I have a year or so of experience in developing in Java. I submitted the solution for this task, but never got the feedback that was promised. Since I still would like to get a feedback on my solution, I figured that here I will find skilled developers who wish to help me and others who may have similar questions.
Compute electricity day- and night- consumption of a client. Given client's per-hour electricity consumption for some month. Goal is to compute total day- and night- consumption. Hours are enumerated from 1 starting from beginning of month. Day hours are 7-23 at working days (8-24 at daylight saving time or summer). All other hours are night hours. Example for January 2012:
1 - 2kW (hour #1 is January 1, Sunday, 00:00 - 01:00 - NIGHT) 2 - 3kW (hour #2 is January 1, Sunday, 01:00 - 02:00 - NIGHT) 26 - 3kW (hour #26 is January 2, Monday, 01:00 - 02:00 - NIGHT) 32 - 6kW (hour #32 is January 2, Monday, 07:00 - 08:00 - DAY) ... 744 - 0kW (hour #744 is January 31, 23:00 - 24:00)
In this case, night consumption is 8 = 2+3+3 and day consumption is 6.
* Used for calculating day and night tariff energy consumption for one month. Takes into account the start and end time changes of
* the day and night tariff because of the day light saving time period.
* This constructor uses Estonian time zone and 7-23 as day hours and 8-24 as day hours at daylight saving time.
* @param consumptionData One month's consumption data for each hour. Each hour - consumption pair has to be on a separate line.
* Syntax: First the hour value, second, the separator: ' - ' and then the amount.
* Hours have to be integers, and start from 1. Lines with non-integer hour values are disregarded.
* Amount has to be a number value. Non-numbers are considered as zero value.
* For example, if one line of data is '1 - 2.5kW', then the hour #1 is first day of a month at 00:00 - 01:00.
* @param month Month (1-12) for which the data belongs to.
* @param year Year for which the data belongs to.
public MonthConsumption(final BufferedReader consumptionData, final int month, final int year)
* Used for calculating day and night tariff energy consumption for one month. Takes into account the start and end time changes of
* the day and night tariff because of the day light saving time period.
* @param consumptionData One month's consumption data for each hour. Each hour has to be on a separate line.
* First the hour value, then the separator ' - ' and then the amount.
* Hours have to be integers, and start from 1. Lines with non-integer hour values are disregarded.
* Amount can be double or integer value.
* For example, if one line of data is '1 - 2kW', then the hour #1 is first day of a month at 00:00 - 01:00.
* @param month Month (1-12) for which the data belongs to.
* @param year Year for which the data belongs to.
* @param timezone Timezone where the data was measured. Values for the timezones can be acquired
* <a href="http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/timezones.html">here</a>
* from the 'Canonical ID' column. This is needed to consider the daylight saving time changes.
* @param dayTariffStartHour The hour of the day from which the day tariff is being measured during the standard, non-daylight saving time period.
* @param dayTariffEndHour The hour of the day which is the last hour of day tariff during the standard, non-daylight saving time period.
* @param dstDayTariffStartHour The hour of the day from which the day tariff is being measured during the daylight saving time period.
* @param dstDayTariffEndHour The hour of the day which is the last hour of day tariff during the daylight saving time period.
public MonthConsumption(final BufferedReader consumptionData, final int month, final int year, final String timezone,
final int dayTariffStartHour, final int dayTariffEndHour, final int dstDayTariffStartHour, final int dstDayTariffEndHour)
* @return Consumption amount that the day tariff applies to.
public Double duringDayTariff()
* @return Consumption amount that the night tariff applies to.
public Double duringNightTariff()
public void nightConsumptionIsFromFirstHourToEighthHourWhenDST() throws Exception {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader("1 - 1" + "\n" + "8 - 1" + "\n" + "24 - 10" + "\n" + "9 - 10"));
MonthConsumption monthConsumption = new MonthConsumption(reader, 4, 2013);
assertEquals(2, monthConsumption.duringNightTariff(), 0);
public void testIncludedWithTheTask() throws Exception {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader("1 - 2" + "\n" + "2 - 3" + "\n" + "26 - 3" + "\n" + "32 - 6" + "\n" + "744 - 0"));
MonthConsumption monthConsumption = new MonthConsumption(reader, 1, 2013);
assertEquals(8, monthConsumption.duringNightTariff(), 0);
assertEquals(6, monthConsumption.duringDayTariff(), 0);
public void daylightSavingStartsOnLastSundayOfMarchInEstoniaAt01UTC_March2013() throws FileNotFoundException {
String fileName = "endOfMarch2013.csv";
String fileSeparator = System.getProperty("file.separator");
final String filePath = "src" +
fileSeparator + "test" + fileSeparator + "resources" + fileSeparator + fileName;
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filePath));
MonthConsumption monthConsumption = new MonthConsumption(reader, 3, 2013);
/* The "endOfMarch2013.csv" file has 50 hours, each with consumed value of 1.
The 723th hour is 2013 31th March 02:00-02:59. DST starts at 03:00 (UTC 01:00).
This means that the time from 3:00-3:59 is skipped.
724th hour is 2013 31th March 04:00-05:59
Therefore, 744th hour is the beginning of the next month, which will not be
assertEquals(48, monthConsumption.duringNightTariff(), 0);
assertEquals(1, monthConsumption.duringDayTariff(), 0);
- Is the public interface easy to use? Is there a better way instead of
to pass data toMonthConsumption
? Do the public methods ofMonthConsumption
have understandable documentation? - Which tests are missing? Should I create tests for private methods as well? Have you come up with a test that would give some unwanted response?
- Is the design of unit tests using best practices? Do the unit tests serve as an explanation of what the program does? If no, then what should I change?
- Are there enough/not too many comments? Are there some private methods that need comments?
- Do the method and variable names help in understanding and reading the code?