EDIT: Changed title, few mistakes in code were resolved (now working properly)
The GUI I am trying to make will be a simple QTabWidget, leading a user straightforwardly towards the end tab by tab.
For now, I have three *.py files - main.py, tab1.py, tab2.py. In main.py is the main window of the app and function to run the app like this (simplified just to focus on my question):
import sys
import tab1
import tab2
import PyQt5.QtWidgets as qtw
def main():
app = qtw.QApplication(sys.argv)
window = MainWindow()
class MainWindow(qtw.QmainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.tabwidget = qtw.QTabWidget()
self.tab1 = tab1.Tab_1()
self.tab2 = tab2.Tab_2()
# This is how I now passing the information from tab1 to tab2
self.tabwidget.addTab(self.tab1, 'tab1')
self.tabwidget.addTab(self.tab2, 'tab2')
if __name__ == '__main__':
In the tab1.py is defined class for a tabwidget which will serve as an input data tab. There is a button to open filedialog, read filename, and write the path into QLineEdit widget:
import PyQt5.QtWidgets as qtw
class Tab_1(qtw.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.path_line = qtw.QLineEdit()
self.but = qtw.QPushButton('Open')
layout_1 = qtw.QVBoxLayout()
def openfile(self):
filename, _ = qtw.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Title', 'File types')
if filename:
self.path_line.setText('No file was selected!')
Now I want to in another file tab2.py use the path I got from qtw.OpenFileDialog. So the defined class Tab_2() looks like this:
import PyQt5.QtWidgets as qtw
class Tab_2(qtw.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
# Retrieving the information by QLabel widget
self.path_widget = qtw.QLabel()
# Transform the information into string variable
self.path_string = self.path_widget.text()
layout_2 = qtw.QVBoxLayout()
layout_2.addWidget(self.path_widget) # The path from QFileDialog (Tab1) should appered on Tab2
My question is, is this the proper way to do it? Should I use MainWindow class as a "getter" and "passer" of the information like that or should that be implemented in the tab classes themselves? It works but I do not want to learn to do something bad way and eventually get used to it. I understand classes and their inheritance to some point (a lot of examples of dog classes or employee classes that I understand how it works but in my case I am confused). In combination with GUI, it messing up my head. Also, I want to have each tab as a separate class in a separate *.py file to make it clear and easy to add another one in the future. I see, that it might not be the right way to uses classes but each tab will have a different layout.