I am fairly new to PHP, and would love to have my code reviewed to see what I am doing wrong and ways to improve it. The code works fine, I just feel like there's an easier way to do this.
This is the PHP code at the top of my page - and then the HTML is below it, but I will only paste the PHP code. What the page is, is a way for a shop to edit which credit cards they accept.
Instead of a form, I have the credit card logos on the page and if it's selected in the database then it is highlighted at 100% opacity, and if it's not selected then it's at 25% opacity, so it's faded out. If they choose to start accepting Mastercard for example, they click on the faded Mastercard logo and it goes to ?card=mastercard&value=1 and it updates the database and refreshes the page, so when it refreshes it is now full opacity and selected in the database.
In the database it is called "credit_cards" and the values are "xxxx" for "visa, mastercard, discover, amex"
So if they are all selected, it will show "1111" if all except discover then it is "1101"
$Db = new MySqliDb('localhost', 'root', 'root', 'shops');
if(!isset($_GET['user_id'])) {
die("No user selected.");
$id = $_GET['user_id'];
$Db->where('id', $id);
$result = $Db->get('users');
if(isset($_GET['card']) && isset($_GET['value'])) {
if ($_GET['value'] == "1" || $_GET['value'] == "0") {
$card = $_GET['card'];
$value = $_GET['value'];
// Get Current Credit Cards Value In Database
$currentCreditCards = $result[0]['credit_cards'];
// Individual Credit Card Values
$visa = substr($currentCreditCards, 0, 1);
$mastercard = substr($currentCreditCards, 1, 1);
$discover = substr($currentCreditCards, 2, 1);
$amex = substr($currentCreditCards, 3, 1);
switch($card) {
case "visa":
// Get The New Value To Update The Database With
$newCreditCards = $value ."". $mastercard ."". $discover ."". $amex;
$updateData = array('credit_cards' => $newCreditCards);
$Db->where('id', $id);
$Db->update('users', $updateData);
header("location: test.php?user_id=$id");
case "mastercard":
$newCreditCards = $visa ."". $value ."". $discover ."". $amex;
$updateData = array('credit_cards' => $newCreditCards);
$Db->where('id', $id);
$Db->update('users', $updateData);
header("location: test.php?user_id=$id");
case "discover":
$newCreditCards = $visa ."". $mastercard ."". $value ."". $amex;
$updateData = array('credit_cards' => $newCreditCards);
$Db->where('id', $id);
$Db->update('users', $updateData);
header("location: test.php?user_id=$id");
case "amex":
$newCreditCards = $visa ."". $mastercard ."". $discover ."". $value;
$updateData = array('credit_cards' => $newCreditCards);
$Db->where('id', $id);
$Db->update('users', $updateData);
header("location: test.php?user_id=$id");
foreach($result as $row) :
if($row['credit_cards'][0] == "1"){
$visaNumber = "0";
$visaStyle = "style=\"opacity: 1; filter: alpha(opacity=100)\"";
} else {
$visaNumber = "1";
$visaStyle = "style=\"opacity: 0.25; filter: alpha(opacity=25)\"";
if($row['credit_cards'][1] == "1"){
$masterCardNumber = "0";
$masterCardStyle = "style=\"opacity: 1; filter: alpha(opacity=100)\"";
} else {
$masterCardNumber = "1";
$masterCardStyle = "style=\"opacity: 0.25; filter: alpha(opacity=25)\"";
if($row['credit_cards'][2] == "1"){
$discoverNumber = "0";
$discoverStyle = "style=\"opacity: 1; filter: alpha(opacity=100)\"";
} else {
$discoverNumber = "1";
$discoverStyle = "style=\"opacity: 0.25; filter: alpha(opacity=25)\"";
if($row['credit_cards'][3] == "1"){
$amexNumber = "0";
$amexStyle = "style=\"opacity: 1; filter: alpha(opacity=100)\"";
} else {
$amexNumber = "1";
$amexStyle = "style=\"opacity: 0.25; filter: alpha(opacity=25)\"";
Is this a stupid way of doing it? Am I doing this wrong?
The whole visaNumber
and visaStyle
stuff is just for the HTML, so if its selected in the database, then the URL needs to point to ?visa=0 to turn it off, instead of ?visa=1, and then it has to show the correct opacity.