20
test_time= 1429967120
user_tz_offset = 0
part_of_day = get_part_of_day(user_tz_offset, test_time)
self.assertEqual(part_of_day, 'afternoon')
def test_part_of_day_minus9offset_local_time5(self):
# 2012-02-29 05:20:59 (-9)
# 2012-02-29 14:20:59 UTC
test_time = 1330525259
user_tz_offset = -9
part_of_day = get_part_of_day(user_tz_offset, test_time)
self.assertEqual(part_of_day, 'dawn')
def test_part_of_day_minus4offset_local_time22(self):
# 2030-03-09 22:00:59 (-4)
# 2030-03-10 02:00:59 UTC
test_time = 1899338459
user_tz_offset = -4
part_of_day = get_part_of_day(user_tz_offset, test_time)
self.assertEqual(part_of_day, 'night')
def test_part_of_day_11offset_local_time5(self):
# 2015-04-25 05:00:00 (+11)
# 2015-04-24 18:00:00 UTC
test_time = 1429898400
user_tz_offset = 11
part_of_day = get_part_of_day(user_tz_offset, test_time)
self.assertEqual(part_of_day, 'dawn')
def test_choose_greeting_testuser_0_dawn(self):
reply = 'Good early morning, TestUser.'
self.assertEqual(choose_greeting('TestUser', 0, 'dawn'), reply)
def test_choose_greeting_testuser_0_midnight(self):
reply = 'Hi, TestUser.'
self.assertEqual(choose_greeting('TestUser', 0, 'midnight'), reply)
def test_choose_greeting_testuser_0_evening(self):
reply = 'Good evening, TestUser123.'
self.assertEqual(choose_greeting('TestUser123', 0, 'evening'), reply)
def test_choose_greeting_testuser_1_afternoon(self):
reply = 'Good afternoon, Level1User!'
self.assertEqual(choose_greeting('Level1User', 1, 'afternoon'), reply)
def test_choose_greeting_testuser_2_dusk(self):
reply = 'Good afternoon Level2User!!'
self.assertEqual(choose_greeting('Level2User', 2, 'dusk'), reply)
def test_choose_greeting_testuser_2_morning(self):
reply = 'Good morning Level2User!!'
self.assertEqual(choose_greeting('Level2User', 2, 'morning'), reply)
def test_choose_greeting_testuser_0_noon(self):
reply = 'Hi, TestUser.'
self.assertEqual(choose_greeting('TestUser', 0, 'noon'), reply)
def test_choose_greeting_testuser_1_noon(self):
reply = 'Hi, TestUser!'
self.assertEqual(choose_greeting('TestUser', 1, 'noon'), reply)
def test_choose_greeting_testuser_2_noon(self):
reply = 'Hi Level2User!!' # no comma
self.assertEqual(choose_greeting('Level2User', 2, 'noon'), reply)
if __name__ == '__main__':
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 14 tests in 0.037s OK