Again, here is the previous question. I have (re)revised my custom scoped timer using the valuable feedback I got from a helpful member of this community. However I feel the need to ask this question so that my new solution is reviewed.
Here is the code (Compiler Explorer):
#include <chrono>
#include <type_traits>
#include <functional>
#include <exception>
#include <utility>
// these are only required by client code
#include <thread>
#include <cstdio>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <fmt/chrono.h>
#define NODISCARD_WARNING_MSG "ignoring returned value of type 'ScopedTimer' might " \
"change the program's behavior since it has side effects"
template < class Duration = std::chrono::microseconds,
class Clock = std::chrono::steady_clock >
requires ( std::chrono::is_clock_v<Clock> &&
requires { std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>{ }; } )
class [[ nodiscard( NODISCARD_WARNING_MSG ) ]] ScopedTimer
using clock = Clock;
using duration = Duration;
using rep = Duration::rep;
using period = Duration::period;
using time_point = std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>;
using callback_type = std::conditional_t< noexcept( Clock::now( ) ),
std::move_only_function<void ( Duration ) noexcept>,
std::move_only_function<void ( Duration,
std::exception_ptr ) noexcept> >;
[[ nodiscard( "implicit destruction of temporary object" ) ]] explicit
ScopedTimer( callback_type&& callback = nullptr ) noexcept( noexcept( now( ) ) )
: m_callback { std::move( callback ) }
[[ nodiscard( "implicit destruction of temporary object" ) ]]
ScopedTimer( ScopedTimer&& rhs ) noexcept = default;
~ScopedTimer( )
if ( m_callback == nullptr )
if constexpr ( noexcept( now( ) ) )
const time_point end { now( ) };
m_callback( end - m_start );
const time_point end { now( ) };
m_callback( end - m_start, nullptr );
catch ( ... )
const std::exception_ptr ex_ptr { std::current_exception( ) };
m_callback( duration { }, ex_ptr );
[[ nodiscard ]] const time_point&
get_start( ) const& noexcept
return m_start;
[[ nodiscard ]] const time_point&
get_start( ) const&& noexcept = delete;
[[ nodiscard ]] const callback_type&
get_callback( ) const& noexcept
return m_callback;
[[ nodiscard ]] const callback_type&
get_callback( ) const&& noexcept = delete;
set_callback( callback_type&& callback ) & noexcept
m_callback = std::move( callback );
set_callback( callback_type&& callback ) && noexcept = delete;
[[ nodiscard ]] duration
elapsed_time( ) const& noexcept( noexcept( now( ) ) )
return now( ) - m_start;
[[ nodiscard ]] duration
elapsed_time( ) const&& noexcept( noexcept( now( ) ) ) = delete;
[[ nodiscard ]] time_point static
now( ) noexcept( noexcept( clock::now( ) ) )
return std::chrono::time_point_cast<duration>( clock::now( ) );
time_point const m_start { now( ) };
callback_type m_callback;
template <class Callback>
ScopedTimer( Callback&& ) -> ScopedTimer<>;
template <class Duration>
ScopedTimer( std::move_only_function<void ( Duration ) noexcept> ) -> ScopedTimer<Duration>;
// --------------------------- client code ---------------------------
using std::chrono_literals::operator""ms;
template <class Duration, class Clock>
ScopedTimer<Duration, Clock> func( ScopedTimer<Duration, Clock> timer )
std::exception_ptr ex_ptr;
timer.set_callback( [ &ex_ptr ]( const auto duration ) noexcept
fmt::print( stderr, "\nTimer in func took {}\n", duration );
catch ( ... )
ex_ptr = std::current_exception( );
} );
if ( ex_ptr )
std::rethrow_exception( ex_ptr );
catch ( const std::exception& ex )
fmt::print( stderr, "{}\n", ex.what( ) );
std::this_thread::sleep_for( 200ms );
return timer;
int main( )
std::move_only_function<void ( std::chrono::milliseconds ) noexcept> f =
[&]( const auto duration ) noexcept
fmt::print( stderr, "\nTimer took {}\n", duration );
catch ( ... ) { }
ScopedTimer timer { std::move( f ) };
std::this_thread::sleep_for( 100ms );
ScopedTimer t;
auto t2 = func( std::move( timer ) );
t.set_callback( []( const auto d ) noexcept {
fmt::print( stderr, "\nTimer t took {}\n", d ); } );
std::this_thread::sleep_for( 500ms );
- I have added 3
attributes to the code. Although I'm not sure how the one for move constructor might be useful. No valid scenario comes to my mind. - I also added setters and getters for members
and also deleted their rvalue reference overloads. - Used the
keyword instead ofstruct
and thus made the two member variables private. - Added a second template deduction guide so that the type parameter
can be deduced from the duration parameter type of thestd::move_only_function
object that is passed to the constructor ofScopedTimer
Any suggestions could be valuable.