By adding more and more features to my websites, I am now up to 7 different hard coded queries.
I have read a lot about SQL injections and possible flaws and security issues, and wanted to make sure that it was secure enough.
This is one of my regular UPDATE
queries :
Using thisConnection As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=""Striped Source""")
Using thisCommand As OleDbCommand = thisConnection.CreateCommand
' Open connection object
' Initialize SQL UPDATE command to update the desired data
With thisCommand
.CommandText = "UPDATE Login SET ClientName = @ClientName, Fonction = @Fonction, CompanyName = @CompanyName, Address = @Address, Country = @Country, " & _
"[Phone Number] = @Phone, [Fax Number] = @Fax, [I prefer to be contacted] = @Contacted " & _
"WHERE Username = @Username"
With .Parameters
.AddWithValue("@ClientName", VB_Name)
.AddWithValue("@Fonction", VB_Fonction)
.AddWithValue("@CompanyName", VB_Company)
.AddWithValue("@Address", VB_Address)
.AddWithValue("@Country", VB_Country)
.AddWithValue("@Phone", VB_Phone)
.AddWithValue("@Fax", VB_Fax)
.AddWithValue("@Contacted", VB_Preference)
.AddWithValue("@Username", LBL_Welcome.Text)
End With
End With
End Using
End Using
And this is one of my non-regular double SELECT
queries (Lengthy) :
Using thisConnection As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=""Striped source""")
Using thisCommand As OleDbCommand = thisConnection.CreateCommand
'This query is to get the information
thisCommand.CommandText = "SELECT [Minimum Length] " & _
"FROM Stats " & _
"WHERE ([N° Cylinder] = @cylinder) AND ([N° Section] = 0)"
thisCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cylinder", cylinder
Dim thisReader As OleDbDataReader = thisCommand.ExecuteReader()
If (thisReader.Read()) Then
cylinderLengthMin = thisReader.GetValue(0)
End If
'This query is to get the number of stages of the cylinder
thisCommand.CommandText = "SELECT Stroke " & _
"FROM (Stats) " & _
"WHERE ([N° Cylinder] = @cylinder) " & _
"ORDER BY [N° Section]"
thisCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cylinder", cylinder)
thisReader = thisCommand.ExecuteReader()
count = -1
Dim condition As Boolean = True
Dim temp As String
'This loop gets the strokes of the stages
While (thisReader.Read()) And condition
temp = thisReader.GetValue(0).ToString()
If thisReader.GetValue(0).ToString() = "" Then
condition = False
count += 1
End If
End While
countMax = count 'This is used later for array formatting
If countMax = -1 Then
Throw New SQLException("There has been an error with the database query.")
End If
'This query is to gather the data. It is stored in Imperial in the DataBase.
ReDim cylinderOutsideDiameter(countMax)
ReDim cylinderInsideDiameter(countMax)
ReDim cylinderSectionStroke(countMax)
ReDim cylinderSectionRetracted(countMax)
ReDim cylinderIDStopRing(countMax)
thisCommand.CommandText = "SELECT Stroke, [Retracted Length], [Inside Diameter], [Outside Diameter], [Non-contact Diameter]" & _
"FROM (Stats) " & _
"WHERE ([N° Cylinder] = @cylinder) " & _
"ORDER BY [N° Section]"
thisCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cylinder", cylinder)
thisReader = thisCommand.ExecuteReader()
count = 0
While (thisReader.Read()) AndAlso count <= countMax 'Scans each row and adds it to respective string/double array
For i = 0 To 4
If thisReader.GetValue(i).ToString() = "" Then
Throw New SQLException("There has been an error with the database query.")
End If
cylinderSectionStroke(count) = thisReader.GetValue(0)
cylinderSectionRetracted(count) = thisReader.GetValue(1)
cylinderInsideDiameter(count) = thisReader.GetValue(2)
cylinderOutsideDiameter(count) = thisReader.GetValue(3)
cylinderIDStopRing(count) = thisReader.GetValue(4)
count += 1
End While
End Using
End Using
Are my SQL queries secure?
Should I make a function for the queries (as I am up to 7 queries now and I should never repeat the same code multiple times). If yes, how? (I'm not asking for a code dump, just a descriptive explanation on how I could do it would be awesome)
If there is anything I could improve in the code, don't hesitate. I would love to have feedback on how to improve it.