
This is my interface, all of my transport concrete classes will be implementing this interface.

interface ITransport
    void Travel()

These are my existing implementation class:

class Horse : ITransport
    public Horse()

    public void Travel()
        Console.Writeline("I am travelling on a horse");

class Camel : ITransport
    public Camel()

    public void Travel()
        Console.Writeline("I am travelling on a Camel");

class Ship : ITransport
    public Ship()

    public void Travel()
        Console.Writeline("I am travelling on a Ship");

This is my Factory class I create instance of my transport classes from this factory class.

class TransportFactory
    public TransportFactory()

    ITransport ProvideTransport(string transportType)
            case "Camel": return Camel; break;
            case "Horse": return Horse; break;
            case "Ship": return Ship; break;

This is my creational class meaning I configure my client classes or consumer classes through this class:

class ConfigurationBuilder
    ITransport camel;
    ITransport ship;
    ITransport horse;

    public ConfigurationBuilder()
        TransportFactory tFactory = new TransportFactory();
        horse = tFactory.ProvideTransport("horse");
        camel = tFactory.ProvideTransport("camel");
        ship = tFactory.ProvideTransport("ship");

    Human ConfigureHuman()
        return new Human(camel, ship, horse);

This is my client code the actual caller of these transport class:

class Human
    ITransport camel;
    ITransport ship;
    ITransport horse;

    public Human(ITransport camel, ITransport ship, ITransport horse)
        this.camel = camel;
        this.ship = ship;
        this.horse = horse; 

    void Travel()
        //TransportFactory tFactory = new TransportFactory(); 

        if(ground =="plain")
        if(ground =="desert")
        if(ground =="sea")

Now my question is What will happen when I have a new means of traveling: such as Plane for Air and then Rocket for Space etc.

My Constructor will change and will keep on changing as more and more means of traveling keep on adding throughout application life time. Is this the correct design or is there a better way.

As for the question is considered I couldn't come up with intuitive words to explain my problem :)

Update: Commented TransportFactory out of Human class


I guess I now understood how it will be done. I will be needing two factories now.TransportFactory which is already implemented above, the second one will be HumanFactory which will create a human but also has additional responsibility of calling travel method of appropriate ITransport.

public class HumanFactory
    ITransport camel;
    ITransport ship;
    ITransport horse;
    Human _human;
    Dictionary<string, ITransport> _availableTransports;
    event Action<Human, string> transportRequested;

    public HumanFactory(TransportFactory tFactory)

        horse = tFactory.ProvideTransport(TransportTypes.Horse);
        camel = tFactory.ProvideTransport(TransportTypes.Camel);
        ship = tFactory.ProvideTransport(TransportTypes.Ship);

    public Human ConfigureHuman()
        if (_availableTransports == null)
            _availableTransports = new Dictionary<string, ITransport>();
            _availableTransports.Add(GroundTypes.Desert.ToString(), camel);
            _availableTransports.Add(GroundTypes.Sea.ToString(), ship);
            _availableTransports.Add(GroundTypes.Plains.ToString(), horse);

        transportRequested += new Action<Human, string>(_human_transportRequested);
        _human = new Human(transportRequested);

        return _human;

    void _human_transportRequested(Human human, string groundType)
        if (_availableTransports.ContainsKey(groundType))
            ITransport suitableTransport = _availableTransports[groundType];
            //code for handling below conditions goes here
            //I don't know what to do for this type of plain?

Here is the Human class now:

public class Human
    Action<Human, string> _transportRequested;

    public Human(Action<Human, string> transportRequested)
        _transportRequested = transportRequested;

    public void Travel()
        if (_transportRequested != null)
            var ev = _transportRequested;
            ev.Invoke(this, GroundTypes.Plains.ToString());

We will call the Human class now as:

TransportFactory tFactory=new TransportFactory();
HumanFactory humanFactory = new HumanFactory(tFactory);

Human human = humanFactory.ConfigureHuman();

One More thing: I guess I should be having a lock in the HumanFactory class in _human_transportRequested method? In case there is a multithreaded scenario. I guess now my code is following Law of Demeter :)

Special Thanks to Nik( for that marvelous solution) and Gleb( for those wonderful videos)

  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ You should indent your code properly. That makes it more pleasant to read, and increases the chances of a good answer. \$\endgroup\$
    – Lstor
    Commented Jul 12, 2013 at 8:07
  • \$\begingroup\$ return Camel This won't compile, did you mean return new Camel()? \$\endgroup\$
    – svick
    Commented Jul 12, 2013 at 10:13
  • \$\begingroup\$ @svick Yes it should be return new camel. Sorry, was in a hurry just write it in a notepad :) \$\endgroup\$
    – Devesh
    Commented Jul 12, 2013 at 12:07
  • \$\begingroup\$ I would suggest you name your interface ITransportable, following a bit of a naming convention. \$\endgroup\$
    – Abbas
    Commented Jul 12, 2013 at 13:11
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Abbas That wouldn't make much sense. A ship is not something that can transported, it's something that transports other things. So I think ITransport is a good name here. \$\endgroup\$
    – svick
    Commented Jul 12, 2013 at 20:05

3 Answers 3


I assume that this is just an example and I don't need to tell you that you should use enums instead of strings, remove breaks after returns, indent your code, etc. :) So, to answer your question: I think you should refactor your Human class:

class Human
    private readonly TransportFactory _tFactory;

    public Human(TransportFactory tFactory)
        if (tFactory == null) 
            throw new ArgumentNullException("tFactory");
        _tFactory = tFactory;

    void Travel(string ground)
        var transport = _tFactory.ProvideTransport(ground);

class TransportFactory
    ITransport ProvideTransport(string groundType)
            case "desert":
                return new Camel();
            case "plain":
                return new Horse();
            case "sea":
                return new Ship();
                return new ArmsAndLegs();

You will still need to modify factory method when you add new transport though. This can be avoided by using reflection.

Edit: here is another example:

class Human
    public event Action<Human, ПкщгтвЕнзуы> TransportRequested;

    void Travel(GroundTypes ground)
        var ev = TransportRequested;
        if (ev != null)
            ev(this, ground);

interface ITransport
    void Transport(object cargo);

class TravelAgency
    private readonly TransportFactory _tFactory;

    public TravelAgency(TransportFactory tFactory)
        if (tFactory == null) 
            throw new ArgumentNullException("tFactory");
        _tFactory = tFactory;

    //this method at some point subscribes to TransportRequested event
    private void OnTransportRequested(Human human, GroundTypes ground)
        var transport = _tFactory.ProvideTransport(ground);


Subscription using your TransportFactory logic:

public class HumanFactory
     Dictionary<GroundTypes, ITransport> _availableTransports;

     public HumanFactory(TransportFactory tFactory)
        _availableTransports = new Dictionary<string, ITransport>();
        _availableTransports.Add(GroundTypes.Desert, tFactory.ProvideTransport(TransportTypes.Horse));
        _availableTransports.Add(GroundTypes.Sea, tFactory.ProvideTransport(TransportTypes.Camel));
        _availableTransports.Add(GroundTypes.Plains, tFactory.ProvideTransport(TransportTypes.Ship));

     public Human CreateHuman()
         var h = new Human();
         h.TransportRequested += OnHumanTransportRequested;
         return h;

     //you can incapsulate this logic in some other object
     //you should also consider implementing Events Aggregator
     //or those subscriptions might become quite complicated as their number increases
     void OnHumanTransportRequested(Human human, GroundTypes groundType)
         if (_availableTransports.ContainsKey(groundType))
             ITransport suitableTransport = _availableTransports[groundType];
             //code for handling below conditions goes here
             //I don't know what to do for this type of plain?
  • \$\begingroup\$ Actually I was trying to avoid passing factory in the constructor as I was following Law of Demeter. Is there some other way? \$\endgroup\$
    – Devesh
    Commented Jul 12, 2013 at 12:11
  • \$\begingroup\$ @shankbond, well, your initial code contains factory reference in Human class, so i thought its not a problem for you. :) But it can be removed, sure. To do so, you should delegate this logic to higher level. The easiest way do it is to rise an event (public event Action<Human, string> RequestTransport;, for example) in your Travel(string ground) method and do the handling in the object which has the knowledge about factories (Society? :)). You can also use EventsAggregator pattern for easier event handling. \$\endgroup\$
    – Nikita B
    Commented Jul 12, 2013 at 12:28
  • \$\begingroup\$ I've added a somewhat simplified example. \$\endgroup\$
    – Nikita B
    Commented Jul 12, 2013 at 12:40
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ I'd also mark those constructor-injected, assigned to member variables as readonly to signify intent as well as check them for null before assignment. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 12, 2013 at 13:20
  • \$\begingroup\$ @JesseC.Slicer, good point. :) \$\endgroup\$
    – Nikita B
    Commented Jul 12, 2013 at 17:23

Sticking to your example, I came up with the following:

1) Interface for Transports

interface Transport
    void Travel();
    bool isSuitableForGround(Ground ground);

2) Possible implementation

class Horse:Transport
    HashSet<Ground> suitableGrounds = new HashSet<Ground> { Ground.Plain };
    public bool isSuitableForGround(Ground ground)
            return suitableGrounds.Contains(ground);

    public void Travel()


So. The Horse knows best, upon which grounds it would walk.

3) The Factory should know nothing of the abilities of what it delivers except the type. The ground which a transport is suitable for is up to the transport itself. It knows best.

class TransportationsFactory
    Dictionary<Type, TransportFactory> transporters=new Dictionary<Type,TransportFactory>();

    public Transport GetTransportType<T>(){
        if (transporters.ContainsKey(typeof(T)) == false) throw new Exception();
        return transporters[typeof(T)].produce();

    public TransportationsFactory(){
        transporters.Add(typeof(Horse),new HorseBreeder());


If you want a Horse, you get a Horse by


4) The implementation of a human looks like the following:

class Human
    List<Transport> transports = new List<Transport>();

    public void TravelOn(Ground ground){
            Transport possibleTransports = transports.Where(t => t.isSuitableForGround(ground)).First();
        catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { 
            //Do something useful


    public Human(IEnumerable<Transport> transports){
        this.transports = transports.ToList();

Of course you could choose another strategy to get a suitable transport. For the sake of the example I chose the strategy to get the first one able to do the job.

Since you asked for constructor injection, I implemented it this way, taking a collection of transports. I would prefer setter injection.

If there is the need to travel on a (different) ground, the human asks its collection of transports, whether one of it is capable of doing the job - so the human too has not to have any knowledge at all what is good for what job.

If you ever come up with a car, you add it to your factory and ask your factory for that. And the car knows best, for what grounds it is made for.


At first there are a lot of random "new" operators. It is best to compose application on it entry point like:

 public class Program 
         public static void Main()
            IDictionary<GroundType, ITransport> transports = new Dictionary<GroundType, ITransport> 
                { GroundType.Plain, new Horse() },
                { GroundType.Desert, new Camel() },
                { GroundType.Sea, new Ship() }

            TransportFactory transportFactory = new TransportFactory(transports);

            Human hero = new Human(transportFactory);

    public class Human
        private readonly TransportFactory _transportFactory;

        private GroundType _ground;

        public Human(TransportFactory transportFactory)
            _transportFactory = transportFactory;

        public void Travel()
            var transport = _transportFactory.GetTransport(_ground);

    public class TransportFactory
        private readonly IDictionary<GroundType, ITransport> _transports;

        public TransportFactory(IDictionary<GroundType, ITransport> transports)
            _transports = transports;

        // virtual will allow to override this method with test stub\mock
        public virtual ITransport GetTransport(GroundType groundType)
            ITransport transport;
            if (!_transports.TryGetValue(groundType, out transport)) {
                // this way we can find any issues earlier 
                throw new NotSupportedException("The current ground of type '{0}' is not supported");

            return transport;

The full DI Composition Root might look after some time:

public static void Main()
    IDictionary<GroundType, ITransport> transports = new Dictionary<GroundType, ITransport> 
        { GroundType.Plain, new Horse() },
        { GroundType.Desert, new Camel() },
        { GroundType.Sea, new Ship() }

    TransportFactory transportFactory = new TransportFactory(transports);

    Human hero = CreateHuman(transportFactory);
    Human enemy = CreateHuman(transportFactory);

    Continent continent = Continent.LoadFromResource(DefaultContinent);
    continent.Place(hero, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
    continent.Place(enemy, new Vector3(110, 30, 0));

    Continent demonicContinent = Continent.LoadFromResource(DemonicContinent);

    World world = new World(new List<Continent> { continent, demonicContinent });
    Game game = new Game(world, new DefaultRulesProvider());

I also suggest to read Mark Seemann's "Dependency Injection in .NET" book.

There are also a lot of talks about testability, DI, and OOP by Misco Hevery - I would have watch them 4 years earlier!

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ I think You should get +1000( unfortunately I don't have that right to up-vote You) for those awesome links Misco rocks :) \$\endgroup\$
    – Devesh
    Commented Jul 13, 2013 at 6:27
  • \$\begingroup\$ Don't You think that 'var transport = _transportFactory.GetTransport(_ground); transport.Travel();'(It is in Human class Travel method) is violating Law of Demeter? \$\endgroup\$
    – Devesh
    Commented Jul 13, 2013 at 6:31
  • \$\begingroup\$ Probably in this specific example Human is not an ITransport himself. The more real world example might be AggregateLogger when it implements ILogger interface, and just iterates through each attached logger: public void Info() { foreach (var logger in _loggers) {logger.Info();}}; \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 8:10
  • \$\begingroup\$ I must agree - factory inside Human class is over-complicated. It is better to inject list of Transports directly into human constructor in this case. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 16, 2013 at 11:54
  • \$\begingroup\$ do I violate Law of Demeter or Dependency Injection in any case if I pass a list / dictionary of dependencies into the constructor? \$\endgroup\$
    – Devesh
    Commented Jul 16, 2013 at 15:20

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