I've written some code to brute-force enumerate the solution space of nonogram puzzles up to a certain size. It does a good job up to the first ~4 billion puzzles, but I run out of disk space to store any bigger collection of the solution space set.
Because of some incredibly interesting patterns within the encoded set of solvable instances, I'd appreciate my code being reviewed for correctness. This is an NP-complete problem, but shows self-similarity and self-affinity in the solution space with the current implementation. Please, help me shoot down this idea as quickly as possible -- I'd like to regain a productive life :)
Here's how the code is supposed to work. It outputs an XYZ point cloud of the nonogram solution space given a puzzle's maximum width, great for visualization.
The code generates all the possible permutations of an arbitrarily sized boolean image. Each permutation is a puzzle solution to at least one, if not many, boolean image input pairs. The input pairs are "projections" of the solution from each lattice direction, while having the same axis-constrained continuous runs of set bits. The only difference between solution and input is very subtle: the unset padding between contiguous runs is flexible along an axis.
Here's an example pairing of inputs and solution. Note that the pictured top-right solution may not be unique for the given input images, and the given input images don't necessarily construct only that solution. It's merely an example of the "nonogram property."
You'll notice in the code I have a peculiar encoding of the inputs and solutions as integers, essentially a traversal of the image's cells converted to a bitstring. This encoding is chosen as a visualization convenience, and I've attained similar patterns with different traversal orders. The main goal with the encoding is to reduce dimensionality for plotting with a one-to-one correspondence of images to integers, avoiding the problem of colliding identifiers.
I'm including a montage of the first four iterations as subsets of the solution space shadow. The full shadow is essentially a look-up table for an NP oracle, so seeing patterns here could have remarkable consequences. Arranged from left to right are tables scaled to a common 512x512 resolution -- 4, 256, 262144, and 4294967296 puzzles accounted for, respectively. Each black pixel represents an input pair with no solution, white says a solution exists.
from sys import argv
from itertools import product, chain, groupby
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool
def indices(width):
for a in range(width):
for b in range(a+1):
yield (b, a)
for b in reversed(range(a)):
yield (a, b)
def encode(matrix, width):
return sum(1<<i for i, bit
in enumerate(matrix[i][j] for i, j in indices(width))
if bit)
def count_runs(row):
return [sum(group) for key, group in groupby(row) if key]
def flex(solution, width):
counts = list(map(count_runs, solution))
for matrix in product((False, True), repeat=width**2):
candidate = list(zip(*[iter(matrix)]*width))
if list(map(count_runs, candidate)) == counts:
yield candidate
def nonogram_solutions(solution, width):
xy = solution
yx = list(zip(*solution))
enc_sol = encode(solution, width)
return [(encode(xy, width), encode(yx, width), enc_sol)
for xy, yx in product(flex(xy, width), flex(yx, width))]
def main(width):
pool = Pool()
sol_matrices = (list(zip(*[iter(matrix)]*width)) for matrix
in product((False, True), repeat=width**2))
nonograms = partial(nonogram_solutions, width=width)
solutions = pool.imap_unordered(nonograms, sol_matrices, 1)
for xy, yx, solution in chain.from_iterable(solutions):
print(solution, xy, yx)
if __name__ == "__main__":