I am trying to merge overlapping/intersecting sets given as a list of string vectors below in R (my actual data set has thousands of such sets). The overlap/intersection is based on the SDxyz:
string and not the string after the ":".
d <- list(
c("SD1:LUSH", "SD44:CANCEL", "SD384:FR563", "SD32:TRUMPET"),
c("SD23:SWITCH", "SD1:LUSH", "SD567:TREK"),
c("SD42:CRAYON", "SD345:FOX", "SD183:WIRE"),
c("SD345:HOLE", "SD340:DUST", "SD387:ROLL"),
c("SD455:TOMATO", "SD39:MATURE"),
c("SD12:PAINTING", "SD315:MONEY31", "SD387:SPRING"),
The final desired out put is as follows.
out <- list (
c("SD1:LUSH", "SD1:FIELD", "SD23:SWITCH", "SD32:TRUMPET", "SD44:CANCEL", "SD384:FR563", "SD567:TREK") ,
c("SD12:PAINTING", "SD42:CRAYON", "SD183:WIRE", "SD340:DUST", "SD345:FOX", "SD345:HOLE", "SD315:MONEY31", "SD387:SPRING", "SD387:ROLL"),
c("SD455:TOMATO", "SD39:MATURE"))
This is the code I could come up with using data.table
### Create a data.table Bloc with one column with original groups and the other with the separated ids
d <- list( c("SD1:LUSH", "SD44:CANCEL", "SD384:FR563", "SD32:TRUMPET"), c("SD23:SWITCH", "SD1:LUSH", "SD567:TREK"), c("SD42:CRAYON", "SD345:FOX", "SD183:WIRE"), c("SD345:HOLE", "SD340:DUST", "SD387:ROLL"), c("SD455:TOMATO", "SD39:MATURE"), c("SD12:PAINTING", "SD315:MONEY31", "SD387:SPRING"), c("SD32:TRUMPET", "SD1:FIELD"))
d2 <- lapply(d, function(x) sapply(strsplit(x, ":"), "[", 1))
d <- lapply(d, paste0, collapse=", ")
d2 <- lapply(d2, paste0, collapse=", ")
d <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(lapply(d, paste0, collapse=", ")))
d2 <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(lapply(d2, paste0, collapse=", ")))
d <- as.data.frame(cbind(d,d2))
colnames(d) <- c("sdw", "sd")
d$sd <- as.character(d$sd)
d$sdw <- as.character(d$sdw)
Bloc <- data.table( d , key = "sd" )
### Fetch all the ids along with the corresponding data in Bloc
Bloc <- Bloc[ , list( ID = unlist( strsplit( sd , "," ) ) ) , by = list(sdw, sd) ]
Bloc$ID <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", Bloc$ID)
Bloc <- data.table( Bloc , key = "ID" )
### Loop to merge the vectors having ids intersecting between them
Bloc <- as.data.frame(Bloc)
M <- nrow(Bloc)
#create blankd data.frame
G <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=3), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
G[,1:3] <- as.character(G[,1:3])
#G <- data.frame(sdw=character(), sd=character(), ID= character())
colnames(G) <- c("sdw", "sd", "ID")
N <- M
mch <- as.data.frame(Bloc)
#Loop to sequentially fill data.frame
for (i in 1:M) {
# test if ID already in previous groups
if(Bloc[i,"ID"] %in% G$ID == FALSE) {
# convert element to vector to check for intersect
tm <- strsplit(x=Bloc[i, "sd"], split=", ")
mch$t <- numeric(length=M)
for (j in 1:N){
#if intersect exists apply code as 1 mch$t column
ff <- strsplit(x=mch[j, "sd"], split=", ")[[1]]
dd <- intersect (tm[[1]], ff)
if (identical(dd, character(0))== FALSE) mch[j,"t"] = 1
submch <- subset(mch, t == 1 )
ID <- submch$ID
Group1 <- sort((unlist(strsplit(paste0(submch$sdw, collapse=","), ","))))
Group1 <- unique(gsub(" ","", Group1))
sdw <- rep(paste0(Group1, collapse=", "), nrow(submch))
Group2 <- sort((unlist(strsplit(paste0(submch$sd, collapse=","), ","))))
Group2 <- unique(gsub(" ","", Group2))
sd <- rep(paste0(Group2, collapse=", "), nrow(submch))
G1 <- cbind(sdw, sd, ID)
G1 <- unique(G1)
G <- rbind(G, G1)
mch$t <- NULL
G <- unique(G)
G2 <- data.table(G, key="ID")
G2 <- G2[, list(sdw = paste0(sort(unique(unlist(strsplit(sdw, split=", ")))), collapse=", "),
sd = paste0(sort(unique(unlist(strsplit(sd, split=", ")))), collapse=", ")) , by = "ID"]
G2 <- data.table( G2, key=c("sd", "sdw"))
G2 <- unique(G2)
### Get the output as data.table
Bloc <- G2[-1,]
Bloc$ID <- NULL
### Repeat the above loop until no more intersects are left
N1 <- nrow(Bloc)
Bloc <- Bloc[ , list( ID = unlist( strsplit( sd , "," ) ) ) , by = list(sdw, sd) ]
Bloc$ID <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", Bloc$ID)
Bloc <- data.table( Bloc , key = "ID" )
Bloc <- as.data.frame(Bloc)
M <- nrow(Bloc)
#create blankd data.frame
G <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=3), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
G[,1:3] <- as.character(G[,1:3])
#G <- data.frame(sdw=character(), sd=character(), ID= character())
colnames(G) <- c("sdw", "sd", "ID")
N <- M
mch <- as.data.frame(Bloc)
#Loop to sequentially fill data.frame
for (i in 1:M) {
# test if ID already in previous groups
if(Bloc[i,"ID"] %in% G$ID == FALSE) {
# convert element to vector to check for intersect
tm <- strsplit(x=Bloc[i, "sd"], split=", ")
mch$t <- numeric(length=M)
for (j in 1:N){
#check if intersect exists and code accordingly
ff <- strsplit(x=mch[j, "sd"], split=", ")[[1]]
dd <- intersect (tm[[1]], ff)
if (identical(dd, character(0))== FALSE) mch[j,"t"] = 1
submch <- subset(mch, t == 1 )
ID <- submch$ID
Group1 <- sort((unlist(strsplit(paste0(submch$sdw, collapse=","), ","))))
Group1 <- unique(gsub(" ","", Group1))
sdw <- rep(paste0(Group1, collapse=", "), nrow(submch))
Group2 <- sort((unlist(strsplit(paste0(submch$sd, collapse=","), ","))))
Group2 <- unique(gsub(" ","", Group2))
sd <- rep(paste0(Group2, collapse=", "), nrow(submch))
G1 <- cbind(sdw, sd, ID)
G1 <- unique(G1)
G <- rbind(G, G1)
mch$t <- NULL
G <- unique(G)
G2 <- data.table(G, key="ID")
G2 <- G2[, list(sdw = paste0(sort(unique(unlist(strsplit(sdw, split=", ")))), collapse=", "),
sd = paste0(sort(unique(unlist(strsplit(sd, split=", ")))), collapse=", ")) , by = "ID"]
G2 <- data.table( G2, key=c("sd", "sdw"))
G2 <- unique(G2)
Bloc <- G2[-1,]
Bloc$ID <- NULL
N2 <- nrow(Bloc)
if (N1 == N2)
### Output
I know it is ugly. Is there any way to vectorize and speed up the code. Right now it works, but is painfully slow for large number of sets.
vector looks like a union of all the vectors without duplicates, but instead of a simple vector of N string elements, it's a vector of 3 strings with comma separated values. Why should there be 3 elements in the output? \$\endgroup\$out
to a list.d[[1]]
have overlaps among them, so they are merged toout[[1]]
. Similarlyd[[3]]
have been merged toout[[2]]
doesn't have any overlaps with other sets, so it remains as such inout[[3]]
. \$\endgroup\$SD315:MONEY31
missing at theout[[2]]
? \$\endgroup\$