The intent of this test file is to go through each of my Project Euler solutions and see if they:
- return the correct answer, and
- do so in under 60 seconds (unless expected otherwise).
I am using this as a way to learn fortran, so any feedback on performance, clarity, or design would be incredibly helpful. I have no prior experience with fortran.
Relevant links:
- Git repo
- Website with docs
- Link to utils.f90, which defines
, though the intent should be mostly clear
program test
use utils
use Problem0001
use Problem0002
use Problem0006
use Problem0008
use Problem0009
use Problem0011
use Problem0836
implicit none
integer(kind=4), dimension(:), allocatable :: problem_ids
logical(kind=1), dimension(:), allocatable :: long_runtime
integer :: num_problems
num_problems = 7
problem_ids = (/ &
001, &
002, &
006, &
008, &
009, &
011, &
836 &
long_runtime = (/ &
.false., &
.false., &
.false., &
.false., &
.false., &
.false., &
.false. &
call process_problems(problem_ids, long_runtime)
deallocate(problem_ids, long_runtime)
subroutine process_problems(problem_ids, long_runtime)
integer(kind=4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: problem_ids
logical(kind=1), dimension(:), intent(in) :: long_runtime
type(AnswerT) :: expected, answer
integer(kind=4) :: i
integer :: first_count, second_count, count_rate, count_max, tmp
real :: time_elapsed
! Loop through each problem
do i = 1, size(problem_ids)
print *, "Processing Problem ID: ", problem_ids(i)
if (long_runtime(i)) then
print *, " This problem will take more than 60 seconds."
end if
expected = get_answer(problem_ids(i))
call system_clock(first_count, count_rate, count_max)
answer = select_function(problem_ids(i))
call system_clock(second_count, count_rate, count_max)
if (expected%type /= answer%type) then
print *, " Error: type mismatch between expected answer and returned value"
select case (answer%type)
case (int64t)
print *, " Returned: int (", answer%int_value, ")"
case (stringt)
print *, " Returned: string (" // answer%string_value // ")"
case (errort)
print *, " Returned: error"
end select
select case (expected%type)
case (int64t)
print *, " Expected: int (", expected%int_value, ")"
case (stringt)
print *, " Expected: string (" // expected%string_value // ")"
case (errort)
print *, " Expected: error"
end select
stop 3
end if
select case(expected%type)
case (int64t)
if (expected%int_value /= answer%int_value) then
print *, " Error: problem ", problem_ids(i), " failed!"
print *, " Expected Answer : ", expected%int_value
print *, " Solution returned: ", answer%int_value
stop 1
end if
case (stringt)
if (expected%string_value /= answer%string_value) then
print *, " Error: problem ", problem_ids(i), " failed!"
print *, " Expected Answer : ", expected%string_value
print *, " Solution returned: ", answer%string_value
stop 1
end if
deallocate(answer%string_value, expected%string_value)
case (errort)
print *, " Error retrieving answer!"
end select
tmp = second_count - first_count
if (tmp < 0) then
tmp = tmp + count_max
end if
time_elapsed = real(tmp) / real(count_rate)
if (.NOT. long_runtime(i) .AND. time_elapsed > 60.0) then
print *, " Error: problem ", problem_ids(i), " timed out!"
print *, " Solution took : ", time_elapsed, "s"
stop 2
end if
print *, " Completed : ", problem_ids(i), "in ", time_elapsed, "s"
end do
end subroutine process_problems
type(AnswerT) function select_function(problem_id) result(answer)
integer(kind=4), intent(in) :: problem_id
answer%type = int64t
select case (problem_id)
case (1)
answer%int_value = p0001()
case (2)
answer%int_value = p0002()
case (6)
answer%int_value = p0006()
case (8)
answer%int_value = p0008()
case (9)
answer%int_value = p0009()
case (11)
answer%int_value = p0011()
case (836)
allocate(character(len=14) :: answer%string_value)
if (.not. allocated(answer%string_value)) then
print *, " Memory allocation failed for string_value. Returning error type"
answer%type = errort
answer%type = stringt
answer%string_value = p0836()
end if
case default
print *, "Unknown problem ID!"
answer%type = errort
end select
end function select_function
end program test
does not mean Fortran 90 but any free-form source. \$\endgroup\$kind=something
unnecesarilly long and always remove the optionalkind=
so the properinteger(iknd)
is a named integer constant is even shorter (and the constant name can also be even shorter). \$\endgroup\$