This is my first working scraper. I'm sure a lot can be improved. My biggest question is how can I better specify what data to pull? All the data I'm currently grabbing is needed, but I couldn't think of another way to prevent the scraper from pulling header and footer data. This is why I used < 14 as a requirement. Any other advise on how I can improve is welcome.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import os
url = ''
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
# find all table rows
table_rows = soup.find_all('tr')
# create a list to store column data
column_data = []
# determine the row to start from
start_row = 2
# flag to indicate when to start scraping
start_scraping = False
# iterate over each row, starting from the third row
for row in table_rows[start_row:]:
# extract data from each cell in the row
row_data = [cell.text.strip() for cell in row.find_all('td')]
# find an img tag with the specific src attribute within the row
img = row.find('img', src='')
# if found, replace 'Arrow' column data with "right"; otherwise, "left"
# (left image has different url name)
if img and len(row_data) >= 3: # make sure 'Arrow' column exists
row_data[2] = 'Right'
elif len(row_data) >= 3:
row_data[2] = 'Left'
# if the row has 14 cells, start scraping - refers to column #
if len(row_data) == 14:
start_scraping = True
# if the row has less than 14 cells, stop scraping
elif len(row_data) < 14 and start_scraping:
# if the row has data and scraping has started, append it to column_data
if row_data and start_scraping:
# define column names
column_names = ['Terminal Name', 'Terminal', 'Arrow', 'Zip Code', 'State', 'Province', 'Seven', 'Eight',
'Total', 'Notes', 'One-Way Miles', 'Per Mile (fuel incl)', 'Date','Blank']
# convert scraped data to df
df = pd.DataFrame(column_data, columns=column_names)
# write to csv
df.to_csv('fullrun.csv', index=False)