I am new to Python and had to create a schema parser to pull information on attributes and complex types, etc. and then convert data from flat files into the proper XML format. We are processing a lot of data and I've run into some issues once we pass around 1 millions processed records.
I'm looking for any suggestions on code style, best python practices, etc. that will clean this up a bit and increase efficiency.
Here is the part that pulls in the schema:
import csv, ConfigParser, re, datetime, time
from lxml import etree
elemdict = {}
parser = etree.XMLParser()
data = etree.parse(open("testschema.xsd"),parser)
root = data.getroot()
version = root.get("version")
rootelement = root[0]
elements = rootelement[0][0].getchildren()
for e in elements:
ename = e.get("name")
elemdict[ename] = []
subelements = e[0][0].getchildren()
for se in subelements:
specials = root.getchildren()[1:]
specialtypes = {}
for sp in specials:
sname = sp.get("name")
specialtypes[sname] = {}
specialtypes[sname]["type"] = sp.tag.split('}')[-1] #removes namespace to get either complex or simple type, another option here would be to use xpath('local-name()') or remove the first 34 characters from the tag, none of them really clean options
typeelements = sp.getchildren()[0].getchildren()
specialtypes[sname]["details"] = []
if specialtypes[sname]["type"] == "complexType":
specialtypes[sname]["requireds"] = []
for t in typeelements:
if (not "minOccurs" in t.attrib) or int(t.get("minOccurs"))>0:
for t in typeelements:
That pulls all information into two dictionaries, elemdict
and specialtypes
. Special types includes both enums and complex types.
Here is the code that creates the XML elements and returns, where d
is the root element, datainput
is the line we are obtained from the file, name
is the element name, and requireds
is a list of required fields for the element:
def addData(d, datainput, name, requireds):
datavals = dict((k.lower().replace(" ","_"),v) for k,v in datainput.iteritems()) #lower case all the keys for consistency
except AttributeError:
print "Invalid row, skipping: " + str(datainput)
for i in range(len(requireds)):
rname = requireds[i]["name"]
rtype = requireds[i]["type"]
if rtype[0:3] != "xs:": #if no xs: prefix, element is a complex element of one of our types
for j in range(len(specialtypes[rtype]["requireds"])):
spname = specialtypes[rtype]["requireds"][j]
if not((rname + "_" + spname) in datavals) or len(datavals[(rname + "_" + spname)])<=0:
print "missing attributes for complex element " + rname + " in values " + str(datavals) + ", returning"
elif not(rname in datavals) or len(datavals[rname])<=0:
print "no " + rname + " in values " + str(datavals) + ", returning"
element = etree.SubElement(d, name)
element.set("id", datavals["id"])
for i in range(len(elemdict[name])):
cname = elemdict[name][i]["name"]
ctype = elemdict[name][i]["type"]
if ctype[0:3] != "xs:" and specialtypes[ctype]["type"] == "complexType": #if the type does not start with and xml type and is a complex type specified by us
validComplex = True
for j in range(len(specialtypes[ctype]["requireds"])):
spname = specialtypes[ctype]["requireds"][j]
if not((cname + "_" + spname) in datavals) or len(datavals[(cname + "_" + spname)])<=0:
validComplex = False
if validComplex:
temp = etree.SubElement(element, cname)
for d in specialtypes[ctype]["details"]:
if (cname + "_" + d) in datavals and len(datavals[(cname + "_" + d)]) > 0:
tempsubelem = etree.SubElement(temp, d)
tempsubelem.text = datavals[(cname + "_" + d)]
elif cname in datavals and len(datavals[cname]) > 0:
temp = etree.SubElement(element, cname)
if ctype == "xs:date":
temp.text = str(datetime.date(*time.strptime(datavals[cname],dateformat)[0:3]))
temp.text = datavals[cname]
except ValueError:
temp.text = removeNonAscii(datavals[cname])