
Similar to C++ int_cast<> function for checked casts?, but C++20, and with target type deduced from context.

The goal is to implement a runtime check that the value being converted can be represented in the target type, and throw an exception if it can't.

This basically works for my use case, but I wonder if there's anything obvious I've missed.

Use as

std::uint32_t x = 0x40000000;
std::int32_t y = checked_cast(x);    // works
std::uint16_t z = checked_cast(x);   // throws


#pragma once

#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>

class bad_checked_cast : public std::logic_error
    bad_checked_cast() : std::logic_error("Bad checked_cast") { }

template<typename From>
struct checked_cast_result_proxy
    template<typename To>
    operator To() const
            return static_cast<To>(value);
            throw bad_checked_cast();

    From value;

template<typename From>
auto checked_cast(From value) -> checked_cast_result_proxy<From>
    return checked_cast_result_proxy<From> { value };

1 Answer 1


There's an argument (no pun intended!) that it's not an error in the program logic for the value to be out of the convertible range. I would suggest using std::domain_error as the base of bad_checked_cast.

We should constrain the template to reject types that std::in_range() doesn't accept:

#include <concepts>
template<typename From>
    requires std::integral<From>
struct checked_cast_result_proxy
    template<typename To>
       requires std::integral<To>
    operator To() const

std::in_range cannot be used with

enums (including std::byte), char, char8_t, char16_t, char32_t, wchar_t and bool.

That's harder to enforce, as there isn't a concept that expresses that restriction (and the library I'm using allows invocation, but than fails at a static_assert).

I found it useful to have a plain function interface to collapse the proxy object, for when there isn't a specific enough context to do so (e.g. passing into another template function that requires an arithmetic type):

template<typename To, typename From>
    requires std::integral<From> && std::integral<To>
static To checked_cast_to(From from) { return checked_cast(from); }

That enabled me to test throwing with this:

TEST(CheckedCast, success)
    const std::uint32_t x = 0x40000000;
    std::int32_t y = checked_cast(x);
    EXPECT_EQ(x, y);

TEST(CheckedCast, fail)
    const std::uint32_t x = 0x40000000;
    EXPECT_THROW(checked_cast_to<std::uint16_t>(x), std::exception);

You could consider generalising to make it work with other (non-integer) arithmetic types (e.g. floating and complex numbers). That might be a lot of work that's not useful for you, though.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Allowing the caller to manually specify the target-type is a good idea. But using a different name for that is so inconvenient. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 18, 2022 at 14:50

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