
I have written an infix-to-postfix program that I would like reviewed and with a few suggestions on improving it, such as a more modularized approach.

package basicstrut;

import java.util.Stack;

public class Infix {

    private String infixStr;

    private Stack<Character> oprStack;

    public Infix(String infixStr){
        oprStack = new Stack<Character>();
        this.infixStr = infixStr;

    public String toPostFix(){
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(infixStr.length());

        for(int i=0;i<infixStr.length();i++){
            char str = (infixStr.charAt(i));            
            if(valueOfOpr(str) == 0){

                if(i != infixStr.length()-1 && !oprStack.isEmpty()){
                    char nextChar = (infixStr.charAt(i+1));
                    char opStack = oprStack.peek();

                    int compare =  compareOperators (opStack,nextChar); 

                    if(compare >0 && valueOfOpr(opStack) != 5) {
                        opStack = oprStack.pop();

            if(i == infixStr.length()-1){
                if(valueOfOpr(str) > 0 && valueOfOpr(str) != 6) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Expression");
                    char temp = oprStack.pop();
                    if(valueOfOpr(temp) != 5)buf.append(temp);
            }else if (valueOfOpr(str) > 0){

                if(oprStack.isEmpty()) {

                    if(valueOfOpr(str) == 6){
                            char temp = oprStack.pop();
                            if(valueOfOpr(temp) != 5)buf.append(temp);
                        char opStack = oprStack.pop();
                        int compare =  compareOperators (opStack,str);  

                        if(compare >0) {


        return buf.toString();

    public int compareOperators(char op1 , char op2){       
        return valueOfOpr( op1) - valueOfOpr( op2) ;

    public int valueOfOpr(char op){
        int value = 0;

        switch (op) {
        case '*':
            value = 4;
        case '/':
            value = 3;
        case '+':
            value = 2;
        case '-':
            value = 1;
        case '[':           
        case ']':
        case '(':       
            value = 5;  
        case ')':
            value = 6;  

        return value;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Infix i = new Infix("A+B");
/*      System.out.println("A+B -->"+i.toPostFix());
        i = new Infix("A+B-C");
        System.out.println("A+B-C -->"+i.toPostFix());

        i = new Infix("A+B*C");
        System.out.println("A+B*C -->"+i.toPostFix());
        i = new Infix("A*B+C");
        System.out.println("A*B+C -->"+ i.toPostFix());     
        i = new Infix("A/B+C");
        System.out.println("A/B+C -->"+i.toPostFix());
        i = new Infix("A+B/C");
        System.out.println("A+B/C -->"+ i.toPostFix());
        i = new Infix("A*(B+C)");
        System.out.println("A*(B+C) -->"+ i.toPostFix());

        i = new Infix("A*(B+C)*(D+E)");
        System.out.println("A*(B+C)*(D+E) -->"+ i.toPostFix());

        i = new Infix("A*(B+C)-D/(E+F)");
        System.out.println("A*(B+C)-D/(E+F) -->"+ i.toPostFix());       

        i = new Infix("A*(B+C)-D/(E+F)*G+H");
        System.out.println("A*(B+C)-D/(E+F)*G+H -->"+ i.toPostFix());

        i = new Infix("(A*B*(C+D))");
        System.out.println("(A*B*(C+D)) -->"+ i.toPostFix());

        i = new Infix("(A*B*(C+D)*E+F)");
        System.out.println("(A*B*(C+D)*E+F) -->"+ i.toPostFix());

  • \$\begingroup\$ @DaveJarvis What kind of life cycle for Infix are you imagining such that it ever needs to be thread-safe? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 10, 2013 at 11:30
  • \$\begingroup\$ @abuzittingillifirca: Simultaneous calls to toPostFix will corrupt the oprStack variable. Since oprStack is only ever used by toPostFix, move it into that method. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 10, 2013 at 20:45
  • \$\begingroup\$ @DaveJarvis You are absolutely right about oprStack belonging to toPostFix (Also infixStr should be final. ); with or without Infix needing to be thread-safe. And it needs not. Actually toPostFix will not be called in a thread twice either. Infix is just a function masquerading as a class. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 11, 2013 at 6:06
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Dave - yes sure thing. \$\endgroup\$
    – Sudhakar
    Commented Jul 11, 2013 at 8:44

1 Answer 1


One small thing you can do is improve the readability of things like

valueOfOpr(opStack) != 5

by making an Operator enum like so (notice I took the liberty of re-ordering the square brackets, correct me if I'm wrong):

public static enum Operator {
    NOT_AN_OPERATOR(0, ""),
    SUBTRACTION(1, "-"),
    ADDITION(2, "+"),
    DIVISION(3, "/"),
    OPEN_BRACKET(5, "[("),
    CLOSE_BRACKET(6, "])");

    private final int precedence;
    private final String symbol;

    private Operator(int precedence, String symbol) {
        this.precedence = precedence;
        this.symbol = symbol;

    public int getPrecedence() {
        return precedence;

    public static boolean isOperator(char symbol, Operator operator) {
        return operator.symbol.indexOf(symbol) != -1;

That way,

valueOfOpr(str) == 0
valueOfOpr(opStack) != 5

would become

!Operator.isOperator(str, Operator.NOT_AN_OPERATOR);
!Operator.isOperator(opStack, Operator.OPEN_BRACKET);


  • \$\begingroup\$ @kuporific: I'd recommend Operator.isOperator( str, Operator.NOT_AN_OPERATOR ) over using a get method. Typically get methods are not OO. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 11, 2013 at 16:22
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @DaveJarvis Thanks for the recommendation, I have edited the answer accordingly. isOperator produces a much cleaner solution (no more case/switch). \$\endgroup\$
    – kuporific
    Commented Jul 11, 2013 at 16:52

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