For my resources management, I wanted the objects allocated on the heap to be in a contiguous block of memory. Obviously, each data type then has to have their own chunk of memory. I could have used a vector for this, of course, but the resources need to be aligned properly with a given alignment which a vector can't do (for alignments above 16 bytes). In addition, I wanted the allocation to be faster than standard new
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
#include <memory>
typedef unsigned __int32 U32;
typedef unsigned __int8 U8;
// TODO: the allocation should always return a unique_ptr!
#define MakeUniqueInstance(Type,...) AllocTypedUnique<Type>(__VA_ARGS__)
#define MakeSharedInstance(Type,...) AllocTypedShared<Type>(__VA_ARGS__)
// This defines a deleter functor in a similar way to the default deleter
template<class _Ty>
struct typed_delete
typed_delete() = default;
template<class _Ty2,
class = typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Ty2 *, _Ty *>::value,
typed_delete( const typed_delete<_Ty2>& ) = default;
void operator()( _Ty *_Ptr ) const
FreeTyped( _Ptr );
template<class T>
using TypedDeleter = typed_delete < T >;
// Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to make unique pointers of a base type
// while allocating for a derived type (e.g. unique_ptr<Base> pB = TypedAlloc<Derived>(args),
// therefor I had to use shared pointers.
template<class T, class...Args>
std::unique_ptr<T, TypedDeleter<T>> AllocTypedUnique( Args&&... args )
return std::unique_ptr<T, TypedDeleter<T>>( AllocTyped<T>( args... ) );
template<class T, class...Args>
std::shared_ptr<T> AllocTypedShared( Args&&... args )
return std::shared_ptr<T>( AllocTyped<T>( args... ), TypedDeleter<T>() );
template<class T, class...Args>
T* AllocTyped( Args&&... args )
static_assert( sizeof( T ) > 0,
"Cannot allocate memory for zero-size type" );
// Allocate a chunk from the typed memory pool
T* p = TypedAllocator<T>::Get().Allocate();
// Construct the object in the allocated space
new ( (void *) p ) T( std::forward<Args>( args )... );
return p;
template<class T>
void FreeTyped( T* p )
TypedAllocator<T>::Get().Free( p );
// This deleter is used to free the memory allocated by _aligned_alloc function
struct page_delete
page_delete() = default;
page_delete( const page_delete& ) = default;
void operator()( char*_Ptr ) const
_aligned_free( static_cast<void*>( _Ptr ) );
struct Page
std::unique_ptr<char, page_delete> page;
std::vector<U32> freeChunks;
U32 end = 0;
Page() = default;
Page( Page&& o )
: page { std::move( ) }
, freeChunks { std::move( o.freeChunks ) }
, end { o.end }
Page& operator=( Page&& o )
page = std::move( );
freeChunks = std::move( o.freeChunks );
end = o.end;
return *this;
// For each type T, there will be one singleton memory manager which will place the instances
// of the object in a contiquous page of memory.
template <class T>
class TypedAllocator
static TypedAllocator<T>& Get()
static TypedAllocator m_this;
return m_this;
T* Allocate()
const U32 numPages = (U32) pages.size();
U32 row = 0;
U32 col = 0;
// If there are empty slots on the last page, fill it up first
if ( numPages > 0 && pages.back().end < width )
row = numPages - 1;
col = pages.back().end;
// If the last page is full, then go through all pages and see if there's
// a free chunck to hold the object.
bool needNewPage = true;
for ( ; row < numPages; ++row )
std::vector<U32>& freeChunks = pages[row].freeChunks;
if ( !freeChunks.empty() )
col = freeChunks.back();
needNewPage = false;
// All pages are full, so new page is needed.
if ( needNewPage )
std::unique_ptr<char, page_delete>
uPtr( static_cast<char*>( _aligned_malloc( byteWidth, __alignof( T ) ) ) );
Page page;
page.end = 1; = std::move( uPtr );
pages.push_back( std::move( page ) );
return reinterpret_cast<T*>( pages[row].page.get() + col * stride );
void Free( T*& ptr )
const U32 numPages = (U32) pages.size();
for ( U32 i = 0; i < numPages; ++i )
const auto tp_begin = pages[i].page.get();
const auto tp_end = tp_begin + byteWidth;
const char *const cPtr = reinterpret_cast<const char* const>( ptr );
if ( cPtr >= tp_begin && cPtr <= tp_end )
assert( ( cPtr - tp_begin ) % stride == 0 );
const U32 col = (U32) ( cPtr - tp_begin ) / stride;
assert( std::find
( pages[i].freeChunks.begin()
, pages[i].freeChunks.end()
, col ) == pages[i].freeChunks.end() &&
"Error: memory at this pointer was already freed!" );
pages[i].freeChunks.push_back( col );
// when a page is completely empty, then delete it.
if ( pages[i].freeChunks.size() == width )
pages.erase( pages.begin() + i );
TypedAllocator( const TypedAllocator& ) = delete;
TypedAllocator& operator=( const TypedAllocator& ) = delete;
TypedAllocator() = default;
~TypedAllocator() = default;
// the aligned size of the object
const U32 stride{ __alignof(T)* (sizeof(T) / __alignof(T)
+(U8)((sizeof(T) % __alignof(T)) != 0)) };
// the width of each page. currently holding just 4 elements for easy debugging.
const U32 width {4};
// size of each page in bytes.
const U32 byteWidth {width * stride};
std::vector<Page> pages;
#define MakeUniqueInstance(Type,...) std::make_unique<Type>(__VA_ARGS__)
#define MakeSharedInstance(Type,...) std::make_shared<Type>(__VA_ARGS__)
template<class T>
using TypedDeleter = std::default_delete < T >;
First, by all means, use it if you feel it's useful to you. Second, I'd appreciate any suggestion to improve/optimize the design (or why it would ever fail/bugs). I know this implementation is not thread safe, but other than that all suggestions are welcome. The current problem that I have with this is that I cannot use it to write the following:
void main()
unique_ptr<Base, TypedDeleter<Base>> pB = MakeUniqueInstance(Derived);
That's because I can't use TypedDeleter
the same way default_delete
is used, so I need help with this.
The most important reason for implementing this allocator is the fact that the allocations for each type are mostly on the same contiguous block. So accessing them repeatedly is more cache friendly. I haven't tested if my allocator is faster than new
. That'd be nice, but it's not as important as data locality.
(std::unique_ptr, etc.),<type_traits>
(std::enable_if, etc.),<vector>
declarations are not shown: some standard library symbols havestd::
, some don't. Types are out of order (AllocTypedUnique
depends on and precedesAllocTyped
, which in turn depends on and precedesTypedAllocator
). Where isU32
declared? \$\endgroup\$AllocTypedUnique
are template functions, not types. I'm using VS C++ and it compiles and runs without errors and warnings. Please note that you should put the code in a header file (.h) and not in a .cpp \$\endgroup\$resources need to be aligned properly with a given alignment which a vector can't do
Is there something specific to your use case where vectors do not hold? \$\endgroup\$I wanted the allocation to be faster than standard new
. So technically its possible (allocator pools). But a lot of effort has gone into making new exceedingly fast. I would have to see this as a bottleneck (I never have) before I even tried to optimize it. Because you are trying to implement functionality that already exists and is well debugged (ie known to be correct) there has to be a very good argument for re-implementing it. \$\endgroup\$__declspc(align(64))
for example. Besides, I'd have to manually declare a vector for every data type that I'd like to allocate on the heap. It seemed impractical. Also usingnew
, doesn't yield the locality that I'm getting with this. I agree the standard functionality is well tested, but I needed some properties that in my opinion is not offered by other solutions. \$\endgroup\$