I am making a sentiment analysis library targeted first at social media text (like Twitter) and then I will expand it for more general use.
For the first step I am making a simple interface and a class that is going to be used for storing some data about the text to be analyzed like the text itself, it's manually annotated sentiment and the calculated sentiment that must be set only once (that's my current design anyway).
package com.github.dkanellis.sa_for_socialmedia.sentiment.objects;
public interface ObjectForAnalysis {
double getManuallyAnnotatedMeanSentiment();
double getCalculatedMeanSentiment();
boolean isCalculated();
void setCalculatedMeanSentiment(double calculatedMeanSentiment);
package com.github.dkanellis.sa_for_socialmedia.sentiment.objects;
public class TwitterStatus implements ObjectForAnalysis {
private final long id;
private final String text;
private final double manuallyAnnotatedMeanSentiment;
private double calculatedMeanSentiment;
private boolean calculated;
public TwitterStatus(long id, String text, double manuallyAnnotatedMeanSentiment) {
this.id = id;
this.text = text;
this.manuallyAnnotatedMeanSentiment = manuallyAnnotatedMeanSentiment;
this.calculated = false;
public double getManuallyAnnotatedMeanSentiment() {
return manuallyAnnotatedMeanSentiment;
public double getCalculatedMeanSentiment() {
if (isCalculated()) {
return calculatedMeanSentiment;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Mean sentiment has not been calculated yet.");
public boolean isCalculated() {
return calculated;
public void setCalculatedMeanSentiment(double calculatedMeanSentiment) {
if (isCalculated()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Mean sentiment has already been calculated.");
} else {
this.calculatedMeanSentiment = calculatedMeanSentiment;
calculated = true;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
buffer.append("Tweet: ").append(id).append("\n");
buffer.append("Text: ").append(text).append("\n");
buffer.append("Manual Annotation: ").append(manuallyAnnotatedMeanSentiment).append("\n");
buffer.append("Calculated Annotation: ")
.append(isCalculated() ? "Not calculated" : calculatedMeanSentiment).append("\n");
return buffer.toString();
Feel free to critique anything from package naming to class naming to the way I implemented my constraint of having the mean sentiment set only once.