I am making a small Blackjack game in Python 3. The part of the code I am unsure about is that which allows me to print nice ASCII
versions of the card. ascii_version_of_card()
and ascii_version_of_hidden_card()
What the program does:
I am not seeking advice on the implementation of the Card()
class. Only on ascii_version_of_card()
and ascii_version_of_hidden_card()
The basic idea of the code is that there are 9 lines of output, and we iterate over all of the card (input) and create the appropriate version of that line for that card. Then we add that line to a master line. In the end we have 9 master lines which are our output.
Since some of the ASCII art is rendered strangely in the browser here is a dpaste.
class Card(object):
card_values = {
'Ace': 11, # value of the ace is high until it needs to be low
'2': 2,
'3': 3,
'4': 4,
'5': 5,
'6': 6,
'7': 7,
'8': 8,
'9': 9,
'10': 10,
'Jack': 10,
'Queen': 10,
'King': 10
def __init__(self, suit, rank):
:param suit: The face of the card, e.g. Spade or Diamond
:param rank: The value of the card, e.g 3 or King
self.suit = suit.capitalize()
self.rank = rank
self.points = self.card_values[rank]
def ascii_version_of_card(*cards, return_string=True):
Instead of a boring text version of the card we render an ASCII image of the card.
:param cards: One or more card objects
:param return_string: By default we return the string version of the card, but the dealer hide the 1st card and we
keep it as a list so that the dealer can add a hidden card in front of the list
# we will use this to prints the appropriate icons for each card
suits_name = ['Spades', 'Diamonds', 'Hearts', 'Clubs']
suits_symbols = ['♠', '♦', '♥', '♣']
# create an empty list of list, each sublist is a line
lines = [[] for i in range(9)]
for index, card in enumerate(cards):
# "King" should be "K" and "10" should still be "10"
if card.rank == '10': # ten is the only one who's rank is 2 char long
rank = card.rank
space = '' # if we write "10" on the card that line will be 1 char to long
rank = card.rank[0] # some have a rank of 'King' this changes that to a simple 'K' ("King" doesn't fit)
space = ' ' # no "10", we use a blank space to will the void
# get the cards suit in two steps
suit = suits_name.index(card.suit)
suit = suits_symbols[suit]
# add the individual card on a line by line basis
lines[1].append('│{}{} │'.format(rank, space)) # use two {} one for char, one for space or char
lines[2].append('│ │')
lines[3].append('│ │')
lines[4].append('│ {} │'.format(suit))
lines[5].append('│ │')
lines[6].append('│ │')
lines[7].append('│ {}{}│'.format(space, rank))
result = []
for index, line in enumerate(lines):
# hidden cards do not use string
if return_string:
return '\n'.join(result)
return result
def ascii_version_of_hidden_card(*cards):
Essentially the dealers method of print ascii cards. This method hides the first card, shows it flipped over
:param cards: A list of card objects, the first will be hidden
:return: A string, the nice ascii version of cards
# a flipper over card. # This is a list of lists instead of a list of string becuase appending to a list is better then adding a string
lines = [['┌─────────┐'], ['│░░░░░░░░░│'], ['│░░░░░░░░░│'], ['│░░░░░░░░░│'], ['│░░░░░░░░░│'], ['│░░░░░░░░░│'], ['│░░░░░░░░░│'], ['│░░░░░░░░░│'], ['└─────────┘']]
# store the non-flipped over card after the one that is flipped over
cards_except_first = ascii_version_of_card(*cards[1:], return_string=False)
for index, line in enumerate(cards_except_first):
# make each line into a single list
for index, line in enumerate(lines):
lines[index] = ''.join(line)
# convert the list into a single string
return '\n'.join(lines)
test_card_1 = Card('Diamonds', '4')
test_card_2 = Card('Clubs', 'Ace')
test_card_3 = Card('Spades', 'Jack')
test_card_4 = Card('Hearts', '10')
print(ascii_version_of_card(test_card_1, test_card_2, test_card_3, test_card_4))
print(ascii_version_of_hidden_card(test_card_1, test_card_2, test_card_3, test_card_4))
# print(ascii_version_of_hidden_card(test_card_1, test_card_2))
? It would require some changes but it would let you do fancier things like colors and you can let the module handle the rendering. You would just saydraw this box here
anddraw that box there
. \$\endgroup\$curses
but decided against it because I wanted it to work in the windows command prompt. \$\endgroup\$