I wrote this tiny script to pull the JSON feed from the CitiBike website:
import requests
import time
def executeCiti():
r = requests.get("http://citibikenyc.com/stations/json")
print r.json()
while True:
Then I just run the script in terminal and output it to a .txt file like so: python citi_bike.py > output.txt
The end goal of what I would like by the end of this exercise is well formatted JSON data (with only select few of the pairs from each request), separated by each request. I want it to be manageable so I can create visualizations from it.
Is this an okay way to start what I'm trying to accomplish?
Is there a better way to begin, so that the data came out like I want it as my end goal? In regards to this question, I feel like I have already started taking a very roundabout way to getting to a cleaned up data set, even though this is only the first step.