I wrote this Ruby code that takes data from a survey. Seeing as it is my first Ruby project, I know it can be written much better. How could some of this code be written in more idiomatic Ruby? This code is extracted from a Rails model (the rest of the model is tame).
def prepare_anova_data
n = surveys_completed
(1..n).each do |i|
anova_summary = create_anova_summary!(no_clusters: i)
Axis.all.each do |axis|
clusters_for_axis = cluster(axis.id, i)
clusters_for_axis.each_with_index do |cluster_axis_summary, index|
cluster_name = cluster_axis_summary[:name]
scores = cluster_axis_summary[:data]
scores.each do |key, value|
anova_summary.anova_datas.create!(no_clusters: i, cluster_no: index, question_code: key, mean_score: value)
def cluster(axis_id, no_clusters)
# Get all the questions for the axis specified
@questions ||= self.survey.questions.where(axis_id: axis_id).pluck('id')
clusterer =diana_clusterer(@questions, no_clusters)
# Calculate the mean scores per cluster, eg. Cluster 1: question 1: 2, question 2, 3.5 etc.
series_data = []
clusterer.clusters.each_with_index do |cluster, index|
question_means_for_cluster = {}
# For every question, go through the current cluster and add up all of the scores to
# caluculate the cluster mean
for i in [email protected]
sum = 0
count = 0
# data_items is an array containing each respondent's survey scores (as an array)
cluster.data_items.each do |item|
sum += item[i]
count += 1
question_means_for_cluster[Question.survey_code(@questions[i])] = (sum.to_d / count).round(2)
# Chartkick requires a hash in this format
series_data << {name: "Cluster #{ index + 1 }", data: question_means_for_cluster}
# Don't forget to add the overall mean scores to the result.
series_data << overall_mean_values(clusterer, @questions)
def overall_mean_values(clusterer, questions)
overall_question_means = {}
# For each question, go through every item (array of individual survey scores) in every cluster and add up the scores
# This gets the Survey Group average for each question in the survey
for i in 0...questions.count
sum = 0
count = 0
# Unpack the clusters here, we don't need the clusters, we just want to use the already retrieved data for
# this survey group and merely sum it all up by question.
clusterer.clusters.each do |cluster|
cluster.data_items.each do |item|
sum += item[i]
count += 1
overall_question_means[Question.survey_code(questions[i])] = sum.to_d / count
# This format is required for the Chartkick libary
{ name: 'Overall', data: overall_question_means }
def diana_clusterer(questions, no_clusters)
# Get all the responses for the survey group into an array (of arrays)
answers = []
self.members.each do |member|
answers << member.responses.where(question_id: questions).pluck('score')
# Use the AI4R library to create a cluster using the Diana Algorithm
data_set = DataSet.new(data_items: answers, data_labels: questions)
Diana.new.build(data_set, no_clusters)