
This was a challenge for reddit #202 Easy /u/learnprogramming ...I wish that someone reviews my code and let me know your opinion about my way of thinking beacause I am a total beginner in Ruby:

class BinaryChar
  attr_accessor :binaryString

  def convertToChar
    binaryString.scan(/.{1,8}/) { |part| print part.to_i(2).chr }


bc = BinaryChar.new
speak = 0 
loop do
  print "Enter string: "
  speak = gets

1 Answer 1


BinaryChar is a class with one method. You continually change the state of the object so you can call the method with the right "argument". That's not what classes are for, but module functions or class methods. I rewrote the code twice: once using a class in the right way and once using a module function (or class method).

with a class

class BinaryChar
  def initialize(string)
    @binary = string.scan(/.{1,8}/).map do |character|

  def to_s

loop do
  print "Enter string: "
  bc = BinaryChar.new(gets)

  puts bc # to_s is called automatically by puts.

with a module function

module Binary
  def self.to_binary(string)
    binary = string.scan(/.{1,8}/).map do |character|


loop do
  print "Enter string: "

  puts Binary.to_binary

A couple of minor nitpicks:

  • In ruby the convention is to use snake_case for anything but ClassNames and CONSTANTS.
  • When you get input from stdin (gets) a newline is appended to it ("\n"). In most cases you want to strip the newline of using String#chomp.
  • Accessor methods can look just like variable assignments: bc.binary_string = speak.
  • Conversion methods are usually named to_<something>. To convert to a String, for example, most classes implement a to_s method.
  • \$\begingroup\$ In your first example, you create a new object every time you get a new binary code from the keyboard. Isn't it a waste of resources? I thought exactly this - I created the object once (when the program runs) and then called the method who converts binary=>string every time. Also, what's the criterion for choosing between a class and a module ? What's the reason for using a "map" right there ? \$\endgroup\$
    – Radolino
    Commented Feb 19, 2015 at 9:43
  • \$\begingroup\$ I included the example to show how this would look like as a Class. It's not the most efficient, because, really, it's just a very thin wrapper around a function. A class generally carries some sort of state (in an @instance_variable). A module doesn't have state, it only has "class methods" which are basically just "pure" functions mapping some input to some output. \$\endgroup\$
    – britishtea
    Commented Feb 19, 2015 at 9:51
  • \$\begingroup\$ It's worth mentioning classes have other useful functionality. Typecasting, as demonstrated by 'to_s`, is a very useful feature. Comparison is another. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 25, 2015 at 21:10

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