
To learn how custom derive macros work in Rust, I decided to create a simple derive macro to provide getters and setters for a given struct.

It would be used like this:

pub struct Example {
    field1: String,
    field2: i32,

However, there are some things that feel wrong to me about it:

  1. The code uses both proc_macro and proc_macro2, is this necessary?
  2. Currently, every getter / setter is in their own impl block. But the quote! macro requires code that is well-formed regarding braces, so I think I cannot create impl #name { first and fill in the methods afterwards. Is there a better way?
  3. The function identifiers are created with format!, is this okay?
  4. Would it be possible to adapt it so one could just write
#[get, set]
field: (),

instead of

field: (),

Apart from that, what else would you improve or change?

Here is the code:

use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span};
use quote::quote;
use syn::{Data, DeriveInput};

#[proc_macro_derive(GetSet, attributes(get, set))]
pub fn get_set_derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let ast: DeriveInput = syn::parse(input).unwrap();

    let mut gen = proc_macro2::TokenStream::new();

    let name = &ast.ident;
    let data = &ast.data;

    if let Data::Struct(data_struct) = data {
        let fields = &data_struct.fields;

        for field in fields {
            let field_name = field
                .expect("struct idents are required for this to work!");
            let field_type = &field.ty;

            for attr in &field.attrs {
                let path = attr.path();

                if path.is_ident("get") {
                    let fn_ident = Ident::new(&format!("get_{field_name}"), Span::call_site());

                    let getter = quote! {
                        impl #name {
                            pub fn #fn_ident(&self) -> &#field_type {

                if path.is_ident("set") {
                    let fn_ident = Ident::new(&format!("set_{field_name}"), Span::call_site());

                    let setter = quote! {
                        impl #name {
                            pub fn #fn_ident(&mut self, new: #field_type) {
                                self.#field_name = new;

    } else {
        panic!("no support for enums or unions!")


1 Answer 1


The code uses both proc_macro and proc_macro2, is this necessary?

This is normal. proc_macro is the compiler API stub, only available to proc-macro crates, and proc_macro2 is a plain library that doesn't depend on the compiler proc macro API. It's possible to write a proc-macro crate that doesn't depend on proc_macro2 at all, but then you'd also need to avoid using syn and quote, or any other proc-macro utility libraries — they all depend on proc_macro2, precisely because without it there's no way to manipulate tokens in library code (as opposed to proc-macro crate code).

Currently, every getter / setter is in their own impl block. But the quote! macro requires code that is well-formed regarding braces, so I think I cannot create impl #name { first and fill in the methods afterwards.

You can use an iterator or collection in quote! to assemble the complete structure at once.

let mut functions: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream> = Vec::new();

// ... gather functions into vector ...

// this is the entire output of the derive (no `gen` stream)
quote! {
    impl #name {
        #( #functions )*

The function identifiers are created with format!, is this okay?


Would it be possible to adapt it …

No, the syntax of attributes does not allow #[foo, bar]. You have to pick one name for the attribute, but it can have parameters: #[getset(get, set)].

Apart from that, what else would you improve or change?

It looks pretty good. You asked the right questions and I can't think of more things to change.


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