This algorithm should return a boolean value, telling if there is a path between two nodes in a given directed graph.
public enum State{
White, Grey;
public class Node {
State state = State.White;
List<Node> neighbors = new ArrayList<Node>();
//Assumption: Every node already knows about its direct adjacents
public List<Node>getAdjacent(){ return neighbors;}
public static boolean isThereAPath(Node src, Node dst){
//Assumption: Nodes are initialized with State.White
if(src.state == State.White){
src.state = State.Grey; //Means visiting this node right now
for(Node node : src.getAdjacent()){
if(node == dst){
return true; //Hit - path found!
if(isThereAPath(node, dst))return true;
return false; //NO path found
What do you think about the concept of it? What are the advantages of of an iterative solution?