

static void ReverseMatrix<T>(T[,] matrix)
    int width = matrix.GetLength(1);
    int height = matrix.GetLength(0);
    int startRow = 0;
    int startCol = 0;
    int endRow = height-1;
    int endCol = width-1;

    while (true)
        if (startRow == height-1 || endRow == 0) return;

        // swap
        var temp = matrix[startRow, startCol];
        matrix[startRow, startCol] = matrix[endRow, endCol];
        matrix[endRow, endCol] = temp;

        if (startCol == width)
            startCol = width - 1;
        if (endCol == -1)
            endCol = 0;

Test program:

static void Main()
    var matrix = new[,]
        {1, 2, 3},
        {4, 5, 6},
        {7, 8, 9}



static void PrintMatrix(int[,] matrix)
    for (int row = 0; row < matrix.GetLength(0); row++)
        for (int col = 0; col < matrix.GetLength(1); col++)


1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9


9 8 7
6 5 4
3 2 1

How can I improve this implementation?

  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ You can post your corrections as a self-answer. \$\endgroup\$
    – Jamal
    Commented Oct 15, 2014 at 20:56
  • \$\begingroup\$ It's not obvious from the name what the method does, but it seems most likely to be either reversing the columns or reversing the rows, not doing both. Rotate180 might be a better name. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Oct 16, 2014 at 16:39

3 Answers 3


I also changed the Reversal code and got rid of all the variables. from the looks of it you did what I did only you did it with out the use of for loops

I used one loop to go through the rows(or the first dimension of the multi-dimensional array) and then I nested a second loop inside the first to loop through the elements of each array. now in doing this I needed some independent variables to be incremented for the output matrix so I made sure that I declared them in the right places and incremented them in the right places. the output matrix was declared using the input matrix so that I didn't have to declare any magic numbers and so that I could minimize the number of variables that I had to declare as well.

enough chit chat here is the code.

    static int[,] ReverseMatrix(int[,] inputMatrix)
        var outputMatrix = new int[inputMatrix.GetLength(0), inputMatrix.GetLength(1)];
        var x = 0;
        for (int i = inputMatrix.GetLength(0) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            var y = 0;
            for (int j = inputMatrix.GetLength(1) - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                outputMatrix[x, y] = inputMatrix[i, j];
        return outputMatrix;

Posted as a question also Reversing a Matrix

one thing that I did differently was that I used an input and an output for my method, I personally don't like the way that your code changes a variable outside of the scope like that, if the purpose were to change the original then I wouldn't change my code at all, I would just change how I call the code, I would do it like this

matrix = ReverseMatrix(matrix);

I don't like the way that you did it, I am sure there is a reason for it and a good and bad way to do it, but I don't think this is a good place to use code like this.


My implementation was not correct. I've made some corrections and now it works.

static void ReverseMatrix<T>(T[,] matrix)
    int width = matrix.GetLength(1);
    int height = matrix.GetLength(0);
    int startRow = 0;
    int startCol = 0;
    int endRow = height-1;
    int endCol = width-1;

    while (true)
        if (startRow > endRow) return;

        // swap
        var temp = matrix[startRow, startCol];
        matrix[startRow, startCol] = matrix[endRow, endCol];
        matrix[endRow, endCol] = temp;


        if (startCol == width)
            startCol = 0;
        if(startCol == -1)
            startCol = width - 1;
        if (endCol == -1)
            endCol = width - 1;
        if (endCol == width)
            endCol = 0;

How can I improve this implementation?

Use a Stack, which is a LIFO (Last In First Out) collection.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Yes that works. I've converted the matrix to a IEnumerable<T> using matrix.Cast<T> and filled the stack with the sequence. Then i just Filled the matrix with that sequence, which i accomplished using sequence.GetEnumerator(). I've pasted the implementation here: pastebin.com/9VXA1FuF \$\endgroup\$ Commented Oct 15, 2014 at 20:05

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