I encountered this issue a while back, where I tried to "set" the value of a member "in place", without changing its position within the Collection
. Unfortunately, there is no way to determine the position of a key in a Collection
, so the best I could do was
Now a custom class could have solved this, like KeyedCollection
or VBA-FastDictionary
by @Cristian Buse. But while my use case required extensibility to Mac, it also precluded further dependencies.
But then I had a brainwave! The .Add()
method has the before
and after
arguments, which can insert a member next to an existing key.
So if the key already exists, we can
- mark the spot
it with a placeholder; and .Remove()
its member; then.Add()
its replacementafter
the placeholder, under the originalkey
; and finally.Remove()
the placeholder.
This leaves the replacement value under the same key and in the same position!
There remained the challenge of generating a unique placeholder, which would not clash with existing keys. Now let 𝑛 be the .Count
of the Collection
, and suppose we have the "worst case" scenario, where the keys are a sequence 𝕂 of 𝑛 numeric String
s: 𝕂 = {"1"
, "2"
, "3"
, ..., CStr(n)
}. Even so, there must exist some 𝑖 ∈ 𝕀 in the sequence 𝕀 = {1, 2, 3, ..., 𝑛, 𝑛 + 1} of 𝑛 + 1 numbers, such that CStr(i)
∉ 𝕂.
I use this principle to generate the unique placeholder in linear time, with the Private
helper Clx_NewKey()
The API exposes the following functions:
: Set the value of a member "in place", either by key or anonymously by position.Clx_Has()
: Test if a member exists, either under a key or at a position.
Attribute VB_Name = "Clx"
' Set the value of a member "in place".
Public Sub Clx_Set(ByRef clx As Collection, _
ByVal index As Variant, _
ByRef value As Variant _
If WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(index) Then
clx.Add item := value, after := index
clx.Remove index := index
Dim placeholder As String: placeholder = Clx_NewKey(clx)
clx.Add item := Null, key := placeholder, before := index
clx.Remove index := index
clx.Add item := value, key := index, after := placeholder
clx.Remove index := placeholder
End If
End Sub
' Test if a member exists.
Public Function Clx_Has(ByRef clx As Collection, _
ByVal index As Variant _
) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Fail
clx.Item index := index
Clx_Has = True
Exit Function
Clx_Has = False
End Function
' Generate a unique key.
Private Function Clx_NewKey(ByRef clx As Collection, _
Optional ByVal seed As Long = -2147483648, _
Optional ByVal increment As Long = 1 _
) As String
Dim i As Long: i = seed
Dim key As String
key = CStr(i)
i = i + increment
Loop While Clx_Has(clx, index := key)
Clx_NewKey = key
End Function
See below for the output from testing.
Attribute VB_Name = "Test_Clx"
Public Sub Test()
Dim colx As Collection: Set colx = New Collection
' ########################
' ## Initial Collection ##
' ########################
Debug.Print "===== Initial Collection ====="
colx.Add "val_1", "key_1"
colx.Add "val_2", "key_2"
colx.Add "val_3", "key_3"
Debug.Print "colx(1) = '" & colx(1) & "'"
Debug.Print "colx('key_1') = " & colx("key_1") & "'"
Debug.Print "colx(2) = '" & colx(2) & "'"
Debug.Print "colx('key_2') = '" & colx("key_2") & "'"
Debug.Print "colx(3) = '" & colx(3) & "'"
Debug.Print "colx('key_3') = '" & colx("key_3") & "'"
Debug.Print: Debug.Print: Debug.Print
' ################
' ## Set by Key ##
' ################
Debug.Print "===== Set by Key ====="
Debug.Print "Clx_Has(colx, 'key_1') = " & Clx.Clx_Has(colx, "key_1")
Debug.Print "Clx_Set colx, 'key_1', 'val_1.2'"
Clx.Clx_Set colx, "key_1", "val_1.2"
Debug.Print "colx(1) = '" & colx(1) & "'"
Debug.Print "colx('key_1') = " & colx("key_1") & "'"
Debug.Print "colx(2) = '" & colx(2) & "'"
Debug.Print "colx('key_2') = '" & colx("key_2") & "'"
Debug.Print "colx(3) = '" & colx(3) & "'"
Debug.Print "colx('key_3') = '" & colx("key_3") & "'"
Debug.Print: Debug.Print: Debug.Print
' #####################
' ## Set by Position ##
' #####################
Debug.Print "===== Set by Position ====="
Debug.Print "Clx_Has(colx, 1) = " & Clx.Clx_Has(colx, 1)
Debug.Print "Clx_Set colx, 1, 'val_1.3'"
Clx.Clx_Set colx, 1, "val_1.3"
Debug.Print "colx(1) = '" & colx(1) & "'"
' Debug.Print "colx('key_1') = " & colx("key_1") & "'"
Debug.Print "colx(2) = '" & colx(2) & "'"
Debug.Print "colx('key_2') = '" & colx("key_2") & "'"
Debug.Print "colx(3) = '" & colx(3) & "'"
Debug.Print "colx('key_3') = '" & colx("key_3") & "'"
Debug.Print: Debug.Print: Debug.Print
End Sub
===== Initial Collection ===== colx(1) = 'val_1' colx('key_1') = val_1' colx(2) = 'val_2' colx('key_2') = 'val_2' colx(3) = 'val_3' colx('key_3') = 'val_3' ===== Set by Key ===== Clx_Has(colx, 'key_1') = True Clx_Set colx, 'key_1', 'val_1.2' colx(1) = 'val_1.2' colx('key_1') = val_1.2' colx(2) = 'val_2' colx('key_2') = 'val_2' colx(3) = 'val_3' colx('key_3') = 'val_3' ===== Set by Position ===== Clx_Has(colx, 1) = True Clx_Set colx, 1, 'val_1.3' colx(1) = 'val_1.3' colx(2) = 'val_2' colx('key_2') = 'val_2' colx(3) = 'val_3' colx('key_3') = 'val_3'
- see here. However, I don't use that class anymore as I now have FastDictionary \$\endgroup\$0.1.0
) in a few weeks. After all the advice you've given me in VBA, I can't wait to show you! \$\endgroup\$