I have written this piece of JS and CSS loading code and I would like some advice on it. Anything some of the JavaScript gurus could possibly point out would be much appreciated. The code works, but I have not done extensive testing, because I am concerned about replacing functions in this manner.
A single JavaScript file containing JQuery as well as the below code will be included on all the pages. We write all the components in house (which means no Require JS) and keep them very modular separated into their own folder with the corresponding JS and CSS. You can imagine starting to use for instance a dropown, dialog and a datepicker on one page would require us to add 6 includes and this quite frankly is annoying, because I want the dependencies to resolve automatically and using JSP includes could possibly make multiple calls to the same resources.
Below is the source to load a single datepicker lazily:
//All Lazily loaded components go here
$.fn.datepicker = function(settings){
console.log("This should only be displayed once");
var elem = this;
return loadJS("/res/component/datepicker/datepicker.js",
function(){return elem.datepicker(settings)});//After Load Completion the $.fn.datepicker is replaced
//by the proper working implementation, execute it and return it so we maintain the chain
function loadCSS(absoluteUrl){
return;//Css already loaded
.attr({type : 'text/css', rel : 'stylesheet'})
.attr('href', absoluteUrl);//Appending entire element doesn't load in IE, but setting the href in this manner does
loadCSS[absoluteUrl] = true;//Memoize
function loadJS(absoluteUrl, onComplete){
return;//Script already loaded
loadJS[absoluteUrl] = true;//Memoize
var result;
async : false,//Synchronized because we need to maintain the JQuery chain
type :'GET',
url : absoluteUrl,
dataType :'script',
success : function(){
result = onComplete();
return result;
callback... \$\endgroup\$