Recently, I've been wanting to do some larger C projects than I'm used to, since I really like the language. So, as a first step, I decided to implement a nice calculator. My end goal is implementing continued-fraction arithmetic, since I've never really seen that used anywhere before, but currently, it just does int
operations - and I thought it'd be nice to know what I can do better before I actually do more.
The interface is pretty simple: You type in expressions to calculate, and it prints the result, like so (user input is indented)
1 + 1
114 - 10 + (_2 ** 3 + 1) * 5
* 42
So far, it supports plus, minus, times, divide and remainder (same symbols as in C), powers with **
, negation with _
, as well as parentheses.
Additionally, you can use the previous result by leaving out a number at the start of a line, and display it in binary or hex using a command starting with :.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 256
#define EVAL_STACK_SIZE 256
typedef enum {
} EvalRes;
typedef struct {
enum {
PLUS = 0, MINUS = 1,
MULT = 2, DIV = 3, MOD = 4,
EXP = 5,
NEG = 6,
INT = 7,
OPEN = 8, CLOSE = 9,
END = 10,
NONE = 11
} type;
union {
int num;
} Token;
#ifdef DEBUG
char *TOKEN_NAMES[] = {"PLUS", "MINUS", "MULT", "DIV", "MOD", "EXP", "NEG", "INT", "OPEN", "CLOSE", "END", "::"};
// + - * / % ** _
int precedence[] = {0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3};
bool right_assoc[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0};
bool is_op(Token t) {
return t.type < INT;
char get(char **s) {
return **s;
char next(char **s) {
return **s ? *(*s)++ : 0;
void unget(char **s) {
bool is_blank(char c) {
return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r';
// return next token, advance *line until position directly after
Token next_token(char **line) {
Token token;
char c = next(line);
if(c == '+') token = (Token) {PLUS};
else if(c == '-') token = (Token) {MINUS};
else if(c == '*') {
if(get(line) == '*') {
token = (Token) {EXP};
token = (Token) {MULT};
else if(c == '/') token = (Token) {DIV};
else if(c == '%') token = (Token) {MOD};
else if(c == '_') token = (Token) {NEG};
else if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
// just return 1 place in line, then parse from there
int num = 0;
while((c = get(line)) >= '0' && c <= '9') {
num = 10 * num + (c - '0');
token = (Token) {INT, {num}};
else if(c == '(') token = (Token) {OPEN};
else if(c == ')') token = (Token) {CLOSE};
else if(!c)
return (Token) {END};
return (Token) {NONE};
return token;
// push `t` onto `*stack`
void push(Token t, Token **stack) {
*(++*stack) = t;
// pop token off `*stack`
Token pull(Token **stack) {
return *((*stack)--);
// get depth'th token off `*stack`; depth=0 is TOS
Token peek(int depth, Token **stack) {
return (*stack)[-depth];
#ifdef DEBUG
void print_stack(Token *stack) {
int ix = 0;
while(stack[-ix].type != NONE)
for(int i = ix; i >= 0; i--)
printf("%s ", TOKEN_NAMES[stack[-i].type]);
// signal value; use as `base_op` in reduce() to reduce all
const int ALL_OP = -111111;
// returns true if reduced successfully, false on error
// this is where the actual computation takes place
bool reduce(Token **stack, int base_op) {
if(peek(0, stack).type != INT)
return false;
int n = pull(stack).num;
while(is_op(peek(0, stack))) {
Token op = pull(stack);
// reduce all with higher precedence
// and ones with same precedence unless right-associative
if(base_op != ALL_OP && (
precedence[op.type] < precedence[base_op]
|| (op.type == base_op && right_assoc[op.type])
)) {
push(op, stack);
// evaluate ... _ n
if(op.type == NEG)
n = -n;
// evaluate ... m (op) n
else {
Token t = pull(stack);
if(t.type != INT)
return false;
int m = t.num;
switch(op.type) {
case PLUS: n = m + n; break;
case MINUS: n = m - n; break;
case MULT: n = m * n; break;
case DIV: n = m / n; break;
case MOD: n = m % n; break;
case EXP:
int pow = n;
n = 1;
while(pow-- > 0) n *= m;
default: return false;
push((Token) {INT, {n}}, stack);
return true;
EvalRes eval(char *line) {
// previous answer
static int ans = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("%zu: \"%.*s\"\n", strlen(line), (int)strlen(line), line);
// no input -> no output
if(*line == 0)
return RES_GOOD;
// commands
if(*line == ':') {
#define lineis(s) !strncmp(line, s, sizeof(s))
if(lineis(":exit") || lineis(":quit"))
return RES_EXIT;
printf("%d\n", ans);
// print previous answer in hex signedly
printf("%s%x\n", ans < 0 ? "-" : "", ans < 0 ? -ans : ans);
// print previous answer in binary; sadly, no formatting option for that
if(lineis(":binary")) {
int n = ans;
if(n < 0) {
n = -n;
int digits = 1;
while(n >= 1 << digits) digits++;
while(--digits + 1) printf("%d", n >> digits & 1);
return RES_GOOD;
Token stack_array[EVAL_STACK_SIZE] = {{NONE}, {INT, {ans}}};
// stack for tokens; the pointer always points to the top element
Token *stack = stack_array + 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
bool finished = false;
while(!finished) {
Token token = next_token(&line);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Token %s\n", TOKEN_NAMES[token.type]);
switch(token.type) {
// +,- reduce +,-,*,/,%,**,_, then push self
case PLUS:
case MINUS:
// *,/,% reduce *,/,%,**,_, then push self
case MULT:
case DIV:
case MOD:
// ** reduces _, then pushes self
case EXP:
if(!reduce(&stack, token.type)) return RES_ERROR;
push(token, &stack);
// negation, int, open parens are just pushed
case NEG:
case INT:
case OPEN:
push(token, &stack);
// closing paren finished evaluating its sub-expression, pulls open paren off stack
case CLOSE:
if(!reduce(&stack, ALL_OP)) return RES_ERROR;
if(peek(1, &stack).type != OPEN)
return RES_ERROR;
stack[-1] = stack[0];
case END:
finished = true;
case NONE:
return RES_ERROR;
#ifdef DEBUG
if(!reduce(&stack, ALL_OP)) return RES_ERROR;
// print result, and make it the new previous answer
int result = pull(&stack).num;
printf("%d\n", result);
ans = result;
return RES_GOOD;
int main() {
char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
while(true) {
printf(" ");
fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, stdin);
// remove all blanks (notably, \n and \r) from the end
size_t len = strlen(line);
while(is_blank(line[len - 1]))
line[--len] = 0;
EvalRes res = eval(line);
if(res == RES_EXIT)
if(res == RES_ERROR)
printf("Invalid Input\n");
Instead of having separate parsing and evaluation stages, lines are tokenized and evaluated on-the-fly using a stack machine.
On start, the stack contains a sentinel - in lieu of tracking the stack height separately to avoid underflow - and the previous result. Then, for every token:
- if it's a number, it's pushed on the stack
- if it's an operation, then first it tries to evaluate any existing expression on the stack - for example, if the stack contains tokens
.. 1 + 2 * 3
and the next token is a+
, then it will reduce this to.. 1 + 6
, then.. 7
, before pushing the+
to get.. 7 +
. Here, we also achieve operator precedence by not reducing operations with lower precedence than the current one - for example, if the stack contains.. 1 + 2
, then a following*
will not reduce this to.. 3
. All this is implemented inreduce()
above. - if it's an open paren, it's just pushed, and acts like the sentinel value at the bottom for any following operations; if it's a closing paren, then it does a
, before removing the open paren it was preceded by.
In the end, the result of the evaluation (after one more reduce
) is what's on top of the stack. I know that this means something like 1 2 3 4 5
is valid input with result 5, but for now I'm deciding that's a feature :)