Is this the correct implementation of Heap Sort using Java? How can it be improved further?
import java.util.Arrays;
public class HeapSort {
public static int heapSize;
public static int LEFT(int i)
//returns left index of a zero index based array
return 2*i+1;
public static int RIGHT(int i)
//returns right index of a zero based array
return 2*i+2;
public static void BUILD_MAX_HEAP(int A[])
heapSize = A.length;//heap size initialised
for(int i=A.length/2; i>=0;i--)//since n/2, n/2+1 ... are leaves we can start from n/2 step downwards
//call MAX_HEAPIFY on each root node starting from n/2
public static void MAX_HEAPIFY(int A[],int i)
int l=LEFT(i);//the left element's index which is 2*i+1 (for zero based indexed array)
int r=RIGHT(i);//right index = 2*i+2;
int largestElementIndex = -1;//index can't be negative so initialise largest index , it will be used later
//heapSize is the current size of the heap being worked upon
//check if left index lies within the heap.
//if element at left index is greater than root(A[i]) element, max heap property is violated
//copy the index of violated element in largestElementIndex
if(l<heapSize && A[l]>A[i]){
largestElementIndex = l;
else //if max heap property is not violated copy the root's index in largestElementIndex
//check to see the right sub tree for max heap property violation
//here the largestElementIndex is calculated from previous step
if(r<heapSize && A[r]>A[largestElementIndex])
largestElementIndex = r;
//if root doesn't has the largest index then swap the largest element with root element
int temp = A[i];
//after swap, recursively call the MAX_HEAPIFY on the largest index(root element)
MAX_HEAPIFY(A, largestElementIndex);
public static void HEAP_SORT(int A[])
//max heap is built with heapSize initialised
//starting from end loop through entire array
for(int i=A.length-1;i>=0;i--)
//since heap is already heapified and maintains max heap property
//the first element of the array is root of max heap
//swap it with the extreme element of the array i.e. setting the largest element to the end of array
int temp = A[0];
//reduce the heap window by 1
heapSize = heapSize-1;
//call max heapify on the reduced heap
public static void main(String[] args) {
int A[] = new int[]{4,1,3,2,16,9,10,14,8,7};