I've recently started programming in C and as my first serious program I thought I'd create a simple calculator. To make it a bit more complex I decided not to use the functions included in math.h (like pow) but to create these functions by myself. Let me know if there is something I can do to improve this code.
double power(double x, double y, double r) // This function calculates the power and takes numer1, number2 and the results
r = 1; // We need to initialize the results otherwise we can't store the partial result on line 11
int c;
for (c = y; c > 0; c--) // putting c equal to y we can decrement c and obtain the precise number of operations needed to complete the power
int pow = y; // that's a bit tricky: we can't apply the modulus operand in line 12 because y is a double, so we must convert y in an int
r *= x; // this way result = 1 * number1, then number1 * number1, then number1 * number1 * number1 and so on
if ((x < 0) && (pow % 2 == 1)) /* If the first number is negative, and we calculate the power of this number to 2 or multiples, the number resulting will be negative
to obtain the correct result (positive) we must multiply the result to -1, if the previous conditions are met */
x *= -1;
printf("%0.1lf", r);
double root(double x, double y, double r)
int c;
if (x < 0)
puts("is impossible to calcultate the root of a negative number");
for (c = 1; c < x; c++)
int partRes = x;
partRes /= c;
if (partRes * partRes == x)
printf("The root of %0.1lf is: %0.1d\n", x, partRes);
int main()
double num1, num2, res;
char op;
puts("Input number, operator and number");
puts("operands permitted: + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), / (division), ^ (power), $ (square root)");
scanf("%lf %c %lf", &num1, &op, &num2);
if (op == '+')
res = num1 + num2;
printf("%0.1lf", res);
else if (op == '-')
res = num1 - num2;
printf("%0.1lf", res);
else if (op == '*')
res = num1 * num2;
printf("%0.1lf", res);
else if (op == '/')
res = num1 / num2;
printf("%0.1lf", res);
else if (op == '^')
power(num1, num2, res);
else if (op == '$')
root(num1, num2, res);
printf("error, use a valid operand");