This is my attempt at writing a generic NSMapTable
with weak keys and strong values (after your feedback I'll be trying to write Strong-Key/Weak-Value and Weak-Key/Weak-Value variants to have the complete functionality of NSMapTable
with generics). To my knowledge it works correctly.
public class WeakKeyDictionary<K: AnyObject, V where K: Hashable> {
private var dict = Dictionary<HashableWeakBox<K>, V>()
public var block: (V)->() = { _ in }
public init() {}
public init(dictionary: Dictionary<K, V>) {
for (k, v) in dictionary {
setValue(v, forKey: k)
public subscript(key: K) -> V? {
get { return valueForKey(key) }
set { setValue(newValue, forKey: key) }
public func valueForKey(key: K) -> V? {
return dict[HashableWeakBox(key)]
public func setValue(newValue: V?, forKey key: K) {
let hashableBox = HashableWeakBox(key)
if let value = newValue {
let watcher = DeallocWatcher { [weak self] in
if let v = self?.dict[hashableBox] { self?.block(v) }
self?.dict[hashableBox] = nil
objc_setAssociatedObject(key, unsafeAddressOf(self), watcher, objc_AssociationPolicy(OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC))
dict[hashableBox] = value
else {
objc_setAssociatedObject(key, unsafeAddressOf(self), nil, 0)
dict[hashableBox] = nil
public func removeValueForKey(key: K) -> V? {
objc_setAssociatedObject(key, unsafeAddressOf(self), nil, 0)
return dict.removeValueForKey(HashableWeakBox(key))
public var count: Int { return dict.count }
public var isEmpty: Bool { return dict.isEmpty }
public var keyValues: [(K, V)] {
var list = [(K, V)]()
for (k, v) in dict { list.append((k.value!, v)) }
return list
public var keys: [K] {
var list = [K]()
for k in dict.keys { list.append(k.value!) }
return list
public var values: [V] {
return Array(dict.values)
deinit {
for box in dict.keys {
objc_setAssociatedObject(box.value, unsafeAddressOf(self), nil, 0)
private func == <T: Hashable>(l: T, r: T) -> Bool { return l.hashValue == r.hashValue }
private class HashableWeakBox<T: AnyObject where T: Hashable>: Hashable {
weak var value: T?
let hashValueWhenNil: Int
init(_ v: T) {
value = v
hashValueWhenNil = v.hashValue
var hashValue: Int { return value?.hashValue ?? hashValueWhenNil }
private class DeallocWatcher {
let callback: ()->()
init(_ c: ()->()) { callback = c }
deinit { callback() }
The trick needed in order to be notified when one of the keys disappears is to add a watcher object (DeallocWatcher
) as an associated object of the key (this only works on Swift 1.2, if I'm not mistaken). That way, whenever the key disappears, so does the watcher object, which in turn warns the dictionary class when deinit
The block
property should, if needed, be set by the code using the class, and provides a way to be notified whenever a key is removed from the dictionary.
I'd like to know if this is reliable and works correctly in all cases. I'd also like to have a better idea of under which conditions can this be used across multiple threads. Finally, I'd like feedback on how I can better follow Swift guidelines and implement common "Swift-isms".