I have been learning Asymptote, which is a vector graphics programming language. In addition to its nice integration with LaTeX and friends, it is capable of generating 3D rendered artworks. For a semi-learning semi-research purpose, I'd like to generate some random points around a center point, called preMigrationCenter
such that their distribution vary in different radial ranges from that point. In particular, for two radial ranges [r1,r2]
and [r2,r3]
, if r1 < r2 < r3
, then the density of points spread in [r1,r2]
shall be higher than that of [r2,r3]
, with respect to some hyperparameter settings. The code below is the kernel of a very larger file which is the reason that some hyperparemeters, e.g., the overall size of the page, may seem larger than what it should be in this simplified case. Except the general stylistic comments on my code, I shall be grateful if one can share any optimization ideas on the random generation process of my code, say, the way I manage seed points, if possible.
General specifications:
TeX engine and unit size are set.
Moreover, using the code borrowed from here, absolute page size is set to alleviate any future scaling issues.
pair page_min = (0, 0);
pair page_max = (500, 250);
clip(box(page_min, page_max));
fixedscaling(page_min, page_max);
Here are the parameters to set a population for my points, radii, and the proportion of the sub-population associated with each radial range. Points base
and preMigrationCenter
are the reference point of the whole schematic and the center to define radii, respectively.
real totalRadius = 150;
real mostInnerRadius = totalRadius*0.1;
real innerRadius = totalRadius*0.2;
real outerRadius = totalRadius*0.3;
real mostOuterRadius = totalRadius*0.4;
real mostInnerPopulation = 30;
real innerPopulation = 25;
real outerPopulation = 20;
real mostOuterPopulation = 15;
pair base = (0,0);
pair preMigrationCenter = (150, 125);
Utility functions:
Each point has three properties, collectively known as configuration, all of which have to be set in a random manner, including its coordinate components and its orientation. The function below, given a radial range [lowerBound, upperBound]
, uses randunit()
function of Asymptote. unitrand()
returns a random number sampled from a uniform distribution whose range is [0,1]
. The output of this function is the radius component of the polar coordinate of the desired random point.
real getRandomRadius(real lowerBound, real upperBound, int i)
real randomRadius = (upperBound - lowerBound)*unitrand() + lowerBound;
return randomRadius;
The angle component of the desired point is computed by
real getRandomTheta(int i)
real randomTheta = 360*unitrand();
return randomTheta;
The code below randomly generates an orientation for the point, transforms its coordinate to a Cartesian frame, and returns a packaged configuration. (A point obviously has no orientation but, as one sees later, each point hosts a png image which is not symmetric, thereby requiring a specified orientation.)
real[] computeConfiguration(pair migrationCenter, real randomRadius, real randomTheta, int i)
real xCoord = migrationCenter.x + randomRadius*Cos(randomTheta);
real yCoord = migrationCenter.y + randomRadius*Sin(randomTheta);
real orientation = unitrand()*360;
real[] configuration = {xCoord, yCoord, orientation};
return configuration;
Here is a plotter. The image shape is first scaled, and then rotated according to the orientation of its configuration.
void plot(real[] configuration)
label(rotate(configuration[2], base)*graphic("shape.png","scale=0.03"), (configuration[0], configuration[1]));
Finally, the wrapper below manages the whole process for a given radial range.
void process(pair migrationCenter, real marginalPopulation, real smallerRadius, real largerRadius)
for (int i = 1; i < marginalPopulation + 1; ++i)
real randomRadius = getRandomRadius(smallerRadius, largerRadius, i);
real randomTheta = getRandomTheta(i);
real[] configuration = computeConfiguration(migrationCenter, randomRadius, randomTheta, i);
In the end, we call as many process({arguments})
functions as the number of radial ranges. sleep()
functions are embedded to assure that the seed points generated by srand
functions are different.
path preMostOuterCircle = circle(preMigrationCenter, mostOuterRadius);
draw(preMostOuterCircle, red+dashed);
process(preMigrationCenter, mostInnerPopulation, 0, mostInnerRadius);
process(preMigrationCenter, innerPopulation, mostInnerRadius, innerRadius);
process(preMigrationCenter, outerPopulation, innerRadius, outerRadius);
process(preMigrationCenter, mostOuterPopulation, outerRadius, mostOuterRadius);
Gluing all snippets above together in <file_name>.asy
/////////////////////////// General specifications /////////////////////////
pair page_min = (0, 0);
pair page_max = (500, 250);
clip(box(page_min, page_max));
fixedscaling(page_min, page_max);
///////////////////////////// Hyperparameters /////////////////////////////
real totalRadius = 150;
real mostInnerRadius = totalRadius*0.1;
real innerRadius = totalRadius*0.2;
real outerRadius = totalRadius*0.3;
real mostOuterRadius = totalRadius*0.4;
real mostInnerPopulation = 30;
real innerPopulation = 25;
real outerPopulation = 20;
real mostOuterPopulation = 15;
pair base = (0,0);
pair preMigrationCenter = (150, 125);
//////////////////////////// Utility functions ///////////////////////////
real getRandomRadius(real lowerBound, real upperBound, int i)
real randomRadius = (upperBound - lowerBound)*unitrand() + lowerBound;
return randomRadius;
real getRandomTheta(int i)
real randomTheta = 360*unitrand();
return randomTheta;
real[] computeConfiguration(pair migrationCenter, real randomRadius, real randomTheta, int i)
real xCoord = migrationCenter.x + randomRadius*Cos(randomTheta);
real yCoord = migrationCenter.y + randomRadius*Sin(randomTheta);
real orientation = unitrand()*360;
real[] configuration = {xCoord, yCoord, orientation};
return configuration;
void plot(real[] configuration)
label(rotate(configuration[2], base)*graphic("ant.png","scale=0.03"), (configuration[0], configuration[1]));
void process(pair migrationCenter, real marginalPopulation, real smallerRadius, real largerRadius)
for (int i = 1; i < marginalPopulation + 1; ++i)
real randomRadius = getRandomRadius(smallerRadius, largerRadius, i);
real randomTheta = getRandomTheta(i);
real[] configuration = computeConfiguration(migrationCenter, randomRadius, randomTheta, i);
/////////////////////////////// Operations ///////////////////////////////
path preMostOuterCircle = circle(preMigrationCenter, mostOuterRadius);
draw(preMostOuterCircle, red+dashed);
process(preMigrationCenter, mostInnerPopulation, 0, mostInnerRadius);
process(preMigrationCenter, innerPopulation, mostInnerRadius, innerRadius);
process(preMigrationCenter, outerPopulation, innerRadius, outerRadius);
process(preMigrationCenter, mostOuterPopulation, outerRadius, mostOuterRadius);
one may execute
asy.exe -f pdf <file_name>.asy
to get something like
Any comments on the code quality, readibility, and performance, especially the way I have managed the random generations using multiple srand()
calls, is appreciated.