I need to write code for the given problem:
I'm provided with a word and I need to find all the possible combination of it that matches with a given list of words in a file.
Here's my code. Can I make it much better? I'm sure it can be done. Please offer suggestions.
dict = {}
file = open("/usr/share/dict/words", "r")
for word in file: #Iterate through every word in the dictionary
word = word.strip().lower() #Strip newlines and send to lowercase
sorted_word = ''.join(sorted(word)) #Alphabetically sort the word
if sorted_word in dict: #Check if sorted_word is already a key
if word not in dict[sorted_word]: #Make sure word is not already in the list under the key sorted_word
dict[sorted_word].append(word) #Add to list under the key sorted_word
else: #If not in dictionary
dict[sorted_word] = [word] #Create new list with one entry
while(True): #Loop until quit is typed
jumble = raw_input("Enter a jumble to decode or 'quit': ") #Get input
jumble = jumble.lower() #Send jumble to lower
if(jumble == "quit"): #Quit if quit is typed
jumble = ''.join(sorted(jumble)) #Sort jumble alphabetical
if jumble in dict: #If sorted jumble exists in dictionary
results = dict[jumble] #Get list of words that match jumble
for result in results: #Loop through list printing results
print result, #Trailing , designates that there should be a space between entries
print "" #Print newlines
else: #Jumble not found in dictionary print message
print "Results for jumble not found"
find anagrams including bothits
, and your code will not do so. \$\endgroup\$