I am writing code to do some numerical task using the routines of the book Numerical Recipes. One of my objectives is to calculate the second derivative of a function and have a routine that calculates the first derivative of a function in a nice manner within a specified accuracy. However, I would like to generalize this method and use this function recursively to find the second derivatives or higher order derivatives if needed. I have made some changes in my code and defined a reduced function which takes one argument and achieved my aim more or less. The function that calculates the first derivatives are declared as follows:
float dfridr(float (*func)(float), float x, float h, float *err);
My aim is to set the h
value by calling another function for both of the nested dfridr
functions at once. For clarity I have enclosed my code. I would appreciate it if you could comment on my method and provide suggestions for improvement and general feedback. As far as I've checked, it works better than the finite difference algorithms, but I think it may be refined.
// The compilation command used is given below
// gcc Q3.c nrutil.c DFRIDR.c -lm -o Q3
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "nr.h"
#define LIM1 20.0
#define a -5.0
#define b 5.0
#define pre 100.0 // This defines the precision
/* This file calculates the func at given points, makes a
* plot. It also calculates the maximum and minimum of the func
* at given points and its first and second numerical derivative.
float func(float x)
return exp(x / 2) / pow(x, 2);
// We define the following functions to aid in the calculation of the
// second derivative
float reddfridr(float x)
float err;
return dfridr(func, x, 0.1, &err);
float dfridr2(float x, float h)
float err;
return dfridr(reddfridr, x, h, &err);
int main(void)
FILE *fp = fopen("Q3data.dat", "w+"), *fp2 = fopen("Q3results.dat", "w+");
int i; // Declaring our loop variable
float min, max, err, nd1, nd2, x, y;
// Define the initial value of the func to be the minimum
min = func(0);
// Initialize x
x = 0;
for(i = 0; x < LIM1 ; i++)
x = i / pre; // There is a singularity at x = 0
y = func(x);
if(y < min)
min = y;
fprintf(fp, "%f \t %f \n", x, y);
fprintf(fp, "\n\n");
max = 0;
// Never forget to initialize x again
x = a;
// Since i is incremented at the end of the loop
for(i = 0; x < b ; i++)
x = a + i / pre;
y = func(x);
nd1 = dfridr(func, x, 0.1, &err);
nd2 = dfridr2(x, 0.1);
fprintf(fp, "%f \t %f \t %f \t %f\n", x, y, nd1, nd2);
if(y > max)
max = y;
fprintf(fp2, "The minimum value of f(x) is %f when x is between 0 and 20. \n", min);
fprintf(fp2, "The maximum value of f(x) is %f when x is between -5 and 5. \n", max);
return 0;
function defined? \$\endgroup\$