I have written a method for removing a link from a linked list for a phonebook project I'm currently working on and it works perfectly. However, I want to know whether or not my code is acceptable from a programmer's perspective. I tried to systematically structure it in a way such that it's understandable, but by doing so, this results in multiple if statements being nested inside one another.
Is this considered bad coding? Also, should I have used a recursive implementation instead? What do you think? Are there any ways to improve this code? Any constructive criticism is certainly welcome.
public Link removeLink(String surname, String firstName)
Link currentLink = firstLink;
Link previousLink = firstLink;
return null; // Name was not found
// customer to delete is first element in the list
else if((currentLink.surname).equals(surname) && (currentLink.firstName).equals(firstName))
firstLink = firstLink.next;
// customer is not the first element in the list
// search until either the end of list is reached or a match is found
while(currentLink.next!=null && !((currentLink.surname).equals(surname) && (currentLink.firstName).equals(firstName)))
previousLink = currentLink;
currentLink = currentLink.next;
// if end of list is reached
if(currentLink.next == null)
// check if there is a match with last element in list
if((currentLink.surname).equals(surname) && (currentLink.firstName).equals(firstName))
previousLink.next = currentLink.next;
return null;
// match is found somewhere in the middle of list
previousLink.next = currentLink.next;
numEntries--; // number of entries decrements each time a customer is deleted
return currentLink; // return the entry that was deleted