I'm trying to implement a system of restricted access. Right now I'm focusing on the "session fixation". I am concerned about the following aspects:
Control of a "fingerprint" of the user created by mixing UserAgent, IPAddress and a salt key. If the fingerprint were to change, destroy the user's session.
Using the same session id for a certain number of times, after which regeneration session id.
Regenerate the session id every time change the level of user authentication
What I want to know is whether my approach is right and if it is safe enough. I apologize if the code is long, I tried to remove all the unnecessary parts.
I do not want a code review, but the opinions about it ... particularly if the mine is a safe approach.
class oLogonUser
const SESSION_LIMIT = 10;
const SESSION_SALT = 'AS86F(,sa)8as7d+/234N&&"$£%';
function __construct()
// init session
// check if user logged
if( $this->isUserLogged() )
// Check if finger print is valid
if( !$this->isValidFingerPrint() )
$this->LogOutUser(); // log out
private function InitSession()
// check if session already start
if( session_id() == '' )
// Set user's fingerprint
// Session counter
if( isset($_SESSION['UserSessionCounter']) )
$_SESSION['UserSessionCounter'] = (int)$_SESSION['UserSessionCounter'] + 1;
$_SESSION['UserSessionCounter'] = 0;
// if session counter exeed limit, regenerate session id
if( $_SESSION['UserSessionCounter'] > self::SESSION_LIMIT )
$_SESSION['UserSessionCounter'] = 0;
private function isValidFingerPrint()
// checking if the user fingerprint is the same as that stored in session
if( isset($_SESSION['UserFingerPrint']) )
return ( $_SESSION['UserFingerPrint'] === $this->getUserFingerPrint() );
return false;
private function getUserFingerPrint()
// return user fingerprint
private function setUserFingerPrint()
// store in session user fingerprint
if( !isset($_SESSION['UserFingerPrint']) )
$_SESSION['UserFingerPrint'] = $this->getUserFingerPrint();
public function LogOnUser($UserName, $Password)
//NB: in fact control the credentials in the database
if( $UserName == 'test' && $Password == 'test' )
public function LogOutUser($UserName, $Password)
// destroy user session
private function setUserLogged()
// set user logged
$_SESSION['UserLogged'] = TRUE;
public function isUserLogged()
// check if user is logged
return (isset($_SESSION['UserLogged']) && $_SESSION['UserLogged'] == TRUE );
// Test it
$objLogonUser = new oLogonUser();
if( !$objLogonUser->isUserLogged() )
$objLogonUser->LogOnUser('test', 'test');
echo session_id() . '<BR />';