I wrote my own hash function and my own hash table.
My hash function seems to work surprisingly well!
Feel free to comment anything!
Hash function:
#include <bit>
#include <common.h>
namespace frozenca::hard {
using namespace std;
template <size_t a> struct HashBase {
constexpr size_t operator()(size_t k) const {
return 2 * k * k + a * k;
template <size_t a, size_t r> struct HashF {
constexpr size_t operator()(size_t k) const {
if constexpr (r > 0) {
return HashF<a, r - 1>{}(k);
} else {
return HashBase<a>{}(k);
template <Scalar T, size_t a = 123UL, size_t r = 4UL>
struct Hash {
constexpr size_t operator()(const T& key) const {
if constexpr (sizeof(T) == sizeof(size_t)) {
return HashF<a + 128, r>{}(bit_cast<size_t>(key));
} else if constexpr (sizeof(T) == sizeof(uint8_t)) {
return HashF<a + 16, r>{}(static_cast<size_t>(bit_cast<uint8_t>(key)));
} else if constexpr (sizeof(T) == sizeof(uint16_t)) {
return HashF<a + 32, r>{}(static_cast<size_t>(bit_cast<uint16_t>(key)));
} else if constexpr (sizeof(T) == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
return HashF<a + 64, r>{}(static_cast<size_t>(bit_cast<uint32_t>(key)));
} else {
[]<bool flag = false>() {
static_assert(flag, "Not supported sizeof(T)");
} // namespace frozenca::hard
#endif //__CLRS4_HASH_FUNCTION_H__
Hash table:
#ifndef __CLRS4_HASH_TABLE_H__
#define __CLRS4_HASH_TABLE_H__
#include <bit>
#include <common.h>
#include <hashfunction.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <linkedlist.h>
#include <vector>
namespace frozenca::hard {
using namespace std;
namespace detail {
template <Containable K, typename V, typename Hasher, bool AllowDup>
requires Hashable<Hasher, K>
class HashTable {
// invariant: V is either K or pair<const K, Value> for some Value type.
static constexpr bool is_set_ = is_same_v<K, V>;
using Node = ListNode<V>;
LinkedList<V> values_;
// invariant: K cannot be mutated
// so if V is K, ListIter is const iterator.
// if V is pair<const K, value>, ListIter is non-const iterator (but only
// value can be mutated)
using ListIter = ListIterator<V, is_set_>;
// invariant: buckets_.size() == 0 or must be a power of 2
// each "bucket" is a pair of two ListIter [begin, end)
// invariant: begin <= end, and all iterators between begin and end
// points to elements with the same hash value, with keys in sorted order.
using Buckets = vector<ListIter>;
Buckets buckets_;
// invariant: buckets.size() == 0 or bucket_mask_ == buckets_.size() - 1
size_t bucket_mask_ = 0;
static constexpr size_t growth_factor_early_ = 4UL;
static constexpr size_t growth_factor_ = 2UL;
// ideally, this should be equal to half of the initial nonempty capacity of std::vector...
static constexpr size_t initial_nonempty_bucket_count_ = 8UL;
static constexpr size_t bucket_count_threshold_ = 128UL;
static constexpr float max_load_factor_ = 1.0f;
struct KeyProj {
K operator()(const V &value) const noexcept {
if constexpr (is_set_) {
return value;
} else {
return value.first;
size_t get_hash(const K &key) const noexcept { return Hasher{}(key); }
size_t bucket_from_key(const K &key) const noexcept {
return get_hash(key) & bucket_mask_;
size_t bucket(const V &value) const noexcept {
return bucket_from_key(KeyProj{}(value));
using key_type = K;
using value_type = V;
using reference_type = V &;
using const_reference_type = const V &;
using iterator_type = ListIter;
using const_iterator_type = ListIterator<V, true>;
// hash tables have no reverse iterators!
HashTable() = default;
~HashTable() = default;
void clone_buckets(const Buckets &other_buckets) {
// clone bucket iterator pairs one by one
// precondition: values_ are already cloned
auto this_bucket_curr = values_.begin();
for (size_t i = 0; i < other_buckets.size(); i += 2) {
auto this_bucket_begin = this_bucket_curr;
auto other_bucket_curr = other_buckets[i];
while (other_bucket_curr != other_buckets[i + 1]) {
auto this_bucket_end = this_bucket_curr;
assert(this_bucket_curr == values_.end());
HashTable(const HashTable &other) : values_{other.values_} {
HashTable &operator=(const HashTable &other) {
values_ = other.values_;
return *this;
HashTable(HashTable &&other) noexcept = default;
HashTable &operator=(HashTable &&other) noexcept = default;
[[nodiscard]] iterator_type begin() noexcept {
return iterator_type(values_.begin());
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator_type begin() const noexcept {
return const_iterator_type(values_.begin());
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator_type cbegin() const noexcept {
return const_iterator_type(values_.cbegin());
[[nodiscard]] iterator_type end() noexcept {
return iterator_type(values_.end());
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator_type end() const noexcept {
return const_iterator_type(values_.end());
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator_type cend() const noexcept {
return const_iterator_type(values_.end());
[[nodiscard]] bool empty() const noexcept { return values_.empty(); }
[[nodiscard]] ptrdiff_t size() const noexcept { return values_.size(); }
void clear() noexcept {
bucket_mask_ = 0;
size_t bucket_count() const noexcept { return (buckets_.size() >> 1); }
float load_factor() const noexcept {
if (empty()) {
return 0.0f;
return static_cast<float>(size()) / static_cast<float>(buckets_.size());
float max_load_factor() const noexcept { return max_load_factor_; }
[[nodiscard]] pair<bool, size_t> need_rehash() const noexcept {
if (buckets_.empty()) {
return {true, initial_nonempty_bucket_count_};
} else {
float next_load_factor =
static_cast<float>(size() + 1) / static_cast<float>(bucket_count());
if (next_load_factor >= max_load_factor_) {
if (bucket_count() < bucket_count_threshold_) {
return {true, bucket_count() * growth_factor_early_};
} else {
return {true, bucket_count() * growth_factor_};
} else {
return {false, 0};
void rehash(size_t next_bucket_size) {
buckets_.assign(next_bucket_size << 1, end());
bucket_mask_ = next_bucket_size - 1;
auto curr_it = begin();
auto end_it = end();
while (curr_it != end_it) {
auto value = *curr_it;
auto bucket_index = bucket(value);
auto next_it = next(curr_it);
auto &lo = buckets_[(bucket_index << 1)];
auto &hi = buckets_[(bucket_index << 1) + 1];
if (lo == hi) {
assert(lo == end() && hi == end());
lo = curr_it;
hi = next_it;
curr_it = next_it;
// insertion point
auto it = ranges::lower_bound(lo, hi, value, less<K>{}, KeyProj{});
assert(it != next_it);
if (it == curr_it) {
assert(it == hi && hi != end());
} else if (it == lo) {
assert(it != begin());
auto &prev_hi = buckets_[(bucket(*prev(it)) << 1) + 1];
assert(prev_hi == lo);
values_.splice(it, curr_it, next_it);
lo = curr_it;
prev_hi = lo;
} else {
assert(hi != end());
auto &next_hi = buckets_[(bucket(*hi) << 1) + 1];
if (next_hi == curr_it) {
values_.splice(it, curr_it, next_it);
curr_it = next_it;
iterator_type find_key_in_bucket(size_t bucket_index,
const K &key) const noexcept {
auto value = [&]() {
if constexpr (is_set_) {
return key;
} else {
return V{key, key};
return find_in_bucket(bucket_index, value());
iterator_type find_in_bucket(size_t bucket_index,
const V &value) const noexcept {
auto lo = buckets_[bucket_index << 1];
auto hi = buckets_[(bucket_index << 1) + 1];
auto it = ranges::lower_bound(lo, hi, value, less<K>{}, KeyProj{});
if (it == hi || (value != *it)) {
return end();
} else {
return it;
size_t erase_key_from_bucket(size_t bucket_index, const K &key) {
auto lo = buckets_[bucket_index << 1];
auto hi = buckets_[(bucket_index << 1) + 1];
auto value = [&]() {
if constexpr (is_set_) {
return key;
} else {
return V{key, key};
auto it = ranges::lower_bound(lo, hi, value(), less<K>{}, KeyProj{});
if (it == hi || (value() != *it)) {
return 0;
} else {
erase_from_bucket(bucket_index, it);
return 1;
iterator_type erase_from_bucket(size_t bucket_index, iterator_type iter) {
auto &lo = buckets_[bucket_index << 1];
if (iter == lo) {
if (iter != begin()) {
auto prev_bucket = bucket(*prev(iter));
auto &prev_lo = buckets_[prev_bucket << 1];
auto &prev_hi = buckets_[(prev_bucket << 1) + 1];
if (iter == prev_hi) {
if (iter == prev_lo) {
return values_.erase(iter);
iterator_type find(const V &value) {
return find_in_bucket(bucket(value), value);
const_iterator_type find(const V &value) const {
return const_iterator_type(find_in_bucket(bucket(value), value));
[[nodiscard]] bool contains(const K &key) const noexcept {
return find_key_in_bucket(bucket_from_key(key), key) != end();
conditional_t<AllowDup, iterator_type, pair<iterator_type, bool>>
insert(const V &value) {
auto [to_rehash, next_buckets_size] = need_rehash();
if (to_rehash) {
// find insertion point
auto bucket_index = bucket(value);
auto &lo = buckets_[bucket_index << 1];
auto &hi = buckets_[(bucket_index << 1) + 1];
if (lo == hi) { // empty bucket
lo = begin();
hi = next(lo);
if constexpr (AllowDup) {
return lo;
} else {
return {lo, true};
} else {
auto it = ranges::lower_bound(lo, hi, value, less<K>{}, KeyProj{});
if constexpr (!AllowDup) {
if (it != hi && KeyProj{}(*it) == KeyProj{}(value)) {
return {it, false};
auto it_old = it;
auto &prev_hi = (it_old != begin()) ? buckets_[(bucket(*prev(it_old)) << 1) + 1] : hi;
it = values_.insert(it, value);
if (lo == it_old) {
lo = it;
if (prev_hi != hi && prev_hi == it_old) {
prev_hi = it;
if constexpr (AllowDup) {
return it;
} else {
return {it, true};
iterator_type erase(iterator_type iter) {
if (iter == end()) {
throw invalid_argument("attempt to erase end()");
return erase_from_bucket(bucket(*iter), iter);
size_t erase(const K &key) {
auto bucket_index = bucket_from_key(key);
if constexpr (AllowDup) {
return erase_key_from_bucket(bucket_index, key);
} else {
// TODO: for HashMultiSet and HashMultiMap, optimize erase elements with
// the same keys by implementing range erase...
size_t erased = 0;
while (erase_key_from_bucket(bucket_index, key)) {
return erased;
} // namespace detail
template <Containable K, typename Hasher = Hash<K>>
using HashSet = detail::HashTable<K, K, Hasher, false>;
template <Containable K, typename Hasher = Hash<K>>
using HashMultiSet = detail::HashTable<K, K, Hasher, true>;
template <Containable K, Containable V, typename Hasher = Hash<K>>
using HashMap = detail::HashTable<K, pair<const K, V>, Hasher, false>;
template <Containable K, Containable V, typename Hasher = Hash<K>>
using HashMultiMap = detail::HashTable<K, pair<const K, V>, Hasher, true>;
} // namespace frozenca::hard
#endif //__CLRS4_HASH_TABLE_H__
Benchmark and test code:
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
#include <hashtable.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <numeric>
#include <random>
#include <ranges>
#include <test.h>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <util.h>
#include <vector>
namespace fc = frozenca;
using namespace std;
template <typename HashTableType> void hash_table_test(bool warmup = false) {
constexpr int max_n = 100'000;
constexpr int max_trials = 500;
mt19937 gen(random_device{}());
vector<float> durations_insert;
vector<float> durations_find;
vector<float> durations_erase;
vector<int> v(max_n);
iota(v.begin(), v.end(), 0);
for (int t = 0; t < max_trials; ++t) {
HashTableType h;
float duration = 0.0f;
ranges::shuffle(v, gen);
for (auto num : v) {
auto start = chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto end = chrono::steady_clock::now();
duration +=
chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<float, micro>>(end - start)
duration = 0.0f;
ranges::shuffle(v, gen);
for (auto num : v) {
auto start = chrono::steady_clock::now();
if (!h.contains(num)) {
cout << "Verification fail!\n";
auto end = chrono::steady_clock::now();
duration +=
chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<float, micro>>(end - start)
duration = 0.0f;
ranges::shuffle(v, gen);
for (auto num : v) {
auto start = chrono::steady_clock::now();
if (!h.erase(num)) {
cout << "Verification fail!\n";
auto end = chrono::steady_clock::now();
duration +=
chrono::duration_cast<chrono::duration<float, micro>>(end - start)
if (!warmup) {
auto stat = fc::get_statistics(durations_insert);
fc::log("Time to insert {:6} elements:\n"
"Average : {:10.4f} us,\n"
"Stdev : {:10.4f} us,\n"
"95% : {:10.4f} us,\n"
"99% : {:10.4f} us,\n"
"99.9% : {:10.4f} us,\n",
fc::log_level::all, max_n, stat.average, stat.stdev,
stat.percentile_95, stat.percentile_99, stat.percentile_999);
auto stat = fc::get_statistics(durations_find);
fc::log("Time to find {:6} elements:\n"
"Average : {:10.4f} us,\n"
"Stdev : {:10.4f} us,\n"
"95% : {:10.4f} us,\n"
"99% : {:10.4f} us,\n"
"99.9% : {:10.4f} us,\n",
fc::log_level::all, max_n, stat.average, stat.stdev,
stat.percentile_95, stat.percentile_99, stat.percentile_999);
auto stat = fc::get_statistics(durations_erase);
fc::log("Time to erase {:6} elements:\n"
"Average : {:10.4f} us,\n"
"Stdev : {:10.4f} us,\n"
"95% : {:10.4f} us,\n"
"99% : {:10.4f} us,\n"
"99.9% : {:10.4f} us,\n",
fc::log_level::all, max_n, stat.average, stat.stdev,
stat.percentile_95, stat.percentile_99, stat.percentile_999);
int main() {
cout << "Hash table demo\n";
hash_table_test<unordered_set<int>>(true); // warm up for benchmarking
cout << "Warming up complete...\n";
cout << "frozenca::hard::HashSet<int, std::hash<int>> test\n";
hash_table_test<fc::hard::HashSet<int, hash<int>>>();
cout << "frozenca::hard::HashSet<int, frozenca::hard::Hash<int>> test\n";
cout << "std::unordered_set<int, std::hash<int>> test\n";
cout << "std::unordered_set<int, frozenca::hard::Hash<int>> test\n";
hash_table_test<unordered_set<int, fc::hard::Hash<int>>>();
Benchmark result: (vs MSVC 19.30, maximum optimization)
Hash table demo
Warming up complete...
frozenca::hard::HashSet<int, std::hash<int>> test
Time to insert 100000 elements:
Average : 11129.9814 us,
Stdev : 745.3386 us,
95% : 12301.9766 us,
99% : 14613.7832 us,
99.9% : 18612.5625 us,
Time to find 100000 elements:
Average : 7542.9609 us,
Stdev : 990.0515 us,
95% : 9194.5889 us,
99% : 11024.5322 us,
99.9% : 15658.9160 us,
Time to erase 100000 elements:
Average : 11663.7646 us,
Stdev : 1049.9095 us,
95% : 13522.2344 us,
99% : 16001.2617 us,
99.9% : 20226.8809 us,
frozenca::hard::HashSet<int, frozenca::hard::Hash<int>> test
Time to insert 100000 elements:
Average : 9270.6504 us,
Stdev : 688.8071 us,
95% : 9912.7852 us,
99% : 13038.1484 us,
99.9% : 18303.8477 us,
Time to find 100000 elements:
Average : 5941.1533 us,
Stdev : 1220.2374 us,
95% : 7597.7178 us,
99% : 11102.8945 us,
99.9% : 18782.1172 us,
Time to erase 100000 elements:
Average : 10355.5000 us,
Stdev : 1355.5795 us,
95% : 12458.6602 us,
99% : 15833.0244 us,
99.9% : 24981.8047 us,
std::unordered_set<int, std::hash<int>> test
Time to insert 100000 elements:
Average : 10443.4482 us,
Stdev : 1285.1492 us,
95% : 13116.2832 us,
99% : 16005.8037 us,
99.9% : 21033.7227 us,
Time to find 100000 elements:
Average : 7984.1167 us,
Stdev : 2493.9968 us,
95% : 13577.6309 us,
99% : 16972.2930 us,
99.9% : 20642.2012 us,
Time to erase 100000 elements:
Average : 10173.2090 us,
Stdev : 2162.7844 us,
95% : 14685.8486 us,
99% : 19353.5996 us,
99.9% : 24877.8906 us,
std::unordered_set<int, frozenca::hard::Hash<int>> test
Time to insert 100000 elements:
Average : 9688.3926 us,
Stdev : 1292.5687 us,
95% : 12687.8008 us,
99% : 15429.7432 us,
99.9% : 16860.0723 us,
Time to find 100000 elements:
Average : 7054.4985 us,
Stdev : 2604.7942 us,
95% : 12619.9922 us,
99% : 19328.2285 us,
99.9% : 20225.8516 us,
Time to erase 100000 elements:
Average : 9490.4697 us,
Stdev : 2436.9521 us,
95% : 14996.3457 us,
99% : 20023.6582 us,
99.9% : 22787.5410 us,
, my hash function is considerably better thanstd::hash<int>
.Comparing with
, my hash table has roughly similar level of performance in inserting elements. Lookup was much faster, but erasing was slower.
Few TODOs:
operation forHashMultiSet
function for other types (likestd::basic_string
, etc)
is completely wrong.. This just should callrehash(other.bucket_count())
. \$\endgroup\$