Writing a new site, has anyone got any comments on the HTML here? Is it all semantically correct? Thanks! This will basically be the template, so I want to make sure it's pretty perfect.
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<p>Some paragraph goes here. It tells you about the picture. Cool! Have you thought about downloading Construct 2? Well you can download it with the link below. This column will expand vertically.</p>
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<p>This column will keep expanging and expanging. It pads stuff out to make other things look good imo.</p>
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<h2>Why Download?</h2>
<p>As well as other features, we also have some other features. Check out our <a href="#">other features</a>. Each of our other features is really cool and there to help everyone suceed.</p>
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<p>Our spotlight member this week is Pooh-Bah. He writes good stuff. Read it.</p>
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<p>Killer Bears is a scary ass game from JimmyJones. How many bears can you escape from?</p>
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Looks great in all browsers, but want to check it's valid markup and as perfect as it could be.