
This is basically my first Ruby class, which is to remove all empty lines and blank times from a .txt file. A simple test case is also included.

I tested the code and it works fine. But I did not have much idea about if the code style is good, or if there are some potential issues. Can someone please do a quick review and kindly provide some feedback?

  1. Is there any potential issue in the code? did I miss some boundary check?

  2. Is the code style good in general? e.g, name convention, indent, etc.

  3. what can I do if I want to make it more professional? e.g., better choice of functions, error-handling, object-oriented, test-driven, etc.

require 'test/unit'

class  BlankLineRemover
  def initialize()
    puts "BlankLineRemover initialized."

  def generate(input_filename, output_filename)

    reader = File.read(input_filename)

    f = File.new(output_filename, "w")

    f.puts remove(reader)



  def  remove(stringToremove)

    regEx = /^[\s]*$\n/

    stringToReturn = stringToremove.gsub(regEx, '')

    if stringToReturn.length >= 1
      return stringToReturn
      return ""


class TestCleaner < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def test_basic

    sInput1 = "line1\n\t\nline4\n\tline5\n"
    sExpectedOutput1 = "line1\nline4\n\tline5"

    sExpectedOutput2 = ""

    sExpectedOutput3 = ""

    testCleaner = BlankLineRemover.new
    assert_equal(sExpectedOutput1, testCleaner.remove(sInput1))
    assert_equal(sExpectedOutput2, testCleaner.remove(sInput2))
    assert_equal(sExpectedOutput3, testCleaner.remove(sInput3))


unless ARGV.length == 2
  puts "Usage: ruby Blanker.rb input.txt output.txt\n"

simpleRemover = BlankLineRemover.new

  • \$\begingroup\$ On the method remove you have an if/else that could be re-written as stringToReturn.length >= 1 ? stringToReturn : "", but to check that a string has a size bigger than one you're better of with !stringToReturn.empty? but then again the only way to fall on that else is if stringToReturn is an empty string (which is the return value of the else) and therefore you don't need that if/else at all and simply let stringToReturn.strip! be the return value of that method. \$\endgroup\$
    – derp
    Commented Sep 22, 2011 at 4:16
  • \$\begingroup\$ I think, it is not great idea to read full file at once, you may need to read it line by line and populate result file in a go. Also, you can remove "()" parameterless method declaration. Usually, only underscores are used in variable and method names in Ruby to separate words instead of camel case. \$\endgroup\$
    – taro
    Commented Sep 22, 2011 at 15:55

3 Answers 3


I would also remove the following: \r\n

Also, this part could be simplified a tad:

if stringToReturn.length >= 1
  return stringToReturn
  return ""


 stringToReturn.length >= 1 ? stringToReturn : ""

Once you have the \r\n removed, don't forget to test for that. Lastly (just a style issue), I wouldn't use camelcase variables in Ruby as it's not commonly done (that I've seen), so stringToremove could become string_to_remove for instance.

  • \$\begingroup\$ @ James - thx for yr feedback. but which "following: \r\n" did u mean? can you specify? \$\endgroup\$
    – Jonathan Smith
    Commented Sep 22, 2011 at 4:29
  • \$\begingroup\$ He means the newline \r\n, check this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline and see how it can vary depending on the OS \$\endgroup\$
    – derp
    Commented Sep 22, 2011 at 4:36
  • \$\begingroup\$ got it. thx for the clarification. ( i guess you guys know each other:) ). besides the string length check and newline, any feedbacks at other aspects like error-handling, object-oriented, testing case, file handling, etc? \$\endgroup\$
    – Jonathan Smith
    Commented Sep 22, 2011 at 5:13
  • \$\begingroup\$ @ Derp/James - I guess I have the completionist mind-set. so forgive me if i am getting overly detail-oriented here. :) \$\endgroup\$
    – Jonathan Smith
    Commented Sep 22, 2011 at 5:17
  • \$\begingroup\$ I added a little more to my answer. \$\endgroup\$
    – james_schorr
    Commented Sep 22, 2011 at 13:02

What follows is a fairly harsh critique, but I'm hoping that that's what you're looking for as you seem to want to improve you ruby and programming style. Ruby is a lovely language, but getting to know it takes some time - eventually you'll realise that just about everything you write used to take twice as many lines. So, a few pointers:


Generally in ruby normal variables are underscored. So instead of aVariableName you should probably use a_variable_name. Both will work, but the latter would fit the Ruby style better.

Additionally you choice of variable names seems to go from overly verbose to the opposite. Some are great, but others leave my guessing.

For example where you write:

reader = File.read(input_filename)

I would prefer to write:

in_file = File.read(in_filename)


Like your variables, the naming of your functions could do with a touch-up. Your functions do not make use of the implicit return that Ruby offers, something that is often considered a better practice.

For example where you write:

  def  remove(stringToremove)

    regEx = /^[\s]*$\n/

    stringToReturn = stringToremove.gsub(regEx, '')

    if stringToReturn.length >= 1
      return stringToReturn
      return ""

In this regard I might have written:

  def remove(stringToremove)

    regEx = /^[\s]*$\n/

    stringToReturn = stringToremove.gsub(regEx, '').strip

Also on your initialize function you include brackets in the definitions this is not required, and is discouraged. Additionally you don't need to include a initializer if there's nothing for it to do.


Some things you might want to consider further as you do more programming in ruby are:

  • Chaining. For example you can do a_string.gsub("some", "substitution").strip.reverse and other such things all in one line and still keep readability high. Obviously there's a point where it's too much, but that's your judgement.

  • Your code formatting is a bit out. In a lot of places you seem to be using extra spaces. For example you class definition is class BlankLineRemover and should really be class BlankLineRemover. You might be using soft-tabs here, and if that's the case - please don't.

  • You spacing is also very generous. Unless you're separating code into particular chunks then you can skip a few newlines.

  • This is a real nit-pick, but generally using .size is considered better than .length.


Here's your main class rewritten the way I would have gone about it.

class BlankLineRemover
  def run(in_filename, out_filename)
    File.open(out_filename, "w") do |out_file|
      out_file.write clean(File.read(in_filename))

  def clean(input)
    input.gsub(/^[\s]*$\n/, "").strip
  • \$\begingroup\$ Also, you may want to consider using File.expand_path() unless the filenames are known to be full paths. That's caught me more than once. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 30, 2011 at 3:56
  • \$\begingroup\$ Good point, that too. \$\endgroup\$
    – thomasfedb
    Commented Sep 30, 2011 at 4:25

Here's how I might reformulate your core business logic (warning -- untested -- you should probably consider this pseudocode):

outfile = File.new(outfilename)
File.read(infilename) do |line|
  unless line =~ /^[\s]*$\n/   # unless all spaces

I might write the class around this as the 'core' method -- note that one of the keys in a dynamic language is that it's important to keep the level of abstraction of your statements consistent throughout a code 'neighborhood'. In terms of 'Rubyisms' you could demonstrate knowledge of Ruby's mixin capabilities by writing a AbstractFileTransformer that you could extend from, while includ-ing a module BlankLineRemovingCopyTransformation -- it would basically just be refactoring the class you've written into two, and then creating a 'concrete instance' which mixed both together. (Alternatively you could do this with classes and yield.) If you wish I can attempt to provide a pseudocode example here, but at any rate, let's consider your tests for a moment.

Given the apparent simplicity of the functionality, you may certainly be forgiven for writing a barebones test case. I might suggest splitting the test case into several sub-tests which together describe the system. Note there's lots of different kinds of tests you can write besides ones that just demonstrate 'how it works' -- you can also write tests about integrating different pieces of the system together (as opposed to testing each in isolation); you can write tests that involve intentionally giving the system bad input and guaranteeing that it fails, etc. You could have a test which tries to invoke your script as a command-line tool and the validates the behavior is as expected. It's worth trying to write a lot of different kinds of tests for an application.


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