I got the inspiration to write this algorithm from this question. The OP cited the Sieve of Atkin as one of the fastest ways to generate primes. So I figured I would give it a try:
def sieve_primes(limit=100):
sieve = [False]*limit
loop_range = range(1, int(limit**(1/2)))
for x, y in [(x,y) for x in loop_range for y in loop_range]:
for x_coef, y_coef, mods in [(4, 1, [1, 5]), (3, 1, [7]), (3, -1, [11])]:
if y_coef == -1 and x <= y:
value = x_coef * x**2 + y_coef * y**2
if value > limit:
if value % 12 in mods:
sieve[value] = not sieve[value]
for value in loop_range[4:]:
if sieve[value]:
for square in [i * value**2 for i in range(limit//value**2+1)
if i * value**2 < limit]:
sieve[square] = False
return sieve
The algorithm is based off of pseudocode given by the reference to the Sieve of Atkins above. The reference does say:
This pseudocode is written for clarity. Repeated and wasteful calculations mean that it would run slower than the sieve of Eratosthenes. To improve its efficiency, faster methods must be used to find solutions to the three quadratics.
I wanted to make the pseudocode feel as Pythonic as possible. I also tried to optimize it as much as I could without delving too much into the mathematics.
Do you guys see any improvements, performance or style-wise?
Here's some profiling:
import timeit
for x in [100, 1000, 10000]:
time = timeit.timeit('sieve_primes({})'.format(x),
setup='from __main__ import sieve_primes', number=10000)
print('Number of primes found: {}'.format(x))
print('\tTotal time: {}\n\tTime per iteration: {}'.format(time, float(time)/10000))
# Results
Number of primes found: 100
Total Time: 2.3724100288364544
Time per Iteration: 0.00023724100288364545
Number of primes found: 1000
Total Time: 26.933066114727716
Time per Iteration: 0.0026933066114727716
Number of primes found: 10000
Total Time: 297.5023943142171
Time per Iteration: 0.0297502394314171