I have written a Sudoku solver, for the euler problem and also packaged it into a ruby gem. In my solution strategies I do a lot of iteration (double/triple nested loops, I am coming from Java/C). One method in particular has a lot of if checks and iteration. Would it be better to package this iteration into an enumerator method or another approach all together? I am trying to learn the ruby way. To be clear all the code works but I fear it is written terribly.
All the code can be seen here.
This is from grid.rb
def x_wing
remaining_points.each do |point|
point.nums.each do |num|
[:x, :y].each do |symbol|
arr = @points.select{ |p| p.nums.include?(num) && p.send(flip(symbol)) == point.send(flip(symbol)) && p.value == 0 }
if arr.count == 2 && @points.select { |p| p.value == num && p.send(flip(symbol)) == point.send(flip(symbol)) }.count == 0
last = @points.select { |p| p.nums.include?(num) &&
arr.map{ |a| a.send(symbol) }.include?(p.send(symbol)) &&
(!arr.include?(p)) &&
p.value == 0 && check_row(p.y,p,num,symbol) }
if last.all? { |x| x.send(flip(symbol)) == last.first.send(flip(symbol)) } &&
last.count == 2 &&
@points.select { |p| p.value == num && p.send(flip(symbol)) == last.first.send(flip(symbol)) }.count == 0
final = arr + last
places = final.map { |m| m.send(symbol) }.uniq
remaining_points.select { |p| places.include?(p.send(symbol)) && (!final.include?(p)) }.each do |poi|
poi.nums = poi.nums - [num]
if last.all?...
spans multiple lines and is hard to read, consider using the "then" keyword \$\endgroup\$poi.nums = poi.nums - [num]
should bepoi.nums -= [num]
. Alsopoi
is a bad var name, it's absolutely unclear what it is. \$\endgroup\$