I've created a simple Snakes and Ladders game. The goal is improving my knowledge about OOP.There are some basic rules.
- I need to be able to move my token.
- The token starts in the square 1.
- If the token is on square 1 and is moved by 3 then the token is on square 4.
- A player can win the game.
- The first who reaches the square 100 is the winner.
- You can't over-square the board. If you do it your position will remain the same. (97 + 4 = 97)
- The moves are based on a roll dice between 1 and 6.
- The player rolls the dice, then moves the token.
Keeping all this in mind as I did.
Class CBoard.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Snakes_and_ladders
class CBoard
private int[] board;
List<CPlayer> players = new List<CPlayer>();
public int[] Board { get => board; }
public CBoard()
// A 100-cell board is created by default.
board = new int[100];
Array.Clear(board, 0, board.Length);
// Function to create Ladders and Snakes.Se changes the value
// of the array in the index [i-1] being i the key of the
// dictionary.the value that is saved in that index corresponds
// to the value of the board where the player moves in case of
// falling into said Index.
// Ex: Key => 2, Value => 10 implies that there is a ladder that
// goes from cell 1 to cell 9 of the board.
private void createSnakesOrLadders(Dictionary<int, int> dataDict)
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> data in dataDict)
board[data.Key - 1] = data.Value - 1;
// Default constructor overload
// Creates an A x L board by adding ladders and snakes.
public CBoard(int altura, int largo,
Dictionary<int, int> ladders = null, Dictionary<int, int> snakes = null)
// At a minimum, a 2x2 board is necessary.
if (altura < 2 || largo < 2)
throw new Exception("The height and length need to be at least greater than 1.");
// Initial size of the number of ladders and snakes on the board.
int ladderSize = 0;
int snakesSize = 0;
// If the board is not null, we save the actual number of ladders and snakes.
if (!(ladders is null))
ladderSize = ladders.Count;
if (!(snakes is null))
snakesSize = snakes.Count;
// We create the board, with values set to 0.
board = new int[altura * largo];
Array.Clear(board, 0, board.Length);
// If the total size of the number of ladders and snakes is less than half the board
// ladders and snakes are created on the board. If not, the exception is thrown.
if ((ladderSize * 2) + (snakesSize * 2) / 2 < board.Length)
if (!(ladders is null))
if (!(snakes is null))
throw new Exception("The total sum of Snakes and Ladders cannot exceed 50% of the board.");
Class CPlayer.cs
using System;
using System.Threading;
namespace Snakes_and_ladders
class CPlayer
int[] board;
private int position = 0;
private string nickName = null;
private int diceResult = 0;
private bool winner = false;
public int Position { get => position + 1; }
public int DiceResult { get => diceResult; }
public string NickName { get => nickName; }
public bool Winner { get => winner; }
public CPlayer(string nickName, CBoard board) {
this.nickName = nickName;
this.board = board.Board;
public void Roll()
// Wait 30 milliseconds to change the random seed.
Random rnd = new Random();
diceResult = rnd.Next(1, 7);
public void Move()
// Move the player N dice cells.
if (position + diceResult < board.Length)
if (board[position + diceResult] == 0)
position = position + diceResult;
position = board[diceResult + position];
if (position == board.Length - 1)
winner = true;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Snakes_and_ladders
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Ladders
Dictionary<int, int> ladderDicctionary = new Dictionary<int, int>()
{2, 38}, {7, 14}, {8, 31}, {16, 26}, {21, 42},
{28, 84}, {36, 44}, {51, 67}, {71, 91}, {78, 98}, {87, 94}
// Snakes
Dictionary<int, int> snakesDicctionary = new Dictionary<int, int>()
{15, 5}, {48, 10}, {45, 24}, {61, 18}, {63, 59},
{73, 52}, {88, 67}, {91, 87}, {94, 74}, {98, 79}
CBoard customBoard = new CBoard(10, 10, ladderDicctionary, snakesDicctionary);
// Board by default.
CBoard board = new CBoard();
List<CPlayer> players = new List<CPlayer>();
int n_players = 0;
Console.Write("Enter the number of players: ");
n_players = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if(n_players <= 1)
Console.WriteLine("The total of players need to be 2 or more.");
} while (n_players <= 1);
for(int i=1; i < n_players + 1; i++)
Console.Write("Enter the name for the player {0}: ", i);
string nickName = Console.ReadLine();
players.Add(new CPlayer(nickName, customBoard));
string pressed = "";
int count = 0;
if (count >= n_players)
count = 0;
CPlayer currentPlayer = players[count];
Console.WriteLine("It's the player {0}'s turn", currentPlayer.NickName);
Console.WriteLine("Press R to Roll the die or A to abort the game.");
pressed = Console.ReadLine();
if(pressed.Equals("R", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {
Console.WriteLine("Dice's result: {0} ", currentPlayer.DiceResult);
int previousPosition = currentPlayer.Position;
Console.WriteLine("You moved from cell [{0}] ====> to cell [{1}]", previousPosition, currentPlayer.Position);
if (currentPlayer.Winner)
Console.WriteLine("Player {0} won the game.", currentPlayer.NickName);
} while (!pressed.Equals("A", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
Based on the code, I'd like to know what I could improve, what mistakes I did, what advice you'd give me, in a nutshell: How could I improve the code and be better at OOP. Thanks!