The following is a new question based on answers from here: Small MVC for PHP
I have written a small template library that I would like some critiques on, located here. If you are looking for where to start, check out the files in the lib
I would really love to hear your critiques on code quality, code clarity, and anything else that needs clarification expansion.
I'm more interested in what I'm doing wrong than right. The README is incomplete and there is a lot more functionality than what is documented.
Code examples (these might not have changed much since last year, but I was asked to add some code, so I am including the same two files as on my previous post):
* The main library for the framework
namespace SmallFry\lib;
class_alias('SmallFry\lib\MySQL_Interface', 'SmallFry\lib\MySQL'); // MySQL class to be deprecated
* Description of Bootstrap
* @author nlubin
Class Bootstrap {
* @var SessionManager
private $_session;
* @var stdClass
private $_path;
* @var AppController
private $_controller;
* @var Template
private $_template;
* @var Config
private $CONFIG;
* @param Config $CONFIG
function __construct(Config $CONFIG) {
try {
$this->CONFIG = $CONFIG;
$this->CONFIG->set('page_title', $this->CONFIG->get('DEFAULT_TITLE'));
$this->CONFIG->set('template', $this->CONFIG->get('DEFAULT_TEMPLATE'));
$this->_session = new SessionManager($this->CONFIG->get('APP_NAME'));
$this->_path = $this->readPath();
$this->_controller = $this->loadController();
$this->_template = new Template($this->_path, $this->_session, $this->CONFIG);
$this->_controller->displayPage($this->_path->args); //run the page for the controller
$this->_template->renderTemplate($this->_path->args); //only render template after all is said and done
catch (\Exception $e) {
header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
* @return \stdClass
private function readPath(){
$default_controller = $this->CONFIG->get('DEFAULT_CONTROLLER');
$index = str_replace("/", "", \SmallFry\Config\INDEX);
//use strtok to remove the query string from the end fo the request
$request_uri = !isset($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) ? "/" : strtok($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"],'?');;
$request_uri = str_replace("/" . $index , "/", $request_uri);
$path = $request_uri ?: '/'.$default_controller;
$path = str_replace("//", "/", $path);
$path_info = explode("/",$path);
$page = isset($path_info[2]) ? $path_info[2] : "index";
list($page, $temp) = explode('.', $page) + array("index", null);
$model = $path_info[1] ?: $default_controller;
$obj = (object) array(
'path_info' => $path_info,
'page' => $page,
'args' => array_slice($path_info, 3),
'route_args' => array_slice($path_info, 2), //if is a route, ignore page
'model' => $model
return $obj;
* @return AppController
private function loadController(){
$modFolders = array('images', 'js', 'css');
//load controller
if(strlen($this->_path->model) == 0) $this->_path->model = $this->CONFIG->get('DEFAULT_CONTROLLER');
//find if is in modFolders:
$folderIntersect = array_intersect($this->_path->path_info, $modFolders);
if(count($folderIntersect) == 0){ //load it only if it is not in one of those folders
$controllerName = "{$this->_path->model}Controller";
$model = $this->createModel($this->_path->model);
$self = $this;
$callback = function($modelName) use (&$model, &$self){
if(get_class($model) === "SmallFry\lib\AppModel") { //check if model DNE
$newModel = $self->createModel($modelName);
return $newModel;
else { //return the original model
return $model;
$app_controller = $this->createController($controllerName, $model, $callback);
if(!$app_controller) {
$route = $this->CONFIG->getRoute($this->_path->model);
if($route) { //try to find route
$this->_path->page = $route->page;
$this->_path->args = count($route->args) ? $route->args : $this->_path->route_args;
$model = $this->createModel($route->model);
$app_controller = $this->createController($route->controller, $model);
if(!$app_controller) {
//show nothing
throw new \Exception("You cannot create a controller here for this route ({$route->controller}).");
else {
//show nothing
throw new \Exception("That controller does not exist ({$controllerName}).");
return $app_controller;
else { //fake mod-rewrite
$this->rewrite($this->_path->path_info, $folderIntersect);
public function createModel($model) {
$useOldVersion = !$this->CONFIG->get('DB_NEW');
$mySQLClass = "SmallFry\lib\MySQL_PDO";
if($useOldVersion) {
$mySQLClass = "SmallFry\lib\MySQL_Improved";
$firstHandle = null;
$secondHandle = null;
//Primary db connection
$database_info = $this->CONFIG->get('DB_INFO');
if($database_info) {
$firstHandle = new $mySQLClass($database_info['host'], $database_info['login'],
$database_info['password'], $database_info['database'], $this->CONFIG->get('DEBUG_QUERIES'));
else {
//Secondary db connection
$database_info = $this->CONFIG->get('SECONDARY_DB_INFO');
if($database_info) {
$secondHandle = new $mySQLClass($database_info['host'], $database_info['login'],
$database_info['password'], $database_info['database'], $this->CONFIG->get('DEBUG_QUERIES'));
return AppModelFactory::buildModel($model, $this->CONFIG, $firstHandle, $secondHandle);
* @param string $controllerName
* @return AppController
private function createController($controllerName, $model, $callback = null) {
$nameSpacedController = "SmallFry\\Controller\\$controllerName";
if (class_exists($nameSpacedController) && is_subclass_of($nameSpacedController, __NAMESPACE__.'\AppController')) {
$app_controller = new $nameSpacedController($this->_session, $this->CONFIG, $model, $callback);
} else {
return false;
return $app_controller;
* @param array $path_info
* @param array $folderIntersect
private function rewrite(array $path_info, array $folderIntersect){
$find_path = array_keys($folderIntersect);
$find_length = count($find_path) - 1;
$file_name = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,array_slice($path_info, $find_path[$find_length]));
$file = \SmallFry\Config\DOCROOT."webroot".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file_name;
$file_extension = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if(is_file($file)){ //if the file is a real file
if($file_extension === 'php') {
include("./webroot/{$file_name}"); exit;
include \SmallFry\Config\BASEROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'functions'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'apache_request_headers.php'; // needed for setups without `apache_request_headers`
// Getting headers sent by the client.
$headers = apache_request_headers();
// Checking if the client is validating his cache and if it is current.
if (isset($headers['IF-MODIFIED-SINCE']) && (strtotime($headers['IF-MODIFIED-SINCE']) == filemtime($file))) {
// Client's cache IS current, so we just respond '304 Not Modified'.
header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($file)).' GMT', true, 304);
header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', time() + 3600));
header("Cache-Control: max-age=2592000");
} else {
// File not cached or cache outdated, we respond '200 OK' and output the file.
header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($file)).' GMT', true, 200);
header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', time() + 3600));
header("Cache-Control: max-age=2592000");
header('Content-Length: '.filesize($file));
include \SmallFry\Config\BASEROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'functions'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'mime_type.php'; // needed for setups without `mime_content_type`
header('Content-type: ' . mime_content_type($file));
else {
throw new \Exception("File does not exist ({$file}).");
namespace SmallFry\lib;
* Description of AppController
* @author nlubin
class AppController {
private $pageOn;
protected $name = __CLASS__;
protected $helpers = array();
protected $validate = array();
protected $posts = array();
protected $session;
protected $validator;
protected $template;
protected $CONFIG;
* @param SessionManager $SESSION
* @param Config $CONFIG
* @param MySQL_Interface $firstHandle
* @param MySQL_Interface $secondHandle
public function __construct(SessionManager $SESSION, Config $CONFIG, AppModel $model, $modelCallback = null) {
$this->CONFIG = $CONFIG;
$this->session = $SESSION;
if(isset($this->modelName)) { //if the model is different than the controller name
if($modelCallback !== null && is_callable($modelCallback)) {
$model = $modelCallback($this->modelName); //get real model
$modelName = $model->getModelName();
$this->$modelName = $model;
/* Get all posts */
$this->posts = $model->getPosts();
$view = isset($this->viewName) ? $this->viewName : $modelName;
$this->CONFIG->set('view', strtolower($view));
$this->session->set(strtolower($modelName), array());
private function getPublicMethods(){
$methods = array();
$r = new \ReflectionObject($this);
$r_methods = $r->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC);
$notAllowedMethods = array("__construct", "init", "__destruct"); //list of methods that CANNOT be a view and are `keywords`
foreach($r_methods as $method){
if($method->class !== 'SmallFry\lib\AppController' && !in_array($method->name, $notAllowedMethods)){
//get only public methods from extended class
$methods[] = $method->name;
return $methods;
* @param Template $TEMPLATE
public function setTemplate(Template $TEMPLATE){
$this->template = $TEMPLATE;
$helpers = array();
foreach($this->helpers as $helper){
$help = "{$helper}Helper";
if(isset($this->$help)) {
$helpers[$helper] = $this->$help;
$this->template->set('helpers', (object) $helpers);
* Function to run before the constructor's view function
public function init(){} //function to run right after constructor
public function setPage($pageName) {
$this->page = $pageName;
* Show the current page in the browser
* @param array $args
* @return string
public function displayPage($args) {
$this->CONFIG->set('method', $this->page);
$public_methods = $this->getPublicMethods();
if(in_array($this->page, $public_methods)) {
call_user_func_array(array($this, $this->page), $args);
else {
throw new \Exception("{$this->name}/{$this->page} does not exist.");
* @return string
function index() {}
* @param string $msg
* @return string
protected function getErrorPage($msg = null) {
$err = '<div class="error errors">%s</div>';
return sprintf($err, $msg);
protected function setHelpers(){
foreach($this->helpers as $helper){
$help = "{$helper}Helper";
$nameSpacedHelper = "SmallFry\\helper\\$help";
if(class_exists($nameSpacedHelper) && is_subclass_of($nameSpacedHelper, 'SmallFry\\helper\\Helper')){
$this->$help = new $nameSpacedHelper();
* @param array $validate
* @param array $values
* @param boolean $exit
* @return boolean
protected function validateForm($validate = null, $values = null, $exit = true){
$this->validator = new FormValidator(); //create new validator
if($validate == null){
$validate = $this->validate;
foreach($validate as $field => $rules){
foreach($rules as $validate=>$message){
$this->validator->addValidation($field, $validate, $message);
return $this->doValidate($values, $exit);
protected function doValidate($values = null, $exit = true){
if(!(!isset($_POST) || count($_POST) == 0)){
//some form was submitted
$error = '';
$error_hash = $this->validator->GetErrors();
foreach($error_hash as $inpname => $inp_err)
$error .= $inp_err.PHP_EOL;
return $this->makeError($error, $exit);
return true;
protected function makeError($str, $exit = true){
$return = $this->getErrorPage(nl2br($str));
if($exit) exit($return);
return $return;
protected function killPage(){ //Throw a 404 for the page
header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");