
I am working on a 2D tile based platformer and was hoping to get someone to review my collision detection. I've only included the X collision check since the Y is essentially the same. Any suggestions/criticisms are appreciated.

    // Corrects X movement if a collision occurs.
    private void checkXCollision()
        // Find the range of tiles the player intersects
        Point topLeft = new Point(((int)(xtemp + dx) - collisionWidth/2) / map.getTileSize(), ((int)ytemp - collisionHeight/2) / map.getTileSize());
        Point bottomRight = new Point(((int)(xtemp + dx) + collisionWidth/2) / map.getTileSize(), ((int)ytemp + collisionHeight/2) / map.getTileSize());

        // Left
        if(dx < 0)
            boolean collision = false;
            for(int row = topLeft.y; row <= bottomRight.y; row++)
                if(map.getType(row, topLeft.x) == Tile.SOLID) 
                    collision = true; 

                dx = 0;

                // Move player to edge of solid tile
                int col = ((int)(xtemp + dx) - collisionWidth/2) / map.getTileSize();
                xtemp = col * map.getTileSize() + collisionWidth / 2;
                xtemp += dx;

        // Right
        if(dx > 0)
            boolean collision = false;
            for(int row = topLeft.y; row <= bottomRight.y; row++)
                if(map.getType(row, bottomRight.x) == Tile.SOLID) 
                    collision = true;

                dx = 0;

                // Move player to edge of solid tile
                int col = ((int)(xtemp + dx) + collisionWidth/2) / map.getTileSize();
                xtemp = (col + 1) * map.getTileSize() - collisionWidth / 2 - 1;
                xtemp += dx;

1 Answer 1

  • You have some code duplication there

    for(int row = topLeft.y; row <= bottomRight.y; row++)
        if(map.getType(row, topLeft.x) == Tile.SOLID) 
            collision = true; 

    which should be extracted to a method like

    private boolean hasCollision(int start, int stop, int x){
        for(int row = start; row <= stop; row++)
            if(map.getType(row, x) == Tile.SOLID) 
                return true;
        return false;
  • If a collision is found you have this

    dx = 0;
    // Move player to edge of solid tile
    int col = ((int)(xtemp + dx) - collisionWidth/2) / map.getTileSize();

    Do you on purpose set dx = 0 and calling then (xtemp + dx) ?

  • You are also doing a lot of collisionWidth/2 which should be extracted to a variable.

  • you should extract the left and right checking to separate methods.

  • in Java the convention is to place the opening brace { on the same line.

  • using a guard clause for dx == 0 well remove the creation of the Point's

  • comments should describe why something is done. **What is done should be described by the code itself by using meaningful names.

Implementing most the points above leads to

// Corrects X movement if a collision occurs.
private void checkXCollision()
    if (dx == 0) {

    Point topLeft = new Point(((int)(xtemp + dx) - collisionWidth/2) / map.getTileSize(), ((int)ytemp - collisionHeight/2) / map.getTileSize());
    Point bottomRight = new Point(((int)(xtemp + dx) + collisionWidth/2) / map.getTileSize(), ((int)ytemp + collisionHeight/2) / map.getTileSize());

    if(dx < 0){

        checkLeftXCollision(topLeft, bottomRight);

    } else {

        checkRightXCollision(topLeft, bottomRight);


private void checkLeftXCollision(Point topLeft, Point bottomRight) {

    if(hasCollision(topLeft.y, bottomRight.y, topLeft.x)) {
        dx = 0;

        int col = ((int)(xtemp + dx) - collisionWidth/2) / map.getTileSize();
        xtemp = col * map.getTileSize() + collisionWidth / 2;
    } else {
        xtemp += dx;

private void checkRightXCollision(Point topLeft, Point bottomRight) {

    if(hasCollision(topLeft.y, bottomRight.y, bottomRight.x)) {
        dx = 0;

        int col = ((int)(xtemp + dx) + collisionWidth/2) / map.getTileSize();
        xtemp = (col + 1) * map.getTileSize() - collisionWidth / 2 - 1;
    } else {
        xtemp += dx;

private boolean hasCollision(int start, int stop, int x){

    for(int row = start; row <= stop; row++)
        if(map.getType(row, x) == Tile.SOLID) 
            return true;
    return false;

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