I have a form in Laravel that goes over several templates (Blade files). For each template I am implementing simple conditional logic to show and hide groups of questions.
For the templates, I'm using HTML5 for efficient client-side validation. I wrote the Javascript below to show and hide fields using HTML attributes. The script is working great.
The example below responds to a yes/no question by exposing hidden sets of radio buttons. One set is for answering Yes, one is for No.
My question is, do I need to refactor this? Is there a more efficient way I should be writing this Javascript, or am I doing ok?
I'm using an event listener so that clicks can bubble up, understanding that this is most efficient. Since I have more than one page, I have more than one event listener, one for each template. Is there a better way to do that?
// "Purpose of Notification" Blade
document.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
// When yes or no is choosen
if (event.target.matches('#waiver30100byes')) {
// show the patient level group container
// and show 100 level for yes and make it required
document.getElementById("level1").required = true;
// hide and un-require the 30 level radio group
document.getElementById("patient-level-30").hidden = true;
document.getElementById("level3").required = false;
else if (event.target.matches('#waiver30100bno')) {
// show the patient level group
// and show 30 level for no and make it required
document.getElementById("level3").required = true;
//hide and un-required the 100 level radio group
document.getElementById("patient-level-100").hidden = true;
document.getElementById("level1").required = false;
}, false);