I have a c++ project written as a Matlab Mex program that is constructing an image composed of IxJ pixels. Each pixel value is calculated by finding the contributions to that pixel from all the channels (columns) in a KxL RF data matrix. The exact value of the row index 'k' of a given column 'l' that contributes to the pixel (i,j) can be a fractional value, so I need to interpolate between values in the RF data matrix. For each pixel (i,j), I calculate the row indices across all columns L that contribute to that pixel, interpolate and extract the corresponding values from the RF data matrix, sum them and store them at (i,j). Here are the code chunks that accomplish this:
Main Loop:
for(int i = 0; i < p.na; i++) {
Recon += hilbert(p,reconFrame,p1,p2);
bfm method:
void bfm(const Parameters& p, int& idx, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXd> bfFrame,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix<short int, -1, -1>>& SIG) {
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < p.nPoints; i++) {
Eigen::VectorXd idxt(p.numEl);
int col = i / p.szZ;
int row = i % p.szZ;
calcIDXT(p,p.xCoord(col),p.zCoord(row),idx,idxt);// Calculate delay indices
CalcIDXT method:
void calcIDXT(const Parameters& p, const double& XPSF, const double& ZPSF,
const int& idx, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> idxt) {
double dTX = ( (sgn(-p.TXangle(idx))*p.L/2 - XPSF)*sin(-p.TXangle(idx)) + ZPSF*cos(p.TXangle(idx)))*p.fs/p.c + p.t0*p.fs;
idxt = ( (XPSF - p.ElemPos.array()).square() + ZPSF*ZPSF ).sqrt()*p.fs/p.c + dTX - 1;
idxt = ((abs(XPSF-p.ElemPos.array()) <= ZPSF*0.5/p.fnumber) && (idxt.array() <= (p.szRFframe - 2)) ).select(idxt,0.0);
CalcPoint method:
void calcPoint(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& idxt,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix<short int, -1, -1>>& SIG,
double& bfVal) {
for (int j = 0; j < idxt.size(); j++) {
bfVal += computePoint(idxt.data()+j,SIG.col(j).data());
ComputePoint Method:
// pIndex: pointer to the current idxt value.
// pSignsColumn: pointer to the first element in the column of SIG
inline double computePoint( const double* pIndex, const int16_t* pSignsColumn)//, const double* validIDX )
// Load the index value into both lanes of the vector
__m128d idx = _mm_loaddup_pd( pIndex );
// Convert into int32 with truncation; this assumes the number there ain't negative.
const int iFloor = _mm_cvttsd_si32( idx );
// Compute fractional part
idx = _mm_sub_pd( idx, _mm_floor_pd( idx ) );
// Compute interpolation coefficients, they are [ 1.0 - idx, idx ]
// _mm_set_sd copies 1.0 to lower half and zero to upper half
// _mm_addsub_pd(a,b) subtracts lower half of b from a and adds upper half of b to a
idx = _mm_addsub_pd( _mm_set_sd( 1.0 ), idx );
#define _mm_loadu_si32(p) _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int*)(p))
// Load two int16_t values from sequential addresses
const __m128i signsInt = _mm_loadu_si32( pSignsColumn + iFloor );
// Upcast them to int32, then to fp64
const __m128d signs = _mm_cvtepi32_pd( _mm_cvtepi16_epi32( signsInt ) );
// Load validation index into vector
// __m128d vIdx = _mm_loaddup_pd( validIDX );
// Compute the result
// __m128d res = _mm_mul_pd( idx, signs );
// res = _mm_add_sd( res, _mm_unpackhi_pd( res, res ) );
// The above 2 lines (3 instructions) can be replaced with the following one:
const __m128d res = _mm_dp_pd( idx, signs, 0b110001 );
// It may or may not be better, the dppd instruction is not particularly fast.
return _mm_cvtsd_f64( res );
The main loop calculates multiple images that correspond to different chunks of the RF (SIG) matrix. CalcIDXT calculates the row indices for each channel or column of the RF matrix that correspond to a given point while calcPoint serves as a wrapper for the SIMD intrinsic instructions and iterates through each channel of data. The SIMD method actually performs the interpolation (linear interpolation in this case). There is a hilbert transform of all the data that uses the fftw library.
I'm looking for feedback on best practices and performance here. To give you some idea of the current performance I'm seeing, I used the c++ chrono library to measure the execution time of various chunks of my code. Here are the results:
Parameter initialization: 0.3419
RF Data initialization: 22.7536
bfm total runtime over all loop iterations: 349.5448
Hilbert total runtime over all loop iterations: 45.8686
Sum of above numbers: 418.5088
Total runtime of mex function according to tic/toc in matlab: 423.7401
These are averaged over 100 runs and units are in milliseconds. In this test case, the main loop has 15 iterations so each call to hilbert and bfm are the above values divided by 15. I believe I should be able to do better than this, particularly in the calls to bfm. I suspect I should be able to improve by a factor of 2 at least since a commercial software that performs a similar function is about a factor of 2 faster.