I have written a Scrapy spider to scrape product data from a website. The spider navigates through multiple pages to reach a specific product and extracts details such as the product name, price, color, size, and reviews. I would greatly appreciate it if you could review my code and provide feedback on the following aspects:
- Correct usage of Scrapy framework features.
- Adherence to best practices in web scraping.
- Code efficiency and readability.
- Error handling and robustness.
- Overall structure and design.
Here is my code:
import scrapy
import json
class MarksAndSpencerSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "marksandspencer"
allowed_domains = ["marksandspencer.com"]
start_urls = ["https://www.marksandspencer.com"]
def parse(self, response):
option = response.css('#country-selector-country option[value="BG"]')
if option:
value = option.css('::attr(value)').get().lower()
bg_url = f"https://www.marksandspencer.com/{value}"
self.logger.info(f"BG URL found: {bg_url}")
yield response.follow(bg_url, callback=self.parse_bg_page)
self.logger.warning("BG option not found on the homepage.")
def parse_bg_page(self, response):
men_link = response.css('.nav-item.dropdown.order-lg-3 .subcategory a::attr(href)').get()
if men_link:
self.logger.info(f"Men's link found: {men_link}")
yield response.follow(men_link, callback=self.parse_mens_page)
self.logger.warning("Men's section link not found on the BG page.")
def parse_mens_page(self, response):
casual_shirts_link = response.xpath('//a[contains(text(), "Casual shirts")]/@href').get()
if casual_shirts_link:
self.logger.info(f"Casual shirts link found: {casual_shirts_link}")
yield response.follow(casual_shirts_link, callback=self.parse_casual_shirts)
self.logger.warning("Casual shirts link not found on the Men's page.")
def parse_casual_shirts(self, response):
product_link = response.css('div.pdp-link a:contains("Easy Iron Geometric Print Shirt")::attr(href)').get()
if product_link:
self.logger.info(f"Product link found: {product_link}")
yield response.follow(product_link, callback=self.parse_product_page)
self.logger.warning("Product link not found in the Casual Shirts section.")
def parse_product_page(self, response):
product_name = response.css('.product-name::text').get()
price = response.css('.value::text').get()
selected_colour = response.css('button.qa-addtocart-button')
size = response.css('#plp-select').get()
reviews_script = response.xpath('(//script[@type="application/ld+json"])[2]/text()').get()
if reviews_script:
json_data = json.loads(reviews_script)
review_count = json_data.get('AggregateRating', {}).get('reviewCount', 0)
avg_rating = json_data.get('AggregateRating', {}).get('ratingValue', 0.0)
review_count = 0
avg_rating = 0.0
color = ''
for button in selected_colour:
color = button.attrib.get('data-defaultcolor', '')
sizes = []
if size:
select_element = scrapy.Selector(text=size, type="html")
option_tags = select_element.css('option')
for option in option_tags:
option_text = option.xpath('normalize-space(text())').get()
if option_text != "Select Size":
product_data = {
"name": product_name or '',
"price": price or '',
"colour": color,
"size": sizes,
"reviews_count": int(review_count),
"reviews_score": float(avg_rating),
yield product_data
I am eager to learn and improve, so any suggestions or advice you can provide will be very helpful.